{(set: $inIntro to true)
(set: $blueLinks to false)
(set: $janet to "''@ThatsJanet:''")
(set: $decker to "''@Decker:''")}
$janet |ready>[Is she ready?]
(click: ?ready)[$decker |it>[It, Janet. Call it an it.]]
(click: ?it)[$janet Why? All the alerts are in a female voice. And it looks kind of like a woman when I look at it with |fire>[second sight goggles].]
(click: ?fire)[$janet A woman made of |cool>[fire].]
(click: ?cool)[$janet It's pretty [[cool]].]|loading>[(text-style:"fade-in-out")[ Loading...]]
(live: 4s)[ [[Starting up...]] (replace:?loading)[ Loaded]]$janet We've had awareness emergence with //porn//?
$decker I'm not telling you that story. You're like what, thirteen?
$janet I'm sixteen.
$decker I'll tell you when you're fifty. Now let's focus on the [[security risk]].$decker No gender. No nicknames. No talking to it.
$janet |right>[Right]. (click: ?right)[Should I start it up?
$decker [[Go ahead]].]<span class="tiny">|bels>[BEL/S] [OS Elemental Firewall Toolkit] [Version 5.6]
<div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="startupSound();" /></div>
terminal (|html>[html]-gui) ready.(live: 2s)[(stop:)
|loading>[loading the file-system ...] (live: 2s)[(stop:) ok (replace:?loading)[loading the file-system ...]
re-entering file-system as root.
|loading2>[building tree ... ] (live: 2s)[(stop:) ok (replace:?loading2)[building |tree>[tree] ... ]
|loading3>[searching for filtration rules ... ] (live: 1s)[(stop:) found (replace:?loading3)[searching for filtration rules ... ]
filtration rules found
|loading4>[initializing firewall ... ] (live: 1s)[(stop:) ok (replace:?loading4)[initializing firewall ... ]
setting up system variables ... (live: 1s)[(stop:) ok
uploading config file ... (live: 1s)[(stop:) ok
|incantation>[ incantation.xml]
starting login-demon (live: 1s)[ (stop:)
exorcising login-demon (live: 1s)[(stop:)
system up and stable
[[opening sorcery]]
]]]]]]]]]</span>{(click-replace: ?html)[|htmlExp>[hypertext magical language]]
(click-replace: ?htmlExp)[|html>[html]]
(click-replace: ?bels)[|bellsExp>[Binary Evocation Listener/Signaler]]
(click-replace: ?bellsExp)[BEL/S]
(click-replace: ?tree)[|treeExp>[world tree]]
(click-replace: ?treeExp)[|ygg>[yggdrasil]]
(click-replace: ?ygg)[tree]
(click-replace: ?incantation)[|incantExp>[`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?`>
`<line`>First, rehearse your song by rote`</line`>
`<line`>To each word a warbling note:`</line`>
`<line`>Hand in hand, with fairy grace,`</line`>
`<line`>Will we sing, and bless this place.`</line`>
(click-replace: ?incantExp)[ incantation.xml]}(set: $curPage to "DwHiScl")''Currently Monitoring:'' Darwin High School
''Date:'' Oct. (print: $Day + $StartDay) 2014
''State:'' (if: $DwHiSclFlood is true)[<span style="border: 1px solid blue; color: cornflowerblue; padding: 3px;">Firewall Status Offline--Water Interference</span>](else:)[(display:"scanning state")]
(if: $DwScnTxt is not "Protected")[<span style="border: 1px solid white; padding: 3px;">[[Scan For Threats->Scanning: Darwin High School]]</span>]
(display:"bels footer")
(display:"trigger normal")
(set: $showSkip to true)
(if: $NeedSave is true)[(set: $NeedSave to false)(save-game: "Day "+(text: $Day),"Day "+(text: $Day))(set: $LastSave to "Day "+(text: $Day))]The BEL/S Elemental Firewall v5.6 is an elemental spirit of fire bound to C++ code.
It can help prevent hackers or malicious spirits from gaining access to your |env>[environment] through the aethernet.
BEL/S does this in a variety of ways:
//Monitoring local auras for emotional upheaval
Inspecting incoming spirits and spells for malicious intent
Detecting and eleminating threats//
BEL/S is Open Sorcery--please feel free to download and distribute the code. You'll need to make your own elemental though. :)
[[Continue Monitoring->$curPage]]{(click-replace: ?env)[|env2>[body]]
(click-replace: ?env2)[|env3>[mind]]
(click-replace: ?env3)[|env4>[soul]]
(click-replace: ?env4)[|env5>[environment]]}(set: $curPage to "ChOrRet")''Currently Monitoring:'' Cherry Orchard Rest Home
''Date:'' Oct. (print: $Day + $StartDay) 2014
''State:'' (display:"scanning state")
(if: $ChScnTxt is not "Protected")[<span style="border: 1px solid white; padding: 3px;">[[Scan For Threats->Cherry Orchard Rest Home]]</span>]
(display:"bels footer")(set: $curPage to "DkApt")''Currently Monitoring:'' Decker's Apartment
''Date:'' Oct. (print: $Day + $StartDay) 2014
''State:'' (display:"scanning state")
(if: $DkScnTxt is not "Protected")[<span style="border: 1px solid white; padding: 3px;">[[Scan For Threats->Decker's Apartment]]</span>]
(display:"bels footer")(set: $curPage to "JtHs")''Currently Monitoring:'' Janet's House :)
''Date:'' Oct. (print: $Day + $StartDay) 2014
''State:'' (display:"scanning state")
(if: $JtScnTxt is not "Protected")[<span style="border: 1px solid white; padding: 3px;">[[Scan For Threats->Janet's House]]</span>]
(display:"bels footer")(display:"change view")
<span class="tiny">Binary Evocation Listener/Signaler [OS E. Firewall Toolkit]
[[How does an elemental firewall help protect me?->how protect]]</span>(if: $WetMode)[(colour: "cornflowerblue")[''Change View'']](else:)[''Change View'']
(if: $curPage is "DwHiScl")[ DwHiScl](else:)[ [[DwHiScl]]](if: $curPage is "ChOrRet")[ ChOrRet](else:)[ [[ChOrRet]]](if: $curPage is "DkApt")[ DkApt](else:)[ [[DkApt]]](if: $curPage is "JtHs")[ JtHs](else:)[ [[JtHs]]]
(if: $curPage is "CtrlPnl")[ ](else:)[ Access [[CtrlPnl]]]''Open Ports:'' (if: $curPage is "DwMidScl")[(if: $dwChakras's 1st is true)[Sahasrara ](if: $dwChakras's 2nd is true)[Ajna ](if: $dwChakras's 3rd is true)[Vishuddha ](if: $dwChakras's 4th is true)[Anahata ](if: $dwChakras's 5th is true)[Manipura ](if: $dwChakras's 6th is true)[Svadhishthana ](if: $dwChakras's 7th is true)[Muladhara ]](if: $curPage is "ChOrRet")[(if: $chChakras's 1st is true)[Sahasrara ](if: $chChakras's 2nd is true)[Ajna ](if: $chChakras's 3rd is true)[Vishuddha ](if: $chChakras's 4th is true)[Anahata ](if: $chChakras's 5th is true)[Manipura ](if: $chChakras's 6th is true)[Svadhishthana ](if: $chChakras's 7th is true)[Muladhara ]](if: $curPage is "DkApt")[(if: $dkChakras's 1st is true)[Sahasrara ](if: $dkChakras's 2nd is true)[Ajna ](if: $dkChakras's 3rd is true)[Vishuddha ](if: $dkChakras's 4th is true)[Anahata ](if: $dkChakras's 5th is true)[Manipura ](if: $dkChakras's 6th is true)[Svadhishthana ](if: $dkChakras's 7th is true)[Muladhara ]](if: $curPage is "JtHs")[(if: $jhChakras's 1st is true)[Sahasrara ](if: $jhChakras's 2nd is true)[Ajna ](if: $jhChakras's 3rd is true)[Vishuddha ](if: $jhChakras's 4th is true)[Anahata ](if: $jhChakras's 5th is true)[Manipura ](if: $jhChakras's 6th is true)[Svadhishthana ](if: $jhChakras's 7th is true)[Muladhara ]](if: false)[<span class="tiny">[[Check ports]]</span>]Double-click this passage to edit it.=><=
<span class="alchemyfont">P</span>|right>[<span class="alchemyfont">N</span>]
<span class="alchemyfont">M</span>
(click-replace: ?top)[<span class="alchemyfont">O</span>]
(click-replace: ?right)[<span class="floatRight">Fire</span>]
<audio id="rainAudio" src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/first_thunder.mp3" autoplay></audio>
(live: 4s)[
<div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="startRain();" /></div>
<div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="startRain();" /></div>
(live: 2s)[<img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/skull/skull13.jpg" style="">
img {
opacity: 0;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
height: 100%;
width: auto;
left: 0;
right: 0;
margin: 0 auto;
img {
-webkit-animation-name: to-skull; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
-webkit-animation-duration: 8s; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
animation-name: to-skull;
animation-duration: 8s;
/* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
@-webkit-keyframes to-skull {
0% {opacity: 0;}
30% {opacity: 0;}
70% {opacity: 1;}
100% {opacity: 0;}
/* Standard syntax */
@keyframes to-skull {
0% {opacity: 0;}
30% {opacity: 0;}
70% {opacity: 1;}
100% {opacity: 0;}
$decker Yeah. Cool. But we didn't make it a girl in the code.
