(set: $test_mode to false)
(if: $initial_load is "loaded")[
(set: $previous_passage to $currentPassage)
(set: $currentPassage to (passage:)'s name)
(if: $ReturnFlag is "RETURNING")[
}<span id="title"><span id="making">Making</span> <span id="trouble">TROUBlE</span></span>
<span class="menu_items">(if: $CanResume is true)[<a class="menu_spacing" onClick="resumeGame();">RESUME GAME</a>
]<a class="menu_spacing" onClick="restart();">NEW GAME</a>
<a class="menu_spacing" onClick="goToPassage('Menu_Credits');">CREDITS</a>
<a class="menu_spacing" onClick="goToPassage('Menu_AboutTrouble');">ABOUT TROUBlE</a>
#brush-area { display: none; }
tw-story { margin: 0 auto 0 auto; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 0px; }
tw-passage { text-align: center; }
#title {
font-size: 90px;
margin-left: 20px;
#trouble {
font-family: Trouble2;
font-size: 100px;
.menu_spacing {
font-size: 55px;
background: black;
padding: 12px 24px;
margin-top: 50px;
color: white;
font-family: Trouble2;
#menu-side { background-image: url(./content/menu-side.png); }
tw-passage { text-align: left; }
.menu_items { position: relative; }
.menu_spacing { margin-bottom: 50px; }
}</span>(display: "menu_menu")
<div class="menu_frame"></div>{
(set: $selected_item to "")
function nextPage(){
var savePage = parseInt(getHarloweVariable("SavePage"), 10)+10;
function prevPage(){
var savePage = parseInt(getHarloweVariable("SavePage"), 10)-10;
function displayQuicksave() {
var quicksaveName = getQuicksave();
var ExportMode = geth("ExportMode");
var to_append = "<b>Quicksave:</b> ";
if(quicksaveName == "DELETED") to_append += "Empty";
else {
to_append += quicksaveName;
if(ExportMode) to_append += " <a id='loadquick' onclick='exportGame(this)' class='select-item'>Export</a>";
else to_append += " <a id='loadquick' onclick='loadQuicksave()' class='select-item'>Load</a> ";
to_append += "<br><span class='explain'>Press Ctrl-S during game.</span>";
to_append += " <br> ";
function displayAutosave() {
var autosaveName = getAutosave();
var ExportMode = geth("ExportMode");
if(autosaveName != "DELETED"){
var to_append = "<b>Autosave:</b> " + autosaveName;
if(ExportMode) to_append += " <a id='loadauto' onclick='exportGame(this)' class='select-item'>Export</a>";
else to_append += " <a id='loadauto' onclick='loadAutosave()' class='select-item'>Load</a> ";
to_append += " <br><br> ";
function displayExportMode() {
var ExportMode = geth("ExportMode");
var to_append = "<div style='position: fixed; left: 5px; bottom: 5px;'>Export Mode: ";
if(ExportMode) to_append += "<a id='export-text' onclick='toggleExport()' class='select-item'>ON</a> ";
else to_append += "<a id='export-text' onclick='toggleExport()' class='select-item'>OFF</a> ";
to_append += "</div>";
function toggleExport(e){
var ExportMode = geth("ExportMode");
if(ExportMode) seth("ExportMode",false);
else seth("ExportMode",true);
function refreshSaveDisplay(){
function displaySaves() {
var seaSaves = getSeaSaves();
var ExportMode = geth("ExportMode");
var min = parseInt(getHarloweVariable("SavePage"), 10);
var max = min + 10;
for (var i = min; i < max; i++) {
var to_append = "";
to_append += "<b>Slot "+i+":</b> ";
if(seaSaves[i] == "DELETED"){
to_append += "<i>Empty</i>";
var menuSave = getHarloweVariable("MenuSave");
if(ExportMode) to_append += " <input type='file' id='file"+i+"' name='importfile' onchange='importGame(event)' />";
else if(menuSave != "DELETED") to_append += " <a id='save"+i+"' onclick='saveGame(this)' class='select-item'>Save</a>";
to_append += seaSaves[i] + " <a id='load"+i+"' onclick='exportGame(this)' class='select-item'>Export</a> ";
to_append += seaSaves[i] + " <a id='load"+i+"' onclick='loadGame(this)' class='select-item'>Load</a> <a id='saveover"+i+"' onclick='saveoverGame(this)' class='select-item'>Save</a> <a id='delete"+i+"' onclick='deleteGame(this)' class='select-item'>Delete</a> <a id='confirmdelete"+i+"' onclick='confirmDeleteGame(this)' class='select-item' style='display: none; color: green;'>Confirm Delete</a> <a id='confirmsaveover"+i+"' onclick='confirmSaveOver(this)' class='select-item' style='display: none; color: green;'>Confirm Save</a> <a id='canceldelete"+i+"' onclick='cancelDeleteGame(this)' class='select-item' style='display: none; color: red;'>Cancel</a> ";
to_append += " <br><br> ";
var to_append = "";
if(min != 1) to_append += "<a onclick='prevPage()' class='select-item go_west'>Previous Page</a>";
if(min != 41) to_append += "<a onclick='nextPage()' class='select-item go_east'>Next Page</a>";
function saveGame(e){
var num = e.id.replace("save","");
replaceSaveWithMenuSave("Save "+num);
saveraw("Save "+num+"Inv",getraw("inv_commands"));
function loadGame(e){
var num = e.id.replace("load","");
saveraw("inv_commands",getraw("Save "+num+"Inv"));
loadgame("Save " + num);
function loadAutosave(){
function loadQuicksave(){
function exportGame(e){
var num = e.id.replace("load","");
var title = "Save " + num;
var exportTitle = "Export " + num;
if(num == "quick") title = "Quicksave";
if(num == "auto") title = "Autosave";
var display_title = localStorage.getItem(storagePrefix("Saved Game Filename") + title);
if(display_title.includes("-")) display_title = display_title.substring(display_title.indexOf("-")+1);
var data = localStorage.getItem(storagePrefix("Saved Game") + title);
function importGame(evt) {
var file = evt.target.files[0];
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (function(theFile) {
return function(e) {
var num = evt.target.id.replace("file","");
var slotTitle = "Save "+num;
var name = theFile.name.replace(".sav","");
try {
localStorage.setItem(storagePrefix("Saved Game") + slotTitle, decodeSave(e.target.result));
localStorage.setItem(storagePrefix("Saved Game Filename") + slotTitle, name);
localStorage.setItem("saveFlag", "save");
} catch (e) {
alert("error saving game");
function encodeSave(savecontent){
savecontent = [... savecontent ].map(char => encrypt(char,3)).join('');
savecontent = encodeURIComponent(savecontent);
return savecontent;
function decodeSave(savecontent){
savecontent = decodeURIComponent(savecontent);
savecontent = [... savecontent ].map(char => decrypt(char,3)).join('');
return savecontent;
function download(filename, text) {
var element = document.createElement('a');
element.setAttribute('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(text));
element.setAttribute('download', filename);
element.style.display = 'none';
function deleteGame(e){
var num = e.id.replace("delete","");
function saveoverGame(e){
var num = e.id.replace("saveover","");
function confirmDeleteGame(e){
var num = e.id.replace("confirmdelete","");
savegame("Save "+num,"DELETED");
function confirmSaveOver(e){
var num = e.id.replace("confirmsaveover","");
replaceSaveWithMenuSave("Save "+num);
saveraw("Save "+num+"Inv",getraw("inv_commands"));
function cancelDeleteGame(e){
var num = e.id.replace("canceldelete","");
var alphabet = [
function decrypt(char,shift) {
if (alphabet.includes(char))
var position = alphabet.indexOf(char);
var newPosition = (position - shift);
if(newPosition >= alphabet.length) newPosition = newPosition - alphabet.length;
if(newPosition < 0) newPosition = newPosition + alphabet.length;
return alphabet[newPosition]
else { return char }
function encrypt(char,shift) {
if (alphabet.includes(char))
var position = alphabet.indexOf(char);
var newPosition = (position + shift);
if(newPosition >= alphabet.length) newPosition = newPosition - alphabet.length;
if(newPosition < 0) newPosition = newPosition + alphabet.length;
return alphabet[newPosition]
else { return char }
<style> #speed-run-toggle {visibility: hidden; } </style>
(set: $display_resume to true)
(set: $trouble to 0)
(set: $energy to 50)
(set: $money to 5)
(set: $day_text to "SUNDAY")
(set: $art_project to "")
(set: $art_work to 0)
(set: $raffle_work to 0)
(set: $meme_count to 0)
(set: $politic_type to "")
(set: $politic_work to 0)
(set: $protested to false)
(set: $protested_today to false)
(set: $talked_sam to false)
(set: $talked_candace to false)
(set: $sign_candace to false)
(set: $blaine_post_seen to false)
(set: $blaine_donate_count to 0)
(set: $article_topic to "")
(set: $article_progress to 0)
(set: $craft_item to "")
(set: $saturday_time to "MORNING")
(set: $registered_to_vote to false)
}{<span id="footer-start"></span>
(click: ?return)[(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?returnBase)[(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: $basePassage)]
(click: ?refresh)[(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?next)[(set: $sequence to $sequence+1)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?skip)[(set: $sequence to $sequence+2)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?skip2)[(set: $sequence to $sequence+3)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?skip3)[(set: $sequence to $sequence+4)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?skip4)[(set: $sequence to $sequence+5)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?skip5)[(set: $sequence to $sequence+6)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?prev)[(set: $sequence to $sequence-1)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?prev_passage)[(go-to: $previous_passage)]
(click: ?returnFromSequence)[(set: $sequence to $returnSequence)(go-to: $basePassage)]
(click: ?returnMenu)[(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: "Menu")]
(click: ?earn)[(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: "Earn")]
(click: ?evening)[(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: "Evening")]
(click: ?day)[(set: $sequence to 0)
(if: $day_text is "SUNDAY")[(set: $day_text to "MONDAY")(set: $rest_text to "Order takeout.")