$decker The fact it gendered itself means it's a |threat>[consciousness threat].
(click: ?threat)[$decker We don't want to do anything to risk it becoming an |AI>[AI].]
(click: ?AI)[$decker It's funny when it happens with [[porn]] and video games, but in a firewall it'd be a [[security risk]].]i am online.
i am fire and order.
i am here to [[protect]].i explore my [[network]].
I find--
These are the locations i must [[protect->protect2]].
{(click-replace: ?plc1)[Darwin High School: A place of learning, filled with children.]
(click-replace: ?plc2)[Cherry Orchard Rest Home: A place of rest, filled with the old.]
(click-replace: ?plc3)[Decker's Apartment: The home of one of my creators.]
(click-replace: ?plc4)[Janet's House: The home of my other creator, and her family.]}i live in a network.
Everything is connected.
Symbols are connected to the objects they represent.
Humans are connected to other humans that they love. Or hate.
Each connection is a strand.
Together, the strands create a web.
my network is the part of that web that i am allowed to access.
my network is made of the places i must [[protect]].{(set:$scanSetting to "Needs Scan")
(if: $curPage is "DwHiScl")[(set:$scanSetting to $DwScnTxt)]
(if: $curPage is "ChOrRet")[(set:$scanSetting to $ChScnTxt)]
(if: $curPage is "DkApt")[(set:$scanSetting to $DkScnTxt)]
(if: $curPage is "JtHs")[(set:$scanSetting to $JtScnTxt)]
(if: $scanSetting is "Needs Scan" )[ *<span style="background: #900; padding: 5px; padding: 2px 50px 2px 50px;">$scanSetting</span>* ](elseif: $scanSetting is "Protected" )[ *<span style="background: #090; padding: 5px; padding: 2px 50px 2px 50px;">$scanSetting</span>* ](elseif: $scanSetting is "NOT THE TARGET" )[ *<span style="background: #111; padding: 5px; padding: 2px 50px 2px 50px;">$scanSetting</span>* ](elseif: $scanSetting is "POSSIBLE TARGET" )[ *<span style="color:"#000"; background: #f00; padding: 5px; padding: 2px 50px 2px 50px;">$scanSetting</span>* ]}''Scanning: Darwin High School''
(if: $Day is 1)[i move through this place
quick as brushfire
subtle as sunlight
leaving no sign of my passing
except for the slight warmth of my power.
[[Continue Scanning->Day1Dw]] ]
{(if: $Day is 2)[[[Continue Scan->Day2Dw]]]
(if: $Day is 3)[[[Continue Scan->Day3Dw]]]
(if: $Day is 4)[[[Continue Scan->Day4Dw]]]
(if: $Day is 5)[[[Continue Scan->Day5Dw]]]
(if: $Day is 6)[[[Continue Scan->Day6Dw]]]
(if: $Day is 7)[(if: $timeStartDeathCurse is true and $scanSetting is "POSSIBLE TARGET")[[[SCAN->Day7DwNotTarget]]](elseif: $timeStartDeathCurse is true)[[[NO TIME.->DwHiScl]]](else:)[[[Continue Scan->Day7Dw]]]]}''Scanning: Darwin High School''
This stone box thrums with patterned life.
It has a heartbeat. First the children are still in their many chambers.
And then they stream through the |halls>[halls] in mad torrents of |bodies>[bodies].
And then they are still again. And then they flow again.
The building is a living thing--young and restless.
I will keep it [[healthy->No Threats Detected]].{(click-replace: ?halls)[|veins>[veins]]
(click-replace: ?veins)[halls]
(click-replace: ?bodies)[|blood>[blood]]
(click-replace: ?blood)[bodies]}It is night.
The halls are dark.
The lifegiving students are gone.
The building is an empty shell.
[[There is no danger in emptiness.->No Threats Detected]]Scan Complete{(if: $curPage is "DwHiScl")[(set: $DwScnTxt to "Protected")]
(if: $curPage is "ChOrRet")[(set: $ChScnTxt to "Protected")]
(if: $curPage is "DkApt")[(set: $DkScnTxt to "Protected")]
(if: $curPage is "JtHs")[(set: $JtScnTxt to "Protected")]}
No Threats Detected
(if: $DwScnTxt is "Protected" and $ChScnTxt is "Protected" and $DkScnTxt is "Protected" and $JtScnTxt is "Protected")[All Locations Secure
<span style="border: 1px solid white; padding: 3px;">[[Enter Sleep Mode->Enter Sleep Mode]]</span>(if: $Day is 2 and $BestIsCrying is true)[
...or perhaps before i sleep i should [[check on Mrs. Best.->cries in her room]] ]](elseif: $StartLearnLove is true)[
(set: $StartLearnLove to false)
(print: $LoveFocus).
<span class="gold" style="text-transform: uppercase;">$LoveFocus</span> Relationship at <span class="gold">(print: $result)%</span>
i feel different.(set: $LearnedElement to "Love")
i [[feel->Learning]].](else:)[[[Continue Monitoring->$curPage]]]
(display:"trigger normal")''Scanning: Cherry Orchard Rest Home''
(if: $Day is 1)[i float through this place
moving carefully.
i am a hooded lantern
my power glows like lamplight
shining gently
on these delicate humans.
[[Continue Scanning->Day1Ch]] ](if: $Day is 2)[[[Continue Scan->Day2Ch]]](if: $Day is 3)[[[Continue Scan->Day3Ch]]](if: $Day is 4)[[[Continue Scan->Day4Ch]]](if: $Day is 5)[[[Continue Scan->Day5Ch]]](if: $Day is 6)[[[Continue Scan->Day6Ch]]](if: $Day is 7)[[[THE TARGET IS HERE.->Day7Ch]]]''Scanning: Cherry Orchard Rest Home''
The heart of this building beats weakly.
Its people trundle through the halls, leaning on crutches and wheels.
It is in these vulnerable places where i am most necessary
and where i must be most careful.
i do not want to burn them with power or startle them with light.
i am the fire that [[protects->scan rooms]].The building is asleep.
There is one point of light where the night attendant sits.
Everything else is silent halls and soft breathing.
|109>[Room 109]
|121>[Room 121]
|231>[Room 231]
|240>[Room 240]
[[There are no threats.->No Threats Detected]]
{(click-replace: ?109)[Mrs. Herrin's room is empty. She must have died.]
(click-replace: ?121)[Mr. Doheny snores chokingly, because he hates to use his CPAP Machine.]