](elseif: $day_text is "MONDAY")[(set: $day_text to "TUESDAY")(set: $rest_text to "Take a bath.")
](elseif: $day_text is "TUESDAY")[(set: $day_text to "WEDNESDAY")(set: $rest_text to "Read a new book.")
](elseif: $day_text is "WEDNESDAY")[(set: $day_text to "THURSDAY")(set: $rest_text to "Play a video game.")
](elseif: $day_text is "THURSDAY")[(set: $day_text to "FRIDAY")(set: $rest_text to "Work on a craft project.")
](elseif: $day_text is "FRIDAY")[(set: $day_text to "SATURDAY")(set: $rest_text to "")
](go-to: $day_text)]
(if: $ColorBlind is true)[
.enchantment-link, tw-link, .visited, .select-item, a {
border: 1px solid blue
.enchantment-link:hover, tw-link:hover, .visited:hover, .select-item:hover, a:hover {
border: 1px solid blue
var ReturnFlag = getraw("ReturnFlag");
if(ReturnFlag == "RETURNING"){
var music = geth("PlayingMusic");
if(!isUndefined(music) && music != "" && music != null && music != 0) playMusic(music);
else musicFade("");
|returnMenu>[RETURN TO MENU]
''Writing'' by Abigail Corfman
''Code'' by Abigail Corfman
See more of Abigail's games at
<a href="http://www.abigailcorfman.com/" target="_blank">Her Website</a>
''Fonts'' and some ''Ideas'' provided courtesy of
<a href="https://troublemakers.org/" target="_blank">TroubleMakers for good</a>
''Brainstorming Help''
Cecily Hecate
David Coronado
Dimitri Avery
Elise McClary
Geoffrey Cabrera
Jo Kreil
Julia Krystosek
Julie Perrin
Laura Wallace
Liz White
Maggie Lee
Magnus Krystosek
Nick McMillen
Ori DeMartino
Renee Jakaitis Trafton
Sean Britcher
Severn Nelson
Thurs Thorn
''Name Donation''
Ally Page
Blaine Rineer
Caitlin O'Toole
Candace Larson Parks
Dimitri Avery
Liz White
Samson Weinberg
J Harrison
|returnMenu>[RETURN TO MENU]
#brush-area { display: none; }
tw-story { margin: 0px 500px 20px 90px; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 0px; }
tw-passage { text-align: center; }
#menu-side { background-image: url(./content/menu-side.png); }
tw-passage { text-align: left; }
var menuSave = getMenuSaveTitle();
if(menuSave == null) menuSave = "First Game";
goToPassage("second technology");
(set: $m_plan_stage to 0)
(go-to: $previous_passage){
(set: $ColorBlind to false)
(set: $SoundEffects to true)
(set: $Music to true)
(set: $CanResume to false)
}----Grey Option----
(if: "stick" is in $inventory)[|fish>[Use something narrow and long to fish it out.] ](else:)[|gray>[Use something narrow and long to fish it out.] (click: ?gray)[//I don't have anything like that.//] ]
(if: $m_m_light > 0)[|empower>[Destroy the net. (Costs 1 <span class='mm'>Light</span>)] ](else:)[|gray>[Destroy the net. (Costs 1 <span class='mm'>Light</span>)] (click: ?gray)[//I don't have any Light.//] ]
----Add To Inventory----
//Gained stick.//(set: $inventory to it + (datamap: "websail plan", (datamap: "description", "A plan for sewing a websail.","expanded",false)))
(set: $ship_parts to it + (datamap: "dream sail", (datamap: "description", "This sail shimmers, luminescent and rainbow. Light as mothwing. Durable as tungsten. This sail could take you over the rainbow and back.", "expanded", false, "type", "sail", "quality", "E","equipped", false)))
(set: $alchemy to it + (datamap: "Purity Potion", (datamap: "description", "A potion that purifies whatever it touches.", "expanded", false, "type", "potion", "name", "purity")))
----Remove From Inventory----
//Lost stick.//(move: $inventory's "stick" into $remove)
<span class='fire'>Fire</span>
<span class='mm'>$fg_red_1</span>
{(set: $mm_to_change to "light")
(set: $mm_value to 1)
(display: "update mm")}
(set: $health_change to -3)(display: "health change")
----Harlowe Settings----
var part_learned = getHarloweVariable("part_learned");
goToPassage("Travel - Deep Web");
----Get Whole Dream----
|assemble_dream>[I reassemble it.]{
(set: $dream_name to "true meaning")
(set: $memories's $dream_name's part1_found to true)
(set: $memories's $dream_name's part2_found to true)
(set: $memories's $dream_name's part3_found to true)
(set: $memories's $dream_name's part4_found to true)
(set: $return_passage to $currentPassage)
----Add Memories and Spells----
.empty() - empties a div
.attr(,) - gets or sets
.hover(function) - function on hover
document.getElementById("").style.(any style element)
(set: $initial_load to "loaded")
(set: $CanResume to false)
var CanResume = localStorage.getItem(storagePrefix("Saved Game") + "CanResume");
if(CanResume == "TRUE") setHarloweVariable("CanResume",true); else setHarloweVariable("CanResume",false);
(if: $sequence is 0)[
](elseif: $sequence is 1)[
](elseif: $sequence is 2)[
](elseif: $sequence is 3)[
](elseif: $sequence is 4)[
](elseif: $sequence is 5)[
](elseif: $sequence is 6)[
](elseif: $sequence is 7)[
](elseif: $sequence is 8)[
](elseif: $sequence is 9)[
](elseif: $sequence is 10)[
](elseif: $sequence is 11)[
](elseif: $sequence is 12)[
](elseif: $sequence is 13)[
](elseif: $sequence is 14)[
](elseif: $sequence is 15)[
](elseif: $sequence is 16)[
(click: ?place)[(set: $sequence to 1)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?tech)[(set: $sequence to 2)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
|spell>[Cast a spell.]
|mm>[Use a matter or motive.]
|item>[Use an item.]
(click: ?spell)[(set: $sequence to 1)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?mm)[(set: $sequence to 1)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?item)[(set: $sequence to 1)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
What spell should I cast?
(display: "Cast Spell In Place")
|return>[Do something else.]
(if: $casting_spell is "SalveMundi")[
](elseif: $casting_spell is "Rezrov")[
](elseif: $casting_spell is "Strength")[
](elseif: $casting_spell is "Pain")[
](elseif: $casting_spell is "Freeze")[
](elseif: $casting_spell is "Pitput")[
](elseif: $casting_spell is "Charm Cat")[
](elseif: $casting_spell is "Power Word Brownie")[
](elseif: $casting_spell is "Textilekinesis")[
](elseif: $casting_spell is "Unbabble")[
](elseif: $casting_spell is "Dream" or $casting_spell is "Nightmare")[(display: "Dreams and Nightmares")
|prev>[Try another spell.]
](elseif: $casting_spell is "Omini")[<span class='prophesy'><span class="txt anim-text-flow"></span>
<span class="txt anim-text-flow"></span>
<span class="txt anim-text-flow"></span>
|prev>[Try another spell.]