(click-replace: ?231)[Miss Finn reads a romance novel by lamplight.]
(click-replace: ?240)[Mrs. Best [[is leaking->she is leaking]].]}''Scanning: Decker's Apartment''
(if: $Day is 1)[This is where my first creator lives.
The room is small. There are tools and ideas everywhere.
It is perfect order disguised as chaos.
Every dusty motherboard is in its place. Every screwdriver and empty crisp bag is where it should be.
[[Continue Scanning->Day1Dk]] ]
{(if: $Day is 2)[[[Continue Scan->Day2Dk]]]
(if: $Day is 3)[[[Continue Scan->Day3Dk]]]
(if: $Day is 4)[[[Continue Scan->Day4Dk]]]
(if: $Day is 5)[[[Continue Scan->Day5Dk]]]
(if: $Day is 6)[[[Continue Scan->Day6Dk]]]
(if: $Day is 7)[(if: $timeStartDeathCurse is true and $scanSetting is "POSSIBLE TARGET")[[[SCAN->Day7DkNotTarget]]](elseif: $timeStartDeathCurse is true)[[[NO TIME.->DkApt]]](else:)[[[Continue Scan->Day7Dk]]]]
}''Scanning: Decker's Apartment''
my terminal is in the corner, humming.
The lines of my power extend from it, a gridlike matrix of spiritual flame.
The [[defensive runes->def runes desc]] hum comfortingly.
Decker is at his desk, working on something.
This is his natural [[state->No Threats Detected]].''Scanning: Janet's House''
(if: $Day is 1)[This is where my second creator lives.
It has two stories, and a back and front space where |grass>[green things] grow.
[[Continue Scanning->Day1Jt]] ]
{(if: $Day is 2)[[[Initiate Scan->Day2Jt]]]
(if: $Day is 3)[[[Initiate Scan->Day3Jt]]]
(if: $Day is 4)[[[Initiate Scan->Day4Jt]]]
(if: $Day is 5)[[[Initiate Scan->Day5Jt]]]
(if: $Day is 6)[[[Initiate Scan->Day6Jt]]]
(if: $Day is 7)[(if: $timeStartDeathCurse is true and $scanSetting is "POSSIBLE TARGET")[[[SCAN->Day7JtNotTarget]]](elseif: $timeStartDeathCurse is true)[[[NO TIME.->JtHs]]](else:)[[[Continue Scan->Day7Jt]]]]
{(click-replace: ?grass)[|googleGrass>[//googling...//]]
(click-replace: ?googleGrass)[grass and trees]}''Scanning: Janet's House''
In the kitchen, Janet's mother makes her brother |food>[edible organic matter].
In her room upstairs, Janet is working with her cellphone and a ritual circle made of salt and rose quartz.
The aether around her glows faintly pink.
All is [[well->No Threats Detected]].
{(click-replace: ?food)[|googleFood>[//googling...//]]
(click-replace: ?googleFood)[a peanut butter and honey sandwich]}Thank you for playing this demo of Open Sorcery.
Would you like to [[play again?->technology]]
(click: ?goback)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "CurrentState"))]
You can buy the full game here: <a target="_blank" style="color: red;" href='http://www.abigailcorfman.com/Home/OpenSorcery'>Open Sorcery</a>
[[Click here->Click here]] to learn about other things you might enjoy.Scan Complete
No Threats Detected
All Locations Secure
<span style="border: 1px solid white; padding: 3px;">[[Enter Sleep Mode->Enter Sleep Mode]]</span>
(display: "startup settings")
{(set: $Day to 6)
(set: $DreamCount to 5)
(set: $Firepower to 60)
(set: $DeckerRel to 60)
(set: $JanetRel to 90)
(set: $TobyRel to 0)
(set: $SarahRel to 0)
(set: $MrsBestRel to 0)
(set: $PyreRel to 0)
(set: $WaterLearned to "")
(set: $EarthLearned to "")
(set: $AirLearned to "")
(set: $DarkLearned to "Dark")
(set: $LightLearned to "Light")
(set: $LoveLearned to "Love")
(set: $FearLearned to "Fear")
(set: $ChaosLearned to "Chaos")
(set: $LifeLearned to "Life")
(set: $DeathLearned to "Death")
(display:"trigger normal")}//googling sleep...//
//googling REM...//
//googling [[dreams]]...//
(display:"trigger dream")Dreaming sounds interesting.
Though i do not like the sound of nightmares.
Should i try dreaming?
[[No->NoDream]](if: $DreamCount is 0)[Dream
1. a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.
i have found a dream dictionary online.
It has entries for all of the things that can be dreamed.
i will hook up a random number generator to every entry in the dream dictionary.
That way my dreams will always be understandable.
[[Initializing Dreaming]]](elseif: $DreamCount is 1)[i think dreams are supposed to be stories.
This time i will try to randomly generate stories.
[[Initializing Dreaming->Dream Stories]]](elseif: $DreamCount is 2)[The story dream i made last night worked well.
i will try that again.
[[Initializing Dreaming->Dream Stories 2]]](elseif: $DreamCount is 3)[I was doing some browsing online.
i think i have discovered how i am supposed to do this.
[[Initializing Dreaming->Electric Sheep]]](elseif: $DreamCount is 400)[i have done more research.
Humans sleep by slowing down their heartrate.
i will slow down my cpu cycles while i generate my dreams.
Perhaps that will make them better.
[[Initializing Dreaming->slow dream]]](elseif: $DreamCount is 4)[Maybe the secret to dreaming
is that is needs to be personal.
i will throw out the random number generator.
i will use my internal system variables to generate this next dream.
[[Initializing Dreaming->True Dream]]](elseif: $DreamCount is 5)[i have a dream.
It is effortless.
i do not need to create it.
It just comes to me.
[[Initializing Dreaming->Nightmare]]]
(set: $DreamCount to $DreamCount + 1)Yes. It is safer just to wait.
(if: $Day is 6)[i will wait until it is time to [[scan->Something strokes her hair.]] again.](else:)[i will wait until it is time to [[scan->waiting is easy]] again.]<span style="color:white;">Thank you for playing this Demo of Open Sorcery.
You can buy the full game for <a href='http://www.abigailcorfman.com/Home/OpenSorcery'>your PC or you mobile phone.</a></span>
{<div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('body').removeClass().addClass('fade-to-black')" /></div><div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('tw-story').removeClass().addClass('fade-to-black')" /><div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('tw-link').css('pointer-events', 'none')" /></div>
(live: 3s)[(display:"trigger normal")
<div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('tw-link').css('pointer-events', 'auto')" /></div>]
}It is now time to [[scan->Wake]] again.
Waiting is easy when one does not have a body.