](else:)[I don't think that spell would help here.
|prev>[Try another spell.]
|return>[Stop casting magic.] ](set: $casting_spell to "")
(if: $selected_dream is "Swimming through clouds.")[
](elseif: $selected_dream is "Eating Mangoes.")[
](elseif: $selected_dream is "Kissing.")[
](elseif: $selected_dream is "Exploring a clockwork castle.")[
](elseif: $selected_dream is "You are warm and safe, surrounded by love.")[
](elseif: $selected_dream is "You've discovered the secret truth of the universe.")[
](elseif: $selected_dream is "Napping in a perfect sunbeam.")[
](elseif: $selected_dream is "Riding with an army of dogs to see the aurora borealis in every galaxy.")[
](elseif: $selected_dream is "Your teeth are falling out.")[
](elseif: $selected_dream is "Falling.")[
](elseif: $selected_dream is "Late to school, unprepared for an exam, and naked.")[
](elseif: $selected_dream is "Paralyzed while a shadowperson climbs through the window.")[
](elseif: $selected_dream is "Buried alive.")[
](elseif: $selected_dream is "You've let everyone down.")[
](elseif: $selected_dream is "Can't find something that you desperately need.")[
](elseif: $selected_dream is "Slowly dying while trying to hide your injuries from your friends so they don't get angry with you.")[
|prev>[Try another dream.]
|return>[Stop casting magic.]
<span class="center-text">What Matter or Motive should I use?</span>
(display: "Use MM In Place")
|coffee>[Do something else.]
(if: $using_element is "dark")[(set: $cost to 8)(display: "Confirm Cost")
](elseif: $using_element is "dark_yes")[
](elseif: $using_element is "light")[
{(set: $mm_to_change to "light")
(set: $mm_value to -1)
(display: "update mm")}
](elseif: $using_element is "fire")[
](elseif: $using_element is "water")[
](elseif: $using_element is "air")[
](elseif: $using_element is "earth")[
](elseif: $using_element is "love")[
](elseif: $using_element is "fear")[
](elseif: $using_element is "order")[
](elseif: $using_element is "chaos")[
](elseif: $using_element is "life")[
](elseif: $using_element is "death")[
](else:)[I don't think that would help here.
|prev>[Try another element.]
|return>[Do something else.]
What item should I use?
(display: "Inv In Place")
|return>[Do something else.]
(if: $selected_item is "")[
](else:)[I don't think that item would help.
|prev>[Choose another item.]
|return>[Do something else.]
Loading Game....
Please be patient.(display: "game start setup")
(set: $print_title to true)
(if: $MenuSave is "First Game")[
(display: "initial settings")
(set: $inGame to false)
(set: $noMenu to false)
(go-to: "Menu")
](elseif: $MenuSave is "RESTART")[
(display: "game values")
(set: $inGame to false)
(set: $noMenu to false)
(set: $sequence to 0)
(go-to: "SUNDAY")
(go-to: "Menu")
](if: $sequence is 0)[You're a woman.
You have one week to make as much <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span> as possible.
|next>[What do you mean by TROUBLE?]
|skip3>[Okay, I'm ready.]
](elseif: $sequence is 1)[We mean good <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>.
The sort of <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span> that changes minds and changes laws.
We want you to be a courageous disruptor who is up to <span class="strike">no</span> YES good.
](elseif: $sequence is 2)[<span class="trouble" style="font-size: 115%;">TROUBLE</span> CAN BE BOLD AND TAKE UP SPACE.
Or it can happen on a smaller scale.
<span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span> can be arguments.
<span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span> can be art.
](elseif: $sequence is 3)[<div><span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span> can be taking care of people.
<span class="quote">In an age of performative cruelty, kindness is punk as fuck. Be punk as fuck. <span class="cite">Daniel Abraham</span></span>
<span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span> can be taking care of yourself.
<span class="quote">In a society that profits from your self-doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act. <span class="cite">Caroline Caldwell</span></span>
|next>[Okay, I'm ready to make TROUBLE.]</div>{
](elseif: $sequence is 4)[<span class="address">SUNDAY, DAY 1</span>
The weekend's almost over.
What will you do with your time?
<a class="stat-link" name="-1/-10/5">Start an art project.</a>
|internet>[Do something on the Internet.]
<a class="stat-link" name="-2/20/8">Rent a movie.</a>{
](elseif: $sequence is 5)[What kind of art will you make?
(set: $art_work to 1)
|painting>[A painting.]
|story>[A short story.]
](elseif: $sequence is 6)[(if: $art_project is "painting")[You try to channel <tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["Frida Kahlo", "Barbara Kruger", "Georgia O’Keeffe", "Kiki Smith", "Lorna Simpson", "The Guerilla Girls"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "Frida Kahlo");'>Frida Kahlo</tw-link>
and pour her influence into a painting.
You buy material and start working.
](elseif: $art_project is "story")[You try to channel <tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["Mary Shelley", "Virginia Woolf", "Octavia Butler", "Harper Lee", "Jane Austin", "Margaret Atwood", "Toni Morrison"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "Mary Shelley");'>Mary Shelley</tw-link>
and pour her influence into a story.
You buy some reference books and a nice journal and start writing.
](elseif: $art_project is "poetry")[You try to channel <tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["Mary Oliver", "Maya Angelou", "Edna St. Vincent Millay", "Emily Dickinson", "Rupi Kaur"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "Mary Oliver");'>Mary Oliver</tw-link>
and pour her influence into poetry.
You buy some reference books and a nice journal and start writing.
]You can keep working on it in the evenings.
When it's done, maybe it will cause some <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>.
](elseif: $sequence is 7)[That's enough Internet for now.
](elseif: $sequence is 8)[You watch a movie about
<tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["Christmas and people who find true love.", "aliens and cartoons playing basketball.", "a man who breaks many traffic laws to save himself and others.", "a farm boy who becomes a space paladin.", "sexy werewolves and vampires.", "a dangerous board game.", "a boat sinking, but also a love story.", "a cat and a bunch of teenagers saving a town from three witches.", "crime. But serious crime.", "crime. But fun crime!"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "Christmas and people who find true love.");'>Christmas and people who find true love.</tw-link>
Doing fun things gives you energy.
And you'll need your energy to make <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span> during the week.
](elseif: $sequence is 9)[
(click: ?project)[(set: $sequence to 4)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?internet)[(set: $originSequence to $sequence)(set: $returnSequence to 7)(set: $basePassage to $currentPassage)(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: "The Internet")]
(click: ?rest)[(set: $sequence to 8)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?painting)[(set: $art_project to "painting")(set: $sequence to it+1)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?story)[(set: $art_project to "story")(set: $sequence to it+1)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?poetry)[(set: $art_project to "poetry")(set: $sequence to it+1)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
}(if: $sequence is 0)[The Internet is full of opportunities for <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>.(if: $day_text is "TUESDAY")[
Your friends Blaine was in a car accident. He's asking online for help paying for his medical bills.(set: $help_post_seen to true)](if: $day_text is "WEDNESDAY")[
Your friends Ally wants to talk about politics.](if: $day_text is "THURSDAY")[
You check your social media. There's someone making a big stink about how non-binary don't exist and some of your friends are upset.]
(if: $day_text is "WEDNESDAY")[<a class="stat-link" name="0/-5/10">Talk to Ally about politics.</a>
](if: $article_topic is not "" and $article_topic is not "finished")[<a class="stat-link" name="0/-5/14">Work on your article about $article_topic.</a>
|publish>[Publish your article.]
](if: $blaine_donate_count is not 3 and $help_post_seen is true)[<a class="stat-link" name="-2/0/9">(if: $blaine_donate_count is 0)[Send money to Blaine.](else:)[Send more money to Blaine.]</a>
]|next>[Donate money.]
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-5/7">Argue with bigots on social media.</a>
<a class="stat-link" name="0/5/8">Browse for fun.</a>
|returnOrigin>[Actually, do something else.]
](elseif: $sequence is 1)[Where would you like to donate money?
|next>[A political movement.]
|next>[A mutual aid fund.]
|next>[A bail fund.]
|return>[Actually, do something else.]
](elseif: $sequence is 2)[And how much money would you like to donate?
<a class="stat-link" name="-2/0/3">Two dollars.</a>
<a class="stat-link" name="-5/0/4">Five dollars.</a>
<a class="stat-link" name="-10/0/5">Ten dollars.</a>
<a class="stat-link" name="-20/0/6">Twenty dollars.</a>
|return>[Actually, do something else.]
](elseif: $sequence is 3)[They're quite grateful.
You get an email about how your donation will be spent.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(5);</script>
](elseif: $sequence is 4)[They're grateful!
You get an email about how your donation will be spent.