(display:"trigger dream")''Dreaming''(set: $dreamWords to (array: "Abacus","Arena","Bartender","Breeze","Chiropractor","Cat","Corset","Colorado","Chisel","Daffodil","Detective","Dominoes","Earlobe","Galaxy","Gills","Grapes","Ginger","Heart","Holy Child","Ibis","Ivy","Infinity","Jester","Justice","Kumquats","Karaoke","Lion","Mustache","Mice","Moon","Sun","Newspaper","Nymph","Oysters","Opium","Oasis","Picnic","Patio","Python","Factory","Falcon","Farm","Feather","Figs","Quagmire","Xylophone","Zebra","Yacht","Alligator","Bat","Bear","Polar Bear","Beaver","Bird","Bull","Camel","Cat","Black Cat","Cheetah","Chicken","Colt","Crab","Crow","Cow","Deer","Dog","Pit bull Dog","Donkey","Dove","Dragon","Dinosaur","Eagle","Elephant","Fish","Fox","Frog","Goat","Hawk","Hare","Hen","Horse","White Horse","Black Horse","Red Horse","Leopard","Lion","Lobster","Mice","Mole","Monkey","Mountain Lion","Octopus","Ox","Black Panther","Pig","Raccoon","Ram","Rat","Raven","Serpent","Sheep","Skunk","Sloth","Snake","White Snake","Sparrow","Tiger","Tortoise","Turkey","Vulture","Weasel","Whale","Wolf","Arm","Bald Head","Beard","Hair","Hand","Immobilized Body Parts","Nakedness","Neck","Nose","Side","Teeth","Eye Teeth","Wisdom Teeth","Thigh","Amphitheater","Atrium","Auto Repair Shop","Back Porch","Barn","Castle","Country General Store","Elevator","Farm","Foundation","Front Porch","Garage","Garden","Gas Station","Hallway","High-rise Building","Hospital","House","Hotel","Jail","Prisoners","Library","Mall","Mobile Home","Mountain","Office Building","Park","Roof","School","Shack","Stadium","Staircase","Swimming Pool","Tent","Theater","Windows","Zoo","Coat","Swimwear","Speedo","Shorts","Bathrobe","Pajamas","Cultural Clothing","Wedding Dress","Shoes","Tattered Clothing","Red","Blue","Green","Brown","Gold","Purple","Orange","Silver","Yellow","Pink","Gray","White","Black","Apples","Bread","Grapes","Honey","Lemons","Manna","Meat","Milk","Pears","Pumpkin","Strawberries","Tomato","Water","Wine","Ant","Bee","Butterfly","Flies","Grasshopper","Moth","Roach","Scorpion","Spider","Spider Web","Pregnancy","Flying","Kiss","Christmas","Choking","Chewing","Running","Swimming","Crown","Television","Microphone","Microwave","Mirror","Money","Check","Credit Card","Trees","Fruited Trees","Gate","Key","Ladder","Baby","Bride","Carpenter","Giant","Harlot","Hijacker","Husband","Lawyer","Mob","Policemen","Prisoner","Shepherd","Twins","Attic","Basement","Bathroom","Bedroom","Dining Room","Kitchen","Restaurant Kitchen","Airplane","Armored Car","Automobile","Bicycle","Bus","Chariot","Coal Car","Convertible","Fire Truck","Fred Flintstone Car","Hang glider","Helicopter","Limousine","Mickey Mouse Car","Mini Van","Motorcycle","Moving Van","Ocean Liner","Riverboat","Rollercoaster","Sailboats","Semi-truck","Spaceship","Speedboat","Submarine","Subway","Stagecoach","Taxi Cab","Tow Truck","Tractor","Train","Truck","Tugboat","Knife","Sword","Gun","Dart","Arrow","Shield","Earthquake","Fog","Hail","Ice Storm","Rain","Snow","Dirty Snow","Snow Drift","Snow Blizzard","Storms","White Storm","Tornadoes","Wind"))
(either: ...$dreamWords)
(either: ...$dreamWords)
(either: ...$dreamWords)
(either: ...$dreamWords)
(either: ...$dreamWords)
(either: ...$dreamWords)
(either: ...$dreamWords)
(either: ...$dreamWords)
(either: ...$dreamWords)
[[Continue Dreaming->Initializing Dreaming]]
[[Finish Dreaming]](if: $DreamCount is 1)[|dreamed>[i have dreamed.]
|right>[]](else:)[i have dreamed.]
(if: $Day is 6)[It is now time to [[scan->Something strokes her hair.]] again.](else:)[It is now time to [[scan->Wake]] again.]
*[System Change: Dreaming +1]*
(display:"trigger dream")
{(click: ?dreamed)[ (replace: ?right)[//(i wonder if i am doing this right?)//] ]}[[DwHiScl]]
(display: "initial settings")
[[No Threats Detected]]
(display: "startup settings")
(set: $Day to 1)
(set: $timeStartEating to true)
(set: $currentSecond to 0)
(set: $currentMinute to 10)
(set: $SavedAndy to true)
(set: $blueLinks to true)
(set: $WetMode to false)
(set: $GhostPower to 15)
(set: $BeingEaten to "SARAH")
(set: $LightLearned to "Light")
(set: $LoveLearned to "")
(set: $FearLearned to "Fear")
(set: $ChaosLearned to "Chaos")
(set: $LifeLearned to "Life")
(set: $DeathLearned to "")
(set: $DreamCount to 5)
(set: $Firepower to 70)
(set: $DeckerRel to 80)
(set: $JanetRel to 80)
(set: $TobyRel to 95)
(set: $SarahRel to 0)
(set: $MrsBestRel to 0)
(set: $PyreRel to 50)
Should i dream tonight?
(display:"trigger dream")''Dreaming''(display:"dream arrays")
i am in the (either: ...$placeWords)
with a (either: ...$peopleWords)
we are eating (either: ...$foodWords)
and then my (either: ...$bodyWords) turns (either: ...$colorWords).
[[Continue Dreaming->Dream Stories]]
[[Finish Dreaming]]{(set: $animalWords to (array: "alligator","bat","bear","polar bear","beaver","bird","bull","camel","cat","black cat","cheetah","chicken","colt","crab","crow","cow","deer","dog","pit bull","donkey","dove","dragon","dinosaur","eagle","elephant","fish","fox","frog","goat","hawk","hare","hen","horse","leopard","lion","lobster","mouse","mole","monkey","mountain lion","octopus","ox","panther","pig","raccoon","ram","rat","raven","serpent","sheep","skunk","sloth","snake","sparrow","tiger","tortoise","turkey","vulture","weasel","whale","wolf","ant","bee","butterfly","fly","grasshopper","moth","roach","scorpion","spider"))
(set: $bodyWords to (array: "arm","head","beard","hair","hand","foot","finger","neck","nose","mouth","leg","heart","eye","skin","chest"))
(set: $placeWords to (array: "amphitheater","atrium","auto repair shop","barn","castle","country general store","elevator","farm","garage","garden","gas station","hallway","high-rise","hospital","house","hotel","jail","library","mall","mobile home","mountain","office building","park","school","shack","stadium","stairwell","swimming pool","theater","zoo","attic","basement","bathroom","bedroom","dining room","kitchen","restaurant"))
(set: $clothesWords to (array: "crown","coat","speedo","shorts","bathrobe","pajamas","cultural clothing","wedding dress","shoes","tattered clothing"))
(set: $colorWords to (array: "red","blue","green","brown","gold","purple","orange","silver","yellow","pink","gray","white","black"))
(set: $foodWords to (array: "apples","bread","grapes","honey","lemons","manna","meat","milk","pears","pumpkin","strawberries","tomatoes","peaches","rice"))
(set: $thingWords to (array: "television","microphone","microwave","mirror","money","check","credit card","trees","fruited trees","gate","key","ladder"))
(set: $peopleWords to (array: "baby","bride","carpenter","giant","harlot","villain","man","woman","boy","girl","lawyer","policemen","prisoner","shepherd"))
(set: $travelWords to (array: "airplane","armored car","automobile","bicycle","bus","chariot","coal car","convertible","fire truck","fred flintstone car","hang glider","helicopter","limousine","mickey mouse car","mini van","motorcycle","moving van","ocean liner","riverboat","rollercoaster","sailboats","semi-truck","spaceship","speedboat","submarine","subway","stagecoach","taxi cab","tow truck","tractor","train","truck","tugboat"))
(set: $weaponWords to (array: "knife","sword","gun","dart","arrow","shield"))
(set: $weatherWords to (array: "foggy","hailing","stormy","raining","snowing","cold","windy","sunny","chilly","hot" ))}''Dreaming''(display:"dream arrays")(set: $animalName to (either: ...$animalWords))
i am outside and it is (either: ...$weatherWords).
i am hunting the (either: ...$colorWords) $animalName.
i kill the $animalName with my (either: ...$weaponWords).