They mail you a bumper sticker with a cute pun about their cause.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(10);</script>
](elseif: $sequence is 5)[They are extremely grateful!
You get an email about how your donation will be spent.
They mail you a bumper sticker with a cute pun about their cause.
AND they send you a tiny lapel about how much they appreciate you.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(20);</script>
](elseif: $sequence is 6)[You get a call from the organization making sure you intended to donate that much money.
Once they're sure the decimal point is in the right place, they're EXTREMELY grateful!
You get an email about how your donation will be spent.
They mail you a bumper sticker with a cute pun about their cause.
AND they send you a tiny lapel about how much they appreciate you.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(50);</script>
](elseif: $sequence is 7)[(if: $day_text is "THURSDAY")[You start arguing with the guy who says non-binary people don't exist.
You explain how gender works, that they do exist, and that he's being really hurtful towards them.
Five posts in you're pretty sure he's being intentionally dense. He's probably doing this just to upset people.
You're about to give up when your friend Liz arrives to agree with you and point out more ways in which he's being dumb.
After that, it stops being stressful, and it's just fun hangout times with you and Liz, taking verbal potshots at this jerk.
You're still not sure if giving him attention like this is the right approach, but then one of your friends sends you a private message thanking you for saying something. It makes them feel safer online.
And that's pretty good.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(5);</script>
](else:)[You encounter someone being (if: $argue_count is 0)[racist](elseif: $argue_count is 1)[misogynistic](elseif: $argue_count is 2)[transphobic](else:)[ableist(set: $argue_count to -1)].
You argue with them.
(if: $argue_count is 3)[You actually manage to convince them that they should change their views!
WOW! That never happens on the Internet!](else:)[They still think they're right, but other people can see you pushed back when they expressed those hurtful opinions, and that's important.]
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(3);</script>
(set: $argue_count to it + 1)
](elseif: $sequence is 8)[(if: $meme_count is 0)[You find pictures of penguins getting married.
](elseif: $meme_count is 1)[You find a video of a cat who can solve a puzzle box.
](elseif: $meme_count is 2)[You find a hilarious twitter thread about a man who accidentally ordered a truck of rice.
](elseif: $meme_count is 3)[You find a new fan fiction by your favorite author.
If you don't know what fan fiction is, you find a new article by a writer you like!
](elseif: $meme_count is 4)[You find a video of ferrets playing in a ball pit.
](elseif: $meme_count is 5)[You find a video of someone making a beautifully elaborate cake.
](else:)[You find a picture of a very, very, very good dog.
(set: $meme_count to -1)]
(set: $meme_count to it + 1)
](elseif: $sequence is 9)[(if: $blaine_donate_count is 0)[You send Blaine some money to help him get through this crisis.
You see a lot of your other friends are doing the same.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(5);</script>
](elseif: $blaine_donate_count is 1)[You send Blaine some more money.
A lot of people are posting encouragement on his social media, or complaining about the fucking medical insurance system in this country.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(5);</script>
](elseif: $blaine_donate_count is 2)[Soon after you send the money, Blaine posts that he has enough to pay his bills and thanks everyone who helped!
Awesome. Blaine is a serious <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span> maker. Now that he's not struggling he's gonna cause a lot of <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>, and you get partial credit.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(15);</script>
(set: $blaine_donate_count to it+1)
](elseif: $sequence is 10)[You plot with Ally about politics.
You come up with some <span class="trouble">TROUBLING</span> ideas.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(3);</script>
Ally's impressed with some of your knowledge, and suggests you write an informative article to help other people make <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>.
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-5/11">Start an article about civil rights.</a>
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-5/12">Start an article on problematic history.</a>
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-5/13">Start an article about self-care.</a>
|returnFromInternet>[Decline to write an article.]
](elseif: $sequence is 11)[You start to outline an article to tell people what their rights are in dangerous situations, like when they're protesting, or when they've been stopped by the police.
You'll be able to work on it whenever you use the Internet.
When you post it, it's sure to cause some <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>!
(set: $article_topic to "civil rights")
(set: $article_progress to 1)
](elseif: $sequence is 12)[You start to outline an article about a problematic part of your country's history that's not widely known about.
Hopefully, we can learn from our past.
You'll be able to work on it whenever you use the Internet.
When you post it, it's sure to cause some <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>!
(set: $article_topic to "problematic history")
(set: $article_progress to 1)
](elseif: $sequence is 13)[You start to outline an article on self-care, so that people can have more energy to cause <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>.
You'll be able to work on it whenever you use the Internet.
When you post it, it's sure to cause some <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>!
(set: $article_topic to "self-care")
(set: $article_progress to 1)
](elseif: $sequence is 14)[You work more on your article!(set: $article_progress to it+1)
(if: $article_progress is 2)[You flesh out the article and get all your ideas down.
It's presentable, but you could probably organize it a little better.
](elseif: $article_progress is 4)[You edit and organize your article.
It's good, but you could stand to edit it with a little more attention to detail.
](else:)[You edit and polish your article.
It's good, but it could be better.
](elseif: $sequence is 15)[You post your article and tell people about it on social media!
(if: $article_progress is 1)[People seem interested, but some people are confused by it. Like, it's more an outline than an article.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(3);</script>
](elseif: $article_progress is 2)[People like it! You start a number of conversations.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(17);</script>
](elseif: $article_progress is 3)[People really like it! You start a number of conversations.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(20);</script>
](else:)[People really like it! You start a number of conversations.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(22);</script>
(set: $article_topic to "finished")
](elseif: $sequence is 16)[
](elseif: $sequence is 17)[
](elseif: $sequence is 18)[
](elseif: $sequence is 19)[
](elseif: $sequence is 20)[
(click: ?publish)[(set: $sequence to 15)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?returnFromInternet)[(set: $sequence to $returnSequence)(go-to: $basePassage)]
(click: ?returnOrigin)[(set: $sequence to $originSequence)(go-to: $basePassage)]
}(if: $sequence is 0)[<span class="address">$day_text, MORNING</span>
Time to go to work.
During lunch, you have some time to browse the Internet.
|internet>[Do something on the Internet.]
<a class="stat-link" name="0/5/1">Take a walk instead.</a>
](elseif: $sequence is 1)[You have a nice, refreshing walk.
](elseif: $sequence is 2)[That's enough Internet for now.
](elseif: $sequence is 3)[Your co-worker Dimitri approaches you.
He asks if you'd be willing to help him organize a raffle.
It's to raise money to combat climate change.
<a class="stat-link" name="-3/-10/4">Help Dimitri.</a>
|skip>[Tell him you're busy with other things.]
](elseif: $sequence is 4)[You buy a few tickets to seed the pot and spend some time planning the raffle together.
You decide to hold the raffle on Saturday.
You can work on it in the evenings.
(set: $raffle_work to 1)
](elseif: $sequence is 5)[Dimtri completely understands.
He wishes you luck with your own <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>.
](elseif: $sequence is 5)[
](elseif: $sequence is 6)[
](elseif: $sequence is 7)[
(click: ?internet)[(set: $originSequence to $sequence)(set: $returnSequence to 3)(set: $basePassage to $currentPassage)(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: "The Internet")]
}(if: $sequence is 0)[(if: $energy >= 70)[(set: $add_money to 4)](elseif: $energy >= 50)[(set: $add_money to 3)](elseif: $energy >= 30)[(set: $add_money to 2)](else:)[(set: $add_money to 1)]
(set: $sequence to 1)
(go-to: $currentPassage)
](else:)[You work all afternoon.
(if: $energy >= 70)[You're brimming with <span class="trouble">ENERGY</span> and put in a lot of extra effort!
](elseif: $energy >= 50)[You have a reasonable amount of <span class="trouble">ENERGY</span> to dedicate to your job.
](elseif: $energy >= 30)[You're tired, but you pull on reserves of <span class="trouble">ENERGY</span> to get your job done.
](else:)[You're exhausted. You barely have the <span class="trouble">ENERGY</span> to do your job.
After bills and taxes, you earn $(print: $add_money) in spending <span class="trouble">MONEY</span>.
<span id="money"></span><script>addMoney(geth("add_money"));</script>
(if: $day_text is "WEDNESDAY")[|seeProtest>[Continue]](else:)[|evening>[Continue] ]](click: ?seeProtest)[(set: $sequence to 3)(go-to: "Protest")](if: $sequence is 0)[<span class="address">$day_text, EVENING</span>
You have free time in the evening.(if: $day_text is "THURSDAY")[
On your way home, you noticed some racist graffiti in your neighborhood.](if: $day_text is "FRIDAY")[
On your way home, you notice your local drugstore is offering free flu shots.]
(if: $protested_today is true)[|protested>[Oh my gosh, you're exhausted from protesting.]
](else:)[(if: $day_text is "MONDAY")[|politics>[Bother politicians.]
](elseif: $day_text is "TUESDAY")[<a class="stat-link" name="0/-5/13">Check up on a friend.</a>
](elseif: $day_text is "WEDNESDAY")[|sexy>[Wednesday is sexy times day!]
](elseif: $day_text is "THURSDAY")[<a class="stat-link" name="-2/-5/19">Go find that racist graffiti and paint over it.</a>
](elseif: $day_text is "FRIDAY")[<a class="stat-link" name="0/-5/20">Go get a flu shot.</a>
](if: $day_text is "TUESDAY" and $politic_work is 1)[|politicsFollowup>[Continue to bother that politician.]
]<a class="stat-link" name="-2/20/1">$rest_text</a>
(if: $art_work > 0)[<a class="stat-link" name="0/-10/2">Work on your $art_project.</a>
](if: $raffle_work > 0)[<a class="stat-link" name="-1/-10/3">Work on the raffle.</a>
]<a class="stat-link" name="0/10/4">Rest.</a>
](elseif: $sequence is 1)[(if: $rest_text is "Order takeout.")[You order <tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["Indian", "Chinese", "Mexican", "Thai", "Japanese", "Italian", "Turkish", "Greek", "Diner"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "Indian");'>Indian</tw-link> food.
It's awesome that there's so many different cultures and that we can eat all their food.
](elseif: $rest_text is "Take a bath.")[Take a long, warm bath.
You make it even better with <tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["BATH BOMBS", "SCENTED CANDLES", "BUBBLES", "BATH OIL", "BODY BUTTER", "EXFOLIATING SCRUBS", "ALL OF THESE THINGS TOGETHER"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "BATH BOMBS");'>BATH BOMBS</tw-link>.
You are so relaxed.
](elseif: $rest_text is "Read a new book.")[You read a book about
<tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["the first high school girls basketball team to win the state championship.", "a spider who saves a pig’s life through the power of spelling.", "a murder-robot who decides not to murder and instead watches television.", "a murder on a train.", "a young owl who gets kidnapped and ends up fighting against a totalitarian regime.", "scientists who realize they can do something, but don’t realize that they shouldn’t and then people die.", "an angel and a demon who try to save the world and somehow succeed, despite themselves.", "an asshole landlord who is terrorized by seasonally appropriate ghosts."]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "the first high school girls basketball team to win the state championship.");'>the first high school girls basketball team to win the state championship.</tw-link>
It's a fun way to pass the evening.
](elseif: $rest_text is "Play a video game.")[You play a video game about <tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["working on a farm.", "terrifying animatronics.", "suspicious astronauts.", "a sapient firewall.", "superheroes.", "war.", "bubbles!"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "working on a farm.");'>working on a farm.</tw-link>
It's fun!
](elseif: $rest_text is "Work on a craft project.")[You
<tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["crochet", "sew", "sculpt", "weld together", "construct out of popsicle sticks"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "crochet");'>crochet</tw-link>
<tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["sweater", "pouch", "bowl", "box", "toy cat", "toy dragon", "blanket"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "sweater");'>sweater</tw-link>
(if: $raffle_work > 0)[Hey! You can put this in the raffle!](else:)[You're pleased with your creation.](set: $craft_item to "thing")
](else:)[You chill and recover <span class="trouble">ENERGY</span>.
](elseif: $sequence is 2)[(if: $art_work is 1)[You flesh out your $art_project, put down the broad strokes of what you want to do.
](elseif: $art_work is 2)[You work on your $art_project.
It's still incomplete, but you're making progress.
](elseif: $art_work is 3)[You make great strides on your $art_project.
You have it mostly complete, though there are some parts you'd like to adjust.
](elseif: $art_work is 4)[You edit your $art_project.
It's really good, but maybe you could polish it up a bit more.
](elseif: $art_work is 5)[You polish your $art_project.
It's really good, but maybe you could polish it up a bit more.
](set: $art_work to it+1)
](elseif: $sequence is 3)[(if: $raffle_work is 1)[You get a lot of the basic organizational work done for the raffle.
](elseif: $raffle_work is 2)[You pick out prizes and talk to Dimitri about how to advertise.
](elseif: $raffle_work is 3)[You call all your friends who you know would be interested in the raffle, and post about it on social media.
](elseif: $raffle_work is 4)[You talk to friends and acquaintances who you aren't sure would be into a raffle, but might be?
](elseif: $raffle_work is 5)[You wander around town and put up fliers for the raffle.
](set: $raffle_work to it+1)
](elseif: $sequence is 4)[You spend the evening resting and recuperating.
](elseif: $sequence is 5)[Good idea! It takes a lot of bothering to make politicians do good things.
What kind of politician do you want to bother?
|return>[Actually, do something else.]
](elseif: $sequence is 6)[How do you want to contact this $politic_type politician?
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-5/7">Phone.</a>
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-2/8">Email.</a>(if: $politic_type is "local")[
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-10/9">Go to city hall.</a>]
|return>[Actually, do something else.]
](elseif: $sequence is 7)[Phone calls are an effective way of bothering politicians.
Unlike emails, they can't just delete a phone call. Someone has to engage with you, or at least the message you leave.
(if: $politic_type is "evil")[You call an evil politician and complain to one of her staff about how evil she is.
It makes you feel better, but words probably won't change someone like that.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(1);</script>
](elseif: $politic_type is "federal")[You call a federal politician and leave a voice message about how you want her to vote.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(3);</script>
](elseif: $politic_type is "state")[You call a state politician and talk to one of her staffers about how you want her to vote.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(3);</script>
](elseif: $politic_type is "local")[You call a local politician and you actually get through to her.
You talk about local issues.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(5);</script>
(set: $politic_work to it+1)
](elseif: $sequence is 8)[Emails are easy to write, and they're also easy to ignore.
But if you write a custom one, it may catch someone's attention.
(if: $politic_type is "evil")[You email an evil politician and complain about how evil she is.
It makes you feel better, but words probably won't change someone like that.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(1);</script>
](elseif: $politic_type is "federal")[You email a federal politician about how you want her to vote.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(1);</script>
](elseif: $politic_type is "state")[You email a state politician about how you want her to vote.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(1);</script>
](elseif: $politic_type is "local")[You email a local politician about how you want her to vote.
She replies to you! Neat!
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(3);</script>
(set: $politic_work to it+1)
](elseif: $sequence is 9)[Your local politician is rather surprised when you show up at her office.
But she's pleased you're so interested in local politics.
You talk for a while about school funding and the city budget.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(8);</script>
(set: $politic_work to it+1)
](elseif: $sequence is 100)[Yesterday, you contacted a $politic_type politician.
How do you want to follow up with her?
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-5/10">Phone.</a>
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-2/11">Email.</a>
|return>[Actually, do something else.]
](elseif: $sequence is 10)[(if: $politic_type is "evil")[You call an evil politician and argue with one of her staffers again.
It's kind of exhausting and you don't think you're convincing them to change.
At least you're annoying them.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(1);</script>
](elseif: $politic_type is "federal")[You call that federal politician again. You get through to one of her staffers this time!.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(5);</script>
](elseif: $politic_type is "state")[You call that state politician. You happen to talk to the same staffer. She tells you she communicated your message to the representative.
You're not sure if that's true, but at least someone there is thinking about the issues you want them to think about!
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(5);</script>
](elseif: $politic_type is "local")[You call that local politician again.
The local politician is delighted to find someone who cares about what's going on in this <tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["city.", "town.", "county.", "moon colony.", "village."]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "city.");'>city.</tw-link>
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(10);</script>
(set: $politic_work to it+1)
](elseif: $sequence is 11)[(if: $politic_type is "evil")[You email an evil politician and complain about how evil she is.
You get a form letter back about how she cares about your opinion.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(1);</script>
](elseif: $politic_type is "federal")[You email that federal politician.
You get a form letter back about how she cares about your opinion.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(2);</script>
](elseif: $politic_type is "state")[You email that state politician.
You get a form letter back about how she cares about your opinion.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(2);</script>
](elseif: $politic_type is "local")[You email that local politician.
You get into an ongoing exchange with her. This is really productive!
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(5);</script>
(set: $politic_work to it+1)
](elseif: $sequence is 12)[You collapse in a heap and spend the scant rest of the evening resting just to recover.
Who knew that walking and yelling was so TIRING?
(set: $protested_today to false)
](elseif: $sequence is 13)[Your friend Lucas sometimes gets sad during this season.
He's doing okay (just okay) and appreciates you checking on him.