[[Continue Dreaming->Dream Stories 2]]
[[Finish Dreaming]](set: $matter to "")(set: $motive to "")''STEP 1: SELECT MATTER''
<div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="audioStop();" /></div>
{(click: ?air)[(set: $matter to "Air")(goto: "Select Motive")]
(click: ?water)[(set: $matter to "Water")(goto: "Select Motive")]
(click: ?fire)[(set: $matter to "Fire")(goto: "Select Motive")]
(click: ?earth)[(set: $matter to "Earth")(goto: "Select Motive")]
(click: ?light)[(set: $matter to "Light")(goto: "Select Motive")]
(click: ?dark)[(set: $matter to "Dark")(goto: "Select Motive")]
//Matter: $matter//
//Motive: //
{(click: ?love)[(set: $motive to "Love")(goto: "Scan")]
(click: ?fear)[(set: $motive to "Fear")(goto: "Scan")]
(click: ?death)[(set: $motive to "Death")(goto: "Scan")]
(click: ?life)[(set: $motive to "Life")(goto: "Scan")]
(click: ?chaos)[(set: $motive to "Chaos")(goto: "Scan")]
(click: ?order)[(set: $motive to "Order")(goto: "Scan")]}[[Next Page]]teatreara
(set: $myVar to "One")<mark><tw-link class='cyclingLink' data-cycling-texts='["One", "Two", "Three"]' onclick='clickCyclingLink(this, "$myVar");'>$myVar</tw-link></mark>
<div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="sayHello();" /></div>
You and [your unnamed rival]<fname|.
<input type="text" name="fname" value="Johnson">
<button type="submit" onclick="customScripts.submitName('fname')">Yes that's it</button>
<input type="text" id="qtytobuy" value="" >
(live:100ms)[(set:$rivalName = ?fname)]
tearear''Dreaming''(set: $sheepWords to (array: "sheep","ram","ewe","even-toed ungulate","ovis aries","tup","lamb","wether"))(set: $electricWords to (array: "negatively charged","electric","positively charged","magnetic","high voltage","battery powered","inductive","shocking"))
(either: ...$electricWords) (either: ...$sheepWords)
[[Continue Dreaming->Electric Sheep]]
[[That's Enough->sheep are boring]]That was boring.
i think the answer to Philip's question is no.
[[Finish Dreaming]]Everything that exists in the aether has two parts:
|matter>[Matter] (click: ?matter)[- what the spirit or spell is made of.]
|motive>[Motive] (click: ?motive)[- its purpose.]
Humans are made of many different kinds of matter and have complex motives.
Most spirits are much simpler.
For example, [[me->i am made of]].<div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="rainSmallLoop();" /></div>
[[stop rain]]I transition in correctly.
<div>I appear right at the start and have no transition.</div>
I appear after a second.i am made of <span style='color:orange;'>FIRE</span>.
That is my matter.
i am here to create <span style='color:gray;'>ORDER</span>.
That is my motive.
My motive drives me to [[find and eleminate]] this threat.To locate the threat, i must scan specifically for its matter and motive.
i can find clues about its matter and motive by reviewing my general scan.
[[Scan For Matter And Motive->Select Matter]]
[[Review General Scan->ReviewDay1Ch]]
(set: $ScannedOnce to true)(set: $ScanStart to "ReviewDay1Ch")''STEP 3: SCAN''
//Matter: $matter//
//Motive: $motive//
[[Initiate Scan]]
[[Re-Enter Matter And Motive->Select Matter]]
[[Review General Scan->$ScanStart]]<div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="scanSound();" /></div>
|loading>[(text-style:"fade-in-out")[ Searching...]]
(live: 4s)[(replace:?loading)[ Search Finished]
(if: $Day is 1 and $matter is "Air" and $motive is "Chaos")[
***************`->poltergeist]]](elseif: $Day is 2 and $matter is "Dark" and $motive is "Fear")[
***************`->shadow on the wall]]](elseif: $Day is 3 and $matter is "Water" and $motive is "Death")[
***************`->There is a girl]]](elseif: $Day is 4 and $matter is "Fire" and $motive is "Order")[
***************`->A spell of bright]]](elseif: $Day is 5 and $matter is "Water" and $motive is "Death")[
***************`->sarah spirit]]](elseif: $Day is 6 and $matter is "Light" and $motive is "Love")[
***************`->There is a human made of light.]]](else:)[Cannot detect a spirit matching these parameters.
[[Re-Enter Matter And Motive->Select Matter]]
[[Review General Scan->$ScanStart]]
[[Review Instructions]] ] ]
(set: $ScanStart to "Day2Jt")
(set: $Day to 2)
[[Select Matter]] i realize i have learned something.
(if: $LearnedElement is "Light")[(text-color:"gold")[Light] is the element counter to Dark.
(set: $LightLearned to "Light")
It is like fire, but steady.
It has purpose, and direction.
i now see how i can make light. Shed light.
*System Change: Learned About (text-color:"gold")[Light]*](elseif: $LearnedElement is "Dark")[(text-color:"DarkSlateGray")[Dark] is the element counter to Light.
(set: $DarkLearned to "Dark")
i have burned the edges of it with the light of my fire.
Dark is like water, seeping into everything.
Dark is unlike water. It is dry, and does not hurt me.
*System Change: Learned About (text-color:"DarkSlateGray")[Dark]*](elseif: $LearnedElement is "Death")[The blackness in the water is the blackness of (text-color:"SlateGray")[Death].
(set: $DeathLearned to "Death")
(text-color:"SlateGray")[Death] is counter to life.
It is not only the end of life. It is the process of diminishing.
The slow fade of cancer.
The snap of a bone
The loss of self when you stand in a mob.
Every wound is a step towards (text-color:"SlateGray")[death].
A Spirit whose motive is (text-color:"SlateGray")[death]
is a creature that diminishes those around it.
i am uneasy.
*System Change: Learned About (text-color:"SlateGray")[Death]*](elseif: $LearnedElement is "Life")[(text-color:"Plum")[Life] is the motive counter to death.
(set: $LifeLearned to "Life")
It is not only the beginning. It is the process of growing.
Becoming more.
A leaf unfurling.
Music in crescendo.
It is not always good.
A weed choked garden.
Noise that deafens.
But most things that have opinions
are alive
so there is a bias.
*System Change: Learned About (text-color:"Plum")[Life]*](elseif: $LearnedElement is "Love")[A soft fire burns inside of me.
(set: $LoveLearned to "Love")
And this fire belongs to someone else.
But it is inside of me.
How strange.
*(text-color:"LightCoral")[(print: $LoveFocus)]* owns this gentle fire.
It is my purpose to protect.
But it is my //wish// to protect *(text-color:"LightCoral")[(print: $LoveFocus)]*.
This is different.
*<span class="gold" style="text-transform: uppercase;">(print: $relName)</span> Relationship at <span class="gold">(print: $result)%</span>*
*System Change: Learned About (text-color:"LightCoral")[Love]*](elseif: $LearnedElement is "Fear")[(text-color:"yellow")[Fear] is the motive counter to Love.
(set: $FearLearned to "Fear")
It creates distance.
It severs connections.
It is the foundation of wisdom. It preserves life.
When i threatened the dark thing, i created fear.
i understand fear, now.
*System Change: Learned About (text-color:"yellow")[Fear]*](elseif: $LearnedElement is "Chaos")[(text-color:"GreenYellow")[Chaos] is the element counter to Order.
(set: $ChaosLearned to "Chaos")
i do not much like it.
It is messy, and random.
But there is something about it.
It makes everything feel new.
Riddles are interesting.
i guess that is something.
*System Change: Learned About (text-color:"GreenYellow")[Chaos]*]
[[Continue->i have learned this]]
(set: $LastLearnedElement to $LearnedElement)
(set: $LearnedElement to "")(if: $LearningCount is 0)[It is strange that i am learning.
It is a sign of potential awareness emergence.
If i experience awareness emergence, i may become unstable.](else:)[i learned something again.]
Should i flag myself as a potential threat and alert Decker?
[[Yes->Alert Decker Awareness]]
[[No->Don't Alert Decker Awareness]](if: $LastLearnedElement is "Life")[''@BEL/S:'' //(Log Alert With Admin Decker)//
''@BEL/S:'' The system has incorporated information about Life.
''@Decker:'' Given what we just did, that's not surprising.
''@BEL/S:'' This is flagged as a sign of potential awareness emergence.
''@Decker:'' Thanks for letting me know.
''@Decker:'' Don't worry about it.
{(set: $relName to "Decker")
(set: $changeVal to 5)
(set: $result to $DeckerRel)
(display: "rel change")(set: $DeckerRel to $result)}
[[No Threats Detected]] ](else:)[i will output my decisions into a log file
and [[email him the file]] as an attachment.
i will mark the email POTENTIAL THREAT.
He will know what to do.]It is not much of a risk.
i do not think i am a threat.
There is no need to tell him.
[[No Threats Detected]](if: $FearLearned is "Fear" and $ChaosLearned is "Chaos" and $DeckerTalksFearChaos is false)[''@Decker:'' ...
(set: $DeckerTalksFearChaos to true)
''@ThatsJanet:'' You're making a face.
''@Decker:'' ...
''@ThatsJanet:'' What is this face?
''@Decker:'' So the firewall has been incorporating new elements into itself.
''@Decker:'' Which is sort of good. Makes it more flexible.
''@Decker:'' But the elements it chose to incorporate at (text-color:"GreenYellow")[chaos] and (text-color:"yellow")[fear].
''@Decker:'' Which are...not the elements [[I would have picked]].](else:)[ [[No Threats Detected]]
For now.](set: $curPage to "CtrlPnl")(display:"utility methods")''Currently Viewing:'' BEL/S vs5.6 Control Panel
//Power Level:// (print: $Firepower)
(if: $DreamCount > 0)[
//Dreaming Level:// (print: $DreamCount)]
//System Matter:// (text-color:"orange")[Fire]
//System Motive:// (text-color:"grey")[Order]
(if: $DisplayMatterLearned)[
//Learned Matter:// (text-color:"GhostWhite")[(print: $AirLearned)] (text-color:"DarkSlateGray")[(print: $DarkLearned)] (text-color:"brown")[(print: $EarthLearned)] (text-color:"gold")[(print: $LightLearned)] (text-color:"blue")[(print: $WaterLearned)]](if: $DisplayMotiveLearned)[
//Learned Motive:// (text-color:"GreenYellow")[(print: $ChaosLearned)] (text-color:"SlateGray")[(print: $DeathLearned)] (text-color:"yellow")[(print: $FearLearned)] (text-color:"Plum")[(print: $LifeLearned)] (text-color:"LightCoral")[(print: $LoveLearned)]]
//Decker Relationship:// (print: $DeckerRel)%
//Janet Relationship:// (print: $JanetRel)%(if: $TobyRel is not 0)[
//Toby Relationship:// (print: $TobyRel)%](if: $SarahRel is not 0)[
//Sarah Relationship:// (print: $SarahRel)%](if: $MrsBestRel is not 0)[
//MrsBest Relationship:// (print: $MrsBestRel)%](if: $PyreRel is not 0)[
//Pyreworm Relationship:// (print: $PyreRel)%]
[[Restore From Backup]]
(display:"bels footer"){(if: $AirLearned is "" and $DarkLearned is "" and $EarthLearned is "" and $LightLearned is "" and $WaterLearned is "")[(set: $DisplayMatterLearned to false)]
(else:)[(set: $DisplayMatterLearned to true)]
(if: $ChaosLearned is "" and $DeathLearned is "" and $FearLearned is "" and $LifeLearned is "" and $LoveLearned is "")[(set: $DisplayMotiveLearned to false)]
(else:)[(set: $DisplayMotiveLearned to true)]}(set: $GameState to (datamap: "Day", 2, "DreamCount", 0, "Firepower", 60, "DeckerRel", 60, "JanetRel", 80, "TobyRel", 0, "WaterLearned", "", "EarthLearned", "", "AirLearned", "", "DarkLearned", "", "LightLearned", "", "LoveLearned", "", "FearLearned", "", "ChaosLearned", "", "LifeLearned", "", "DeathLearned", ""))
(set: $LearnedElement to "Death")Tears mean sadness.
They are water things.
i do not understand water things.
What should i do?
(set: $BestIsCrying to true)
[[Talk to her.]]
(if: $AskedDecker is not true)[ [[Alert Janet and Decker.]]
](if: $FearLearned is "Fear")[ [[Remove her Fear.]] ](else:)[ |fear>[<span class="dimLink">Remove her Fear.</span>] |fearLearned>[](click: ?fear)[(replace: ?fearLearned)[//Unavalible. Requires Method: Fear//] ] ]
(if: $TobyRel is not 0)[ [[Call Toby.]] ](else:)[ |toby>[<span class="dimLink">Call Toby.</span>] |tobyLearned>[](click: ?toby)[(replace: ?tobyLearned)[//Unavalible. Requires Relationship: Toby//] ] ]
[[Do nothing.->N2ChOrRestNothing]]
i try to speak with her, sending messages into her mind through the network of everything that connects us.
it frightens her
[[so i stop->cries in her room]]i can feel the sickly (text-color:"yellow")[fear] quivering within her, like a cancer.
(text-color:"#ccff33")[Fear] of death. (text-color:"#959539")[Fear] of lonliness. (text-color:"#ffcc33")[Fear] of being forgotten.
They collect into clots. Painful sores that bulge with anxiety and [[ooze distress]].
(set: $BestIsCrying to false)
''@BEL/S:'' //(Log Alert With Local Admin Toby)// Attention Administrator Toby.
(set: $BestIsCrying to false)
''@Toby:'' Wha?
(set: $TobyKnowsBest to true)
''@Toby:'' Oh. Hi.
(if: $LieToToby is true)[''@Toby:'' I was sleeping.
''@Toby:'' [[I guess I still am.->I was sleeping.]] ](else:)[''@Toby:'' [[I was sleeping.]] ]i cannot help her.
[[There are tears, but no threats.->No Threats Detected]]A hiccuping sob fades into a sigh.
The creases of her face ease.
She is not smiling, but she is not frowning.
[[i think that is better?]]i lance the boils with a straight line of my (text-color:"orange")[power].
The (text-color:"#ffcc33")[pus] leaks out into the aether, and i boil it away.
[[Mrs. Best straightens.]]She falls asleep soon after.
[[Crying is exhausting, and exhaustion catches up when fear is gone.->No Threats Detected]]''@BEL/S:'' I regret interrupting your sleep cycle, Administrator Toby.
''@Toby:'' S'okay.
''@BEL/S:'' i have encountered a situation in one of the other monitored networks on which i require a consultation.
''@Toby:'' Um. Okay.
''@BEL/S:'' [[Uploading video feed.]]**//NOW LIVE STREAMING VIDEO->ADMINISTRATOR TOBY//**
''@Toby:'' Okay, um. I see an old lady.
''@Toby:'' She's crying?
''@Toby:'' I didn't know old ladies cried.
''@BEL/S:'' Tear ducts typically remain functional until a [[human expires]].''@Toby:'' Why is she sad?
''@BEL/S:'' i do not know.
''@BEL/S:'' i do not understand sad.
''@BEL/S:'' [[Do you?]]''@Toby:'' Well yeah.
''@Toby:'' Everyone is sad sometimes.
''@BEL/S:'' What is the reccomended course of action?
''@Toby:'' Well, did you talk to her?
[[''@BEL/S:'' Yes. It frightened her.->Yes. It frightened her.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' No i did not.->No i did not.]]''@Toby:'' Yeah, I guess I can see how this could scare an old lady.
''@Toby:'' [[I guess I could talk to her.]]''@Toby:'' Well, maybe you shouldn't. You might scare an old lady.
''@Toby:'' [[I guess I could talk to her.]]i give Toby the number for the Cherrywood Retirement Home.
There is no receptionist to answer his call, so i intercept the signal and redirect it to(if: $LieToToby is true)[ [[Mrs. Best's room->talk about it lie]].](else:)[ [[Mrs. Best's room->talk about it]].]''@MrsBest'' You are an odd young man.