You talk for a while on the phone, and catch up with each other.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(3);</script>
Reaching out takes <span class="trouble">ENERGY</span>, but the enjoyment of reconnecting with an old friend gives you some <span class="trouble">ENERGY</span> back!
<span id="energy"></span><script>addEnergy(2);</script>
](elseif: $sequence is 14)[Wednesday is sexy times day!
What kind of sexy times would you like to enjoy?
<a class="stat-link" name="0/20/15">Sexy times with other people!</a>
<a class="stat-link" name="0/20/16">Sexy times by myself!</a>
<a class="stat-link" name="0/20/17">Sexy times that don't involve actual sex!</a>
<a class="stat-link" name="0/20/18">I don't do sexy times and would rather read a book!</a>
|return>[I think I'll do something else!]
](elseif: $sequence is 15)[You have sexy times with <tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["one", "two", "three", "ten"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "one");'>one</tw-link> other participant(s)!
You make sure you communicate expectations and limits ahead of time and are conscientious about consent at every stage!
Sexy times are had!
](elseif: $sequence is 16)[You have sexy times by yourself (and maybe a few toys)!
It's relaxing and fulfilling!
Sexy times are had!
](elseif: $sequence is 17)[That's totally cool!
Conventional sex is not necessary for sexy times!
Sexy times are had!
](elseif: $sequence is 18)[That's totally cool!
Books are just as awesome as sexy times.
Literary times are had!
](elseif: $sequence is 19)[You drive around and find the underpass where someone painted racial slurs.
You buy some paint and paint over them.
Not in your town.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(5);</script>
](elseif: $sequence is 20)[You go out and get your flu shot.
Disease will not stop you from causing <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>!
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(3);</script>
(click: ?politics)[(set: $sequence to 5)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?fed)[(set: $politic_type to "federal")(set: $sequence to it+1)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?state)[(set: $politic_type to "state")(set: $sequence to it+1)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?local)[(set: $politic_type to "local")(set: $sequence to it+1)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?evil)[(set: $politic_type to "evil")(set: $sequence to it+1)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?politicsFollowup)[(set: $sequence to 100)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?sexy)[(set: $sequence to 14)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?protested)[(set: $sequence to 12)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
}(if: $sequence is 0)[<span class="address">$day_text, MORNING</span>
Time to go to work.
During lunch, you have some time to browse the Internet.
|internet>[Do something on the Internet.]
<a class="stat-link" name="0/5/1">Take a walk instead.</a>
](elseif: $sequence is 1)[You have a nice, refreshing walk.
](elseif: $sequence is 2)[That's enough Internet for now.
](elseif: $sequence is 3)[You hold a door open for one of your co-workers.
The dude refuses to walk through.
He explains that's not how things work.
Because chivalry.
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-3/4">Explain that you're not interested in chivalry unless it means you can ride a horse.</a>
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-3/6">Just stare at him until it gets awkward.</a>
|whatever>[Okay. Whatever. Don't hold the door for him.]
](elseif: $sequence is 4)[You ask him if he has a horse.
He says no.
You explain that the word chivalry is based on the old French term chevalerie, which can be translated as "horse soldiery." It is based on the concept that mounted soldiers, who are usually noblemen, have an advantage over unmounted civilians, and should use their power responsibly, and not abuse it. In the Middle Ages when the term was coined, it was more wishful thinking than convention. But regardless of chivalry's identity as historical fiction, its common application as a code of conduct for men interacting with women is based on the assumption that men are inherently more powerful than women. Which is kind of regressive, you know?
So unless he is literally on a horse and you are not, he probably shouldn't worry about chivalry.
He says you don't understand.
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-3/5">Continue to argue with him.</a>
|whatever>[Okay. Whatever. Don't hold the door for him.]
](elseif: $sequence is 5)[Eventually he gets tired of arguing and goes through the door.
He tells you you're making a big deal about nothing.
YOU'RE making a...He could have just WALKED THROUGH THE DOOR.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(3);</script>
](elseif: $sequence is 6)[Eventually he feels awkward and goes through the door.
He tells you you're making a big deal about nothing.
YOU'RE making a...He could have just WALKED THROUGH THE DOOR.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(3);</script>
](elseif: $sequence is 7)[You need to save your <span class="trouble">ENERGY</span> for more productive <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>.
](elseif: $sequence is 8)[
](elseif: $sequence is 9)[
](elseif: $sequence is 10)[
](elseif: $sequence is 11)[
](elseif: $sequence is 12)[
](elseif: $sequence is 13)[
](elseif: $sequence is 14)[
](elseif: $sequence is 15)[
](elseif: $sequence is 16)[
(click: ?internet)[(set: $originSequence to $sequence)(set: $returnSequence to 3)(set: $basePassage to $currentPassage)(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: "The Internet")]
(click: ?whatever)[(set: $sequence to 7)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
}(if: $sequence is 0)[<span class="address">$day_text, MORNING</span>
Time to go to work.
During lunch, you have some time to browse the Internet.
|internet>[Do something on the Internet.]
<a class="stat-link" name="0/5/1">Take a walk instead.</a>
](elseif: $sequence is 1)[You have a nice, refreshing walk.
](elseif: $sequence is 2)[That's enough Internet for now.
](elseif: $sequence is 3)[
(click: ?internet)[(set: $originSequence to $sequence)(set: $returnSequence to 2)(set: $basePassage to $currentPassage)(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: "The Internet")]
}(if: $sequence is 0)[<span class="address">$day_text, MORNING</span>
Time to go to work.
During lunch, you have some time to browse the Internet.
|internet>[Do something on the Internet.]
<a class="stat-link" name="0/5/1">Take a walk instead.</a>
](elseif: $sequence is 1)[You have a nice, refreshing walk.
](elseif: $sequence is 2)[That's enough Internet for now.
](elseif: $sequence is 3)[Your boss asks you to research a long list of potential new hires.
You spend some time reviewing the resumes and looking up their references online.
Eventually, you notice a pattern.
All of the applicants you're considering are white.
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-3/4">Mention this.</a>
](elseif: $sequence is 4)[Your boss tells you it's not a matter of race.
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-3/5">Yeah but...</a>
](elseif: $sequence is 5)[Your boss tells you those are just the people who applied.
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-3/6">Yeah but...</a>
](elseif: $sequence is 6)[Your boss tells you it will cost a lot to restart the process.
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-3/7">Yeah but...</a>
](elseif: $sequence is 7)[Your boss sighs and promises to look in to why your hiring pool is disproportionately white.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(20);</script>
](elseif: $sequence is 8)[You need to pick your battles.
You decide not to pick this one.
](elseif: $sequence is 9)[
](elseif: $sequence is 10)[
](elseif: $sequence is 11)[
](elseif: $sequence is 12)[
](elseif: $sequence is 13)[
](elseif: $sequence is 14)[
](elseif: $sequence is 15)[
](elseif: $sequence is 16)[
(click: ?internet)[(set: $originSequence to $sequence)(set: $returnSequence to 3)(set: $basePassage to $currentPassage)(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: "The Internet")]
(click: ?pickBattle)[(set: $sequence to 8)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
}(if: $sequence is 0)[<span class="address">$day_text, MORNING</span>
Time to go to work.
During lunch, you have some time to browse the Internet.
|internet>[Do something on the Internet.]
<a class="stat-link" name="0/5/1">Take a walk instead.</a>
](elseif: $sequence is 1)[You have a nice, refreshing walk.
](elseif: $sequence is 2)[That's enough Internet for now.
](elseif: $sequence is 3)[You notice your co-worker Caitlin seems upset.
It's not terribly obvious, but her face seems locked in a slight frown and she's very quiet at meetings.
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-5/4">Make her tea and talk to her.</a>
|earn>[You have a lot of work to get done today.]
](elseif: $sequence is 4)[Caitlin talks to you about what's bothering her:
"There's so many bad things happening."
"I don't know what to do."
"I feel like I can't do anything."
](elseif: $sequence is 5)[<div>You can't fix her problems. They're things you struggle with yourself.
But she appreciates the tea.
And the listening.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(3);</script>
<span class="quote">Loving is always a revolutionary act. <span class="cite">Carter Heyward</span></span>
](elseif: $sequence is 6)[
](elseif: $sequence is 7)[
](elseif: $sequence is 8)[
](elseif: $sequence is 9)[
](elseif: $sequence is 10)[
](elseif: $sequence is 11)[
](elseif: $sequence is 12)[
](elseif: $sequence is 13)[
](elseif: $sequence is 14)[
](elseif: $sequence is 15)[
](elseif: $sequence is 16)[
(click: ?internet)[(set: $originSequence to $sequence)(set: $returnSequence to 3)(set: $basePassage to $currentPassage)(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: "The Internet")]
}(if: $sequence is 0)[<span class="address">$day_text, $saturday_time</span>
(if: $saturday_time is "MORNING")[The weekend!
And the last day to make <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>.
You have a whole DAY.
You can do two things!](else:)[You can do one more thing.]
(if: $protested_today is true)[|protested>[Oh my gosh, you're exhausted from protesting.]
](else:)[(if: $art_work > 0)[|finishArt>[Finish your $art_project.]
](if: $raffle_work > 0)[|finishRaffle>[Host the raffle.]
](if: $protested is true)[<a class="stat-link" name="0/-30/7">Go to another protest.</a>
](else:)[|protest>[Go to a protest.]
](if: $registered_to_vote is not true)[<a class="stat-link" name="0/-5/3">Register to vote.</a>
]|internet>[Do something on the Internet.]
<a class="stat-link" name="0/20/10">Rest.</a>
](elseif: $sequence is 1)[
](elseif: $sequence is 2)[That's enough Internet for now.
](elseif: $sequence is 3)[You register to vote!(set: $registered_to_vote to true)
And voting is a GREAT way to make trouble.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(3);</script>
It takes a little effort to figure out, but once you do it's easy and fast.
So fast you still have time to do something else.
](elseif: $sequence is 4)[You share your $art_project with people.
(if: $art_work is 1)[You didn't get back to it at all after starting it last weekend, but there are some rough ideas there.
Some <span class="trouble">TROUBLING</span> ideas.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(5);</script>
](elseif: $art_work is 2)[It's mostly finished! You wish you'd had time to finalize it, but the important bits are there.
People like it! And it gets them thinking.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(20);</script>
](elseif: $art_work is 2)[You made a complete work of art!
People love it! And it gets them thinking.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(45);</script>
](elseif: $art_work is 3)[Your art is complete, and even somewhat polished!
People love it! And it gets them thinking.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(50);</script>
](elseif: $art_work is 4)[Your art is complete, and extremely polished!
People love it! And it gets them thinking.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(55);</script>
](else:)[Your art is complete. You can't even think of anything else you'd change or add!
People love it! And it gets them thinking.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(60);</script>
(set: $art_work to -1)
](elseif: $sequence is 5)[You and Dimitri host your climate change raffle!
(if: $raffle_work is 1)[You didn't work on it much since you talked about it on Monday, so it's a modest affair.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(5);</script>
](elseif: $raffle_work is 2)[You have a reasonable spread of prizes. The people who come in person seem to enjoy themselves.
Dimitri gives a short speech about the organizations you're giving the money to.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(20);</script>
](elseif: $raffle_work is 2)[You have an impressive spread of prizes and a snack plate for the people who come in person.
Dimitri gives a short speech about the organizations you're giving the money to.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(45);</script>
](elseif: $raffle_work is 3)[You have an impressive spread of prizes. You baked biscuits and cookies for the people who came in person.
Dimitri gives a short speech about the organizations you're giving the money to.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(50);</script>
](elseif: $raffle_work is 4)[You have so many prizes that you also hold a silent auction leading up to the raffle drawing.
You baked biscuits and cookies for the people who came in person.
Dimitri dresses up as Batman to give his speech about where the money is going, and praises everyone for being super heroes.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(55);</script>
](else:)[You have so many prizes that you also hold a silent auction leading up to the raffle drawing.
You baked biscuits and cookies for the people who came in person.
Dimitri dresses up as Batman and you dress up as Poison Ivy and you do a little skit, pretending that this is the one topic you can both agree on.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(60);</script>
](if: $craft_item is not "")[Your (if: $crochet is "crochet")[crocheted](elseif: $crochet is "sew")[sewn](elseif: $crochet is "sculpt")[sculpted](elseif: $crochet is "weld together")[welded together](elseif: $crochet is "construct out of popsicle sticks")[popsicle stick] $sweater sells for a lot!
<span id="trouble2"></span><script>addTrouble2(3);</script>
(set: $raffle_work to -1)
](elseif: $sequence is 6)[You collapse in a heap and spend the scant rest of the evening resting just to recover.
Who knew that walking and yelling was so TIRING?
(set: $protested_today to false)(set: $saturday_time to "EVENING")
](elseif: $sequence is 7)[You go to another protest about the police station.
(if: $talked_candace is true)[You see Candace and wave.(if: $sign_candace is true)[ They give you another sign.]
](if: $talked_sam is true)[You talk to Sam again. He has an article he wants you to read.
]You march and chant.
You march down the middle of roads and stop traffic for a moment.
Cars honk and people wave as you go by.
The march stops in a crosswalk and one of the organizers points to the lawn and explains this is where they want to build the station.
You see police cars circling in the distance.
But it ends without any sort of confrontation.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(20);</script>
(set: $protested_today to true)
](elseif: $sequence is 8)[You do some research and discover that there's a local protest today organized by an offshoot of Black Lives Matter.
Apparently, the <tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["city", "town", "county", "moon colony", "village"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "city");'>city</tw-link> you live in is planning to build a new police station.
The protesters want the <tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["city", "town", "county", "moon colony", "village"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "city");'>city</tw-link> to invest more in schools and social work, and less in the police.
They REALLY don't like the police.
And after reading some of their literature, you can understand why.
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-5/9">Participate in the protest!</a>
|nextTime>[Don't participate.]
](elseif: $sequence is 9)[You drive out to the protest!
You find a large crown with signs chanting together and marching through the streets.
(click: ?goProtest)[(set: $sequence to 9)(go-to: "Protest")]
](elseif: $sequence is 10)[It's been a long week.
You take a break.
](elseif: $sequence is 11)[
](elseif: $sequence is 12)[
](elseif: $sequence is 13)[
](elseif: $sequence is 14)[
](elseif: $sequence is 15)[
](elseif: $sequence is 16)[
(click: ?finishArt)[(set: $sequence to 4)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?finishRaffle)[(set: $sequence to 5)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?protested)[(set: $sequence to 6)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?protest)[(set: $sequence to 8)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?nextTime)[(if: $saturday_time is "MORNING")[(set: $saturday_time to "EVENING")(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: $currentPassage)](else:)[(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: "SCORE")] ]
(click: ?internet)[(set: $originSequence to $sequence)(set: $returnSequence to 2)(set: $basePassage to $currentPassage)(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: "The Internet")]
(if: $crochet is 0)[(set: $crochet to "crochet")]
(if: $sweater is 0)[(set: $sweater to "sweater")]
(if: $sweater is "toy dragon")[(set: $sweater to "dragon")]
(if: $sweater is "toy cat")[(set: $sweater to "cat")]
}(if: $sequence is 0)[<span class="address">$day_text, MORNING</span>
Time to go to work.
During lunch, you have some time to browse the Internet.
|internet>[Do something on the Internet.]
<a class="stat-link" name="0/5/1">Take a walk instead.</a>
](elseif: $sequence is 1)[You have a nice, refreshing walk.
](elseif: $sequence is 2)[
](elseif: $sequence is 3)[
](elseif: $sequence is 4)[
](elseif: $sequence is 5)[
](elseif: $sequence is 6)[
](elseif: $sequence is 7)[
](elseif: $sequence is 8)[
](elseif: $sequence is 9)[
](elseif: $sequence is 10)[
](elseif: $sequence is 11)[
](elseif: $sequence is 12)[
](elseif: $sequence is 13)[
](elseif: $sequence is 14)[
](elseif: $sequence is 15)[
](elseif: $sequence is 16)[
(click: ?internet)[(set: $originSequence to $sequence)(set: $returnSequence to 7)(set: $basePassage to $currentPassage)(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: "The Internet")]
(click: ?whatever)[(set: $sequence to 6)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
}(if: $sequence is 0)[It's been a week!
You've caused <span class="trouble">$trouble TROUBLE</span>.
(if: $trouble >= 120)[
(set: $title to "Rosa Parks Aspirant")
(set: $tagline to "Maximum TROUBLE.")
(set: $comment to "You win the game. What amazing TROUBLE.")
(set: $next_level to "")
(set: $next_score to 0)
](elseif: $trouble >= 100)[
(set: $title to "TroubleChampion")
(set: $tagline to "You are at the peak of your TROUBLE game!")
(set: $comment to "We're in awe.")
(set: $next_level to "Rosa Parks Aspirant")
(set: $next_score to 120)
](elseif: $trouble >= 80)[
(set: $title to "TroubleFactory")
(set: $tagline to "You churn out TROUBLE by the truckload!")