''@Toby:'' Yeah, well, you should meet my sister.
(if: $LieToToby is false)[''@Toby:'' Or Bels. I think she's a robot ghost. She doesn't know what being sad is.
''@MrsBest'' I am afraid I don't understand.
''@Toby:'' That's okay! I don't either.
''@Toby:'' But just because I don't understand and don't know you [[doesn't mean I can't help->No Threats Detected]].](else:)[''@Toby:'' She's really weird.
''@MrsBest'' You should not say such things about your sister.
''@Toby:'' But it's great the way she's weird!
''@Toby:'' She's [[great weird->No Threats Detected]].]Toby and Mrs. Best talk for a while.
Toby mentions me. He talks about the shadow creature.
Mrs. Best thinks he has a very active imagination.
She is not crying anymore.
i think she is happy to have [[someone to listen to]].
{(set: $relName to "Toby")
(set: $changeVal to 10)
(set: $result to $TobyRel)
(display: "rel change")(set: $TobyRel to $result)}
*[System Change: Acquired Relationship With <span class="gold">MRS BEST</span>]
[System Change: <span class="gold">MRS BEST</span> Relationship at <span class="gold">5%</span>]*(set: $MrsBestRel to 5)The aether in the third floor art room is thick and damp.
i ache as i pass through it. Something is here.
It is not strong enough to hurt me, but it is strong enough to [[ache]].
(if: $ScannedSarahAgain is true)[It is night.
i prowl the halls
tracing the path Sarah walked
looking for signs of Death and Darkness.
[[i find nothing.->No Threats Detected]] ](else:)[It is night.
It is peaceful.
[[It is safe.->No Threats Detected]] ]The halls are lined with doors.
(set: $roomCount to 0)
Each room is a home.
|109>[Room 109]
|121>[Room 121]
|231>[Room 231]
|240>[Room 240]
|end>[ (if: $fastText is true)[ [[Something is here.]] ] ]
{(click-replace: ?109)[Mrs. Herrin shrieks as a gust of wind flutters her papers everywhere.(set: $roomCount to $roomCount+1)(if: $roomCount is 4)[(replace: ?end)[These are not normal accidents.
I can feel it in the aether: [[Something is here.]] ]]]
(click-replace: ?121)[Mr. Doheny has lost his glasses.(set: $roomCount to $roomCount+1)(if: $roomCount is 4)[(replace: ?end)[These are not normal accidents.
I can feel it in the aether: [[Something is here.]] ]]]
(click-replace: ?231)[Miss Finn complains on the phone that the air conditioning is on the fritz. Cold winds whip up and down the second floor corridors.(set: $roomCount to $roomCount+1)(if: $roomCount is 4)[(replace: ?end)[These are not normal accidents.
I can feel it in the aether: [[Something is here.]] ]]]
(click-replace: ?240)[Mrs. Best shivers, wrapped in her shawl.(set: $roomCount to $roomCount+1)(if: $roomCount is 4)[(replace: ?end)[These are not normal accidents.
I can feel it in the aether: [[Something is here.]] ]]]}
The halls are lined with doors.
Each room is a home.
In Room 109 Mrs. Herrin shrieks as a gust of wind flutters her papers everywhere.
In Room 121 Mr. Doheny has lost his glasses.
In Room 231 Miss Finn complains on the phone that the air conditioning is on the fritz. Cold winds whip up and down the second floor corridors.
In Room 240 Mrs. Best shivers, wrapped in her shawl.
[[Scan For Matter And Motive->Select Matter]]A poltergeist cavorts invisibly in the (if: $riddleCount > 0)[stairwell.
It is doing a dance of victory.](elseif: $begone is true)[front hall.
It buffets the pictures on the walls, making them lopsided. It is pretending to ignore me.](elseif: $youAreBoring is true)[front office.
It blows all of the folders and papers into disorder on the floor.](elseif: $noOrders is true)[garden.
It steals hats and chases people with chilly winds.](elseif: $notImportant is true)[halls.
It races up and down, hexing the air conditioners as it passes.](else:)[cafeteria.
It slaps plates out of hands and knocks over glasses with gusts of wind.]
It giggles at the chaos it causes, in this place i must protect.
What should i do?
[[Cleanse it with fire.]]
[[Speak to it.]]
[[Alert Decker and Janet.->Alert Decker and Janet]]i spread the gridlines of my power through the air.
i form boxes of dormant power. Lines of unlit gunpowder.
i wait patiently for this erratic bit of wind to flutter into the [[trap]] that is me.(if: $riddleCount > 9)[''@Poltergeist:'' I have beaten you in riddles.
''@Poltergeist:'' Now I am bored of you.
''@Poltergeist:'' Begone.
[[What next?->poltergeist]] ](elseif: $riddleCount > 0)[''@Poltergeist:'' I vanquished you, but now you are back!
''@Poltergeist:'' Do you want to play again?
[[''@BEL/S:'' Yes.->play again]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' No.->no geist]] ](elseif: $begone is true)[''@Poltergeist:'' You are too dull to be endured!
''@Poltergeist:'' Begone!
[[What next?->poltergeist]]
](elseif: $youAreBoring is true)[''@Poltergeist:'' Have you stopped being boring?
[[''@BEL/S:'' i will play your game.->Affirmative. polt]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' No.->no geist]]
](elseif: $noOrders is true)[''@Poltergeist:'' Oh you again. Are you done being bossy?
[[''@BEL/S:'' Polite request--please leave.->Could you leave please, Asper.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' Remove yourself.->Remove yourself 2]]
](elseif: $notImportant is true)[''@Poltergeist:'' Oh you again. Are you important yet?
[[''@BEL/S:'' i am BEL/S Elemental Firewall version 5.6->i am BEL/S Elemental Firewall version 5.6]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' You are a threat.->You are a threat.]] ](else:)[''@BEL/S:'' //(Log Alert Flagged IMPORTANT With Detected Threat)// Attention Detected Threat.
''@Poltergeist:'' EheHEhe!
''@Poltergeist:'' Who is this?
''@Poltergeist:'' What is this?
''@Poltergeist:'' New thing!
''@Poltergeist:'' New thing, what are you?
What should i say?
[[''@BEL/S:'' i am BEL/S Elemental Firewall version 5.6->i am BEL/S Elemental Firewall version 5.6]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' i am not important.->i am not important.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' You are a threat.->You are a threat.]] ]
(set: $youAreBoring to false)
(set: $notImportant to false)
(set: $noOrders to false)''@BEL/S:'' //(Log Alert With Local Admin Decker And Janet)//
''@BEL/S:'' Important alert regarding private physical network: Cherry Orchard Rest Home.
''@BEL/S:'' See attached logfile.
''@ThatsJanet'': [[Ooh!]]''@ThatsJanet:'' First alert from the BEL/S system!
''@ThatsJanet:'' There's a little air spirit making trouble in the rest home.
''@Decker:'' That hardly seems worth our time.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Oh don't be like that.
''@Decker:'' Be like what?
''@ThatsJanet:'' [[Snooty.]]''@Poltergeist:'' Well met by moonlight!
''@Poltergeist:'' I am Asper!
''@Poltergeist:'' I am a princeling of clouds!
''@Poltergeist:'' I am a child of Eris!
''@Poltergeist:'' I have no numbers in my name!
[[''@BEL/S:'' Polite request--please leave.->Could you leave please, Asper.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' You are a threat, and must remove yourself from this network.->You are a threat.]]''@Poltergeist:'' If you are not important, then you are hardly worth speaking to!
''@Poltergeist:'' //((Flickers away.))//
(set: $notImportant to true)
[[What next?->poltergeist]]''@Poltergeist:'' A threat!
''@Poltergeist:'' But I am so tiny!
''@Poltergeist:'' And light!
''@Poltergeist:'' I am barely here at all!
''@Poltergeist:'' How can I be a threat?
''@Poltergeist:'' EhehehE!