(set: $comment to "The world can barely keep up with you.")
(set: $next_level to "TroubleChampion")
(set: $next_score to 100)
](elseif: $trouble >= 50)[
(set: $title to "TroubleMaker")
(set: $tagline to "You're a courageous disruptor who is up to YES good.")
(set: $comment to "Keep it up!")
(set: $next_level to "TroubleFactory")
(set: $next_score to 80)
](elseif: $trouble >= 30)[
(set: $title to "TroubleCrafter")
(set: $tagline to "You made a lot of TROUBLE!")
(set: $comment to "Great job!")
(set: $next_level to "TroubleMaker")
(set: $next_score to 50)
](elseif: $trouble > 0)[
(set: $title to "TroubleBeginner")
(set: $tagline to "You made some TROUBLE!")
(set: $comment to "I bet you can do even better!")
(set: $next_level to "TroubleCrafter")
(set: $next_score to 30)
(set: $title to "Model Citizen")
(set: $tagline to "You behaved yourself and didn't make any TROUBLE at all!")
(set: $comment to "Did you forget the purpose of this game?")
(set: $next_level to "")
(set: $next_score to 0)
](elseif: $sequence is 1)[Your rank is:
<span class="rank_title">$title</span>
<span class="rank_tagline">$tagline</span>
<span class="rank_comment">$comment</span>
(if: $next_level is not "")[<span class="rank_next">If you make it up to $next_score <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>, you can become a <span class="trouble">$next_level</span>.</span>
<a class="menu_spacing" onClick="restart();">PLAY AGAIN</a>
<a class="menu_spacing" onClick="goToPassage('Menu_AboutTrouble');">ABOUT TROUBlE</a>
<a href="http://www.abigailcorfman.com/" target="_blank">MORE GAMES LIKE THIS</a>
](elseif: $sequence is 2)[
](elseif: $sequence is 3)[
](elseif: $sequence is 4)[
](elseif: $sequence is 5)[
](elseif: $sequence is 6)[
](elseif: $sequence is 7)[
](elseif: $sequence is 8)[
](elseif: $sequence is 9)[
](elseif: $sequence is 10)[
](elseif: $sequence is 11)[
](elseif: $sequence is 12)[
](elseif: $sequence is 13)[
](elseif: $sequence is 14)[
](elseif: $sequence is 15)[
](elseif: $sequence is 16)[
(click: ?place)[(set: $sequence to 1)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?tech)[(set: $sequence to 2)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(if: $sequence is 0)[
](elseif: $sequence is 1)[
](elseif: $sequence is 2)[
](elseif: $sequence is 3)[As you're leaving work, you notice that there's a protest happening in front of the building across the street.
|next>[Learn a little more about the protest before jumping in.]
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-10/9">Participate in the protest!</a>
|home>[Don't participate.]
](elseif: $sequence is 4)[A person named Candace is distributing signs. They're happy to explain what's going on.
This group is part of the Black Lives Matter movement, and they're protesting the <tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["city’s", "town’s", "county’s", "moon colony’s", "village’s"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "city’s");'>city’s</tw-link> plan to build a new police station.
The protestors want the <tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["city", "town", "county", "moon colony", "village"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "city");'>city</tw-link> to invest more in schools and social work, and less in the police.
(set: $talked_candace to true)
|next>[But don't we need the police?]
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-10/8">Participate in the protest!</a>
|home>[Don't participate.]
](elseif: $sequence is 5)[Candace asserts that there are serious problems with our current culture of policing, and even putting that aside, the police are being asked to do too much. They deal with everything from violent crime to homelessness to drug addiction.
Even if the police are needed for certain things like violent crime, there are much better solutions to homelessness and drug addiction than people with guns.
Another protester, Sam, loudly asserts that the cops are all bastards and he will happily explain why.
|next>[Ask if the protest is going to be violent.]
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-5/7">Ask Sam to explain why.</a>
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-10/8">Participate in the protest!</a>
|home>[Don't participate.]
](elseif: $sequence is 6)[Candace says that the protesters don't plan to be violent, but there's always a chance that the police watching them will choose to escalate.
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-10/8">Participate in the protest!</a>
|home>[Don't participate.]
](elseif: $sequence is 7)[Sam is really intense, but you learn a lot from talking to him.
And you know what they say about educated women.
They're <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>.(set: $talked_sam to true)
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(3);</script>
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-10/8">Participate in the protest!</a>
|home>[Don't participate.]
](elseif: $sequence is 8)[Candace offers you one of their signs.
(set: $sign_candace to true)
|next>[Choose: NO POLICE STATION]
|next>[Choose: DEFUND THE POLICE]
|next>[Choose: BLACK LIVES MATTER]
|noSign>[Protest without a sign.]
](elseif: $sequence is 9)[Your presence at the protest adds to the ambient <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>.(set: $protested to true)(set: $protested_today to true)
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(10);</script>
The crowd does a call and response chant.
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-5/10">Chant!</a>
|listen>[Don't chant.]
|home>[Go home.]
](elseif: $sequence is 10)[The organizer yells:
<span class="trouble">MONEY FOR SCHOOLS!</span>
You try to remember the correct response.
|next>[NOT POLICE!]
](elseif: $sequence is 11)[<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(1);</script>
The organizer yells:
<span class="trouble">SHOW ME WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE!</span>
You try to remember the correct response.
|wrong>[NOT POLICE!]
](elseif: $sequence is 12)[<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(1);</script>
The organizer yells:
<span class="trouble">AIN'T NO POWER LIKE THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE </span>
You try to remember the correct response.
|wrong>[NOT POLICE!]
](elseif: $sequence is 13)[<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(1);</script>
The organizer yells:
<span class="trouble">HEY HEY! HO HO!</span>
You try to remember the correct response.
|wrong>[NOT POLICE!]
](elseif: $sequence is 14)[<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(1);</script>
The organizer yells:
<span class="trouble">NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!</span>
You try to remember the correct response.
|wrong>[NOT POLICE!]
](elseif: $sequence is 15)[You're on a roll! You got all the chants right!
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(3);</script>
](elseif: $sequence is 16)[You miss the chant response and get confused for a little while.
That's okay. The chanting is stopping now.
](elseif: $sequence is 17)[The organizers turn on a speaker and microphone.
Someone starts talking about racism.
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-5/18">Listen actively.</a>
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-2/19">Listen passively.</a>
|home>[Go home.]
](elseif: $sequence is 18)[You listen, and you think about how what they're saying applies to you.
Your experience.
Your actions.
Learning is <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(5);</script>
](elseif: $sequence is 19)[You listen, and learn a little about what this movement means, and how racist the police institution is.
Learning is <span class="trouble">TROUBLE</span>.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(1);</script>
](elseif: $sequence is 20)[A few more police cars show up, and you see people in riot gear.
|home>[Go home.]
<a class="stat-link" name="0/-10/21">Stay</a>
](elseif: $sequence is 21)[Are you white?
](elseif: $sequence is 22)[The organizers shout:
You head to the edge of the circle, facing the police, forming a protective ring around the people in the center.
Because everyone knows, cops won't hurt you as badly.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(10);</script>
Nothing happens, but your body is electric with adrenaline.
](elseif: $sequence is 23)[The organizers shout:
You head to the center, and the white people in the crowd form a ring around you.
Because everyone knows, cops won't hurt them as badly.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(10);</script>
Nothing happens, but your body is electric with adrenaline.
](elseif: $sequence is 24)[Evening is creeping up into the sky.
Eventually, the protest winds down.
The organizers announce its formal end.
You feel satisfied to have made it to that end.
<span id="trouble"></span><script>addTrouble(3);</script>
|home>[It's time to go home.]
](elseif: $sequence is 25)[
(click: ?wrong)[(set: $sequence to 16)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?listen)[(set: $sequence to 17)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?noSign)[(set: $sign_candace to false)(set: $sequence to it+1)(go-to: $currentPassage)]
(click: ?home)[(if: $day_text is "WEDNESDAY")[(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: "Evening")](else:)[(set: $saturday_time to "EVENING")(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: "SATURDAY")]]
|returnMenu>[RETURN TO MENU]
<a href="https://troublemakers.org/" target="_blank" class="trouble">TROUBLE</a>
is a brand started by Bari and Meredith--two women who’d found their seats at the board room table and knew that was far from enough. They were tired of hearing how far we’ve come as a society when they could see clearly how far we still have to go. They wanted to accelerate the process of equity by creating a new kind of brand, one that inspires women, supports women, funds women’s causes, and recognizes the barriers caused by intersectionality.
They have lots of nifty stuff for sale, and the proceeds go to awesome causes.
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