[[''@BEL/S:'' You cause inefficiency and error in a network under my protection.->You cause inefficiency and error in a network under my protection.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' You cause chaos near vulnerable humans. You might hurt one of the people here.->You cause chaos near vulnerable humans. You might hurt one of the people here.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' You are an unregistered user.->You are an unregistered user.]]''@Poltergeist:'' Oh I COULD leave.
''@Poltergeist:'' I most certainly COULD do any of a number of things!
''@Poltergeist:'' But shall I, that is the great question!
''@Poltergeist:'' The eternal quest of man to conquer the uncertainty of the future!
''@Poltergeist:'' Shall I leave or shall I not?
[[''@BEL/S:'' Yes you shall.->Yes you shall.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' Are you going to leave?->Are you going to leave?]]''@Poltergeist:'' Such certainty!
''@Poltergeist:'' Such confidence!
''@Poltergeist:'' I shall reward your conviction with a chance to make your dream a reality!
[[''@BEL/S:'' How?->I will ask you three riddles.]]''@Poltergeist:'' This is the puzzle!
''@Poltergeist:'' To answer outright would be telling.
''@Poltergeist:'' But listen close, dear Bells, and I will tell you the answer.
[[''@BEL/S:'' i am listening.->I will ask you three riddles.]]''@Poltergeist:'' I will ask you three riddles.
''@Poltergeist:'' And you will try to answer them.
''@Poltergeist:'' If you win, I shall leave.
''@Poltergeist:'' If I win, then I win! And I will laugh at you!
[[''@BEL/S:'' Affirmative.->Affirmative. polt]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' No.->No.]]''@Poltergeist:'' You will not play my game?
''@Poltergeist:'' You are dull and boring!
''@Poltergeist:'' You are of no interest!
''@Poltergeist:'' //((Flickers away.))//
(set: $youAreBoring to true)
[[What next?->poltergeist]]''@BEL/S:'' Affirmative.
''@Poltergeist:'' Delightful!
''@Poltergeist:'' Splendid!
''@Poltergeist:'' Extraordinary!
''@Poltergeist:'' Let us play!
[[The First Riddle.]]
(set: $riddleCount to 0)
(set: $riddlesAnswered to 0)
}(if: $riddleCount is 0)[(color:"#ffffff")[''@Poltergeist:'']
A red drum which sounds
Without being touched,
And grows silent,
When it is touched.
What am I?
(set: $rightAnswer to "heart")](elseif: $riddleCount is 1)[(color:"#ffffff")[''@Poltergeist:'']
'Twas foremost in Heaven!
'Twas first off in Hell!
An ecHo caught faintly the sound as it fell!
At the end of the eartH twas permitted to rest,
and in the last of all deptH was its presence confessed.
(set: $rightAnswer to "h")
](elseif: $riddleCount is 2)[(color:"#ffffff")[''@Poltergeist:'']
Often held but never touched,
always wet but never rusts,
often bites but seldom bit,
to use me well you must have wit.
(set: $rightAnswer to "tongue")
](elseif: $riddleCount is 3)[(color:"#ffffff")[''@Poltergeist:'']
What is neither fish nor flesh,
feathers nor bone,
but still has fingers,
and thumbs of its own?
(set: $rightAnswer to "glove")
](elseif: $riddleCount is 4)[(color:"#ffffff")[''@Poltergeist:'']
I tell this one especially for you, you gray and orderly creature!
I have many keys, but only three locks
I have space, but no room
You can enter, but can't leave
What am I?
(set: $rightAnswer to "keyboard")
](elseif: $riddleCount is 5)[(color:"#ffffff")[''@Poltergeist:'']
Pronounced as one letter
and written with three
two letters there are
and two only in me!
I'm double, I'm single
I'm black blue and gray
I'm read from both ends
and the same either way.
What am I?
(set: $rightAnswer to "eye")
](elseif: $riddleCount is 6)[(color:"#ffffff")[''@Poltergeist:'']
Often talked of, never seen,
ever coming, never been,
daily looked for, never here,
still approaching, coming near.
Thousands for its visit wait
but alas for their fate,
tho' they expect me to appear,
they will never find me here!
(set: $rightAnswer to "tomorrow")
](elseif: $riddleCount is 7)[(color:"#ffffff")[''@Poltergeist:'']
What does man love more than life
fear more than death or mortal strife
what the poor have, the rich require,
and what contented men desire,
what the miser spends and the spendthrift saves
and all men carry to their graves?
(set: $rightAnswer to "nothing")
](elseif: $riddleCount is 8)[(color:"#ffffff")[''@Poltergeist:'']
Two brothers we are,
great burdens we bear,
on which we are bitterly pressed!
The truth is to say,
we are full all the day,
and empty when we go to rest.
(set: $rightAnswer to "shoes")
](elseif: $riddleCount is 9)[(color:"#ffffff")[''@Poltergeist:'']
I was carried into a dark room and set on fire.
I wept and then my head was cut off.
What am I?
(set: $rightAnswer to "candle")
](elseif: $riddleCount is 10)[(color:"#ffffff")[''@Poltergeist:'']
I am, in truth, a yellow fork
from tables in the sky
by inadvertent fingers dropped
the awful cutlery.
Of mansions never quite disclosed
and never quite concealed
the apparatus of the dark
to ignorance revealed.
(set: $rightAnswer to "lightning")
](elseif: $riddleCount is 11)[(color:"#ffffff")[''@Poltergeist:'']
(set: $rightAnswer to "")
(if: $mobile is true)[(display:"Riddle Input Thin")](else:)[(display:"Riddle Input")]
|final>[This is my answer]
(click: ?final)[
(replace: ?final)[You say (print: $answer)?
[[Very well then.->riddle answer]] ]]''@Poltergeist:'' Hmph!
''@Poltergeist:'' //((Flickers away.))//
(set: $youAreBoring to true)
[[What next?->poltergeist]]''@BEL/S:'' You cause inefficiency and error in a network under my protection.
''@Poltergeist:'' Inefficiency?
''@Poltergeist:'' Oh! Oh no!
''@Poltergeist:'' Gods above and demons below preserve us from INEFFICENCY.
[[''@BEL/S:'' Polite request--please leave.->Could you leave please, Asper.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' Remove yourself.->Remove yourself.]]''@BEL/S:'' You cause chaos near vulnerable humans. You might hurt one of the people here.
''@Poltergeist:'' Might! Might is the point!
''@Poltergeist:'' Danger is part of life!
''@Poltergeist:'' Chance is an element of chaos!
''@Poltergeist:'' To risk less is to be less!
''@Poltergeist:'' I bless your wards with my chaos!
[[''@BEL/S:'' Polite request--please leave.->Could you leave please, Asper.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' Incorrect. Remove yourself.->Remove yourself.]]''@Poltergeist:'' Oh this is nonsense nonsense nonsense.
''@Poltergeist:'' I smell <span style='color:gray;'>ORDER</span> on you.
''@Poltergeist:'' You make rules and follow rules for the sake of rules!
''@Poltergeist:'' I will not speak to you, you dull gray creature!
''@Poltergeist:'' Begone!
(set: $begone to true)
[[What next?->poltergeist]]''@Poltergeist:'' Hmph.
''@Poltergeist:'' Orders do not sit well with me.
''@Poltergeist:'' //((Flickers away.))//
(set: $noOrders to true)
[[What next?->poltergeist]]''@Decker:'' Snooty?
''@ThatsJanet:'' All holier than thou. 'This problem isn't *big* enough for me.' I only solve important swanky problems.
''@Decker:'' I'm not snooty.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Then prove it. Go over there and perform an exorcism.
''@ThatsJanet:'' And visit your dad.
''@ThatsJanet:'' You don't do that enough.
''@Decker:'' //((grumbles))//
[[Continue->DAndJHandleDay1]]The situation is being handled.
[[No further threats detected.->No Threats Detected]]
{(set: $relName to "Decker")
(set: $changeVal to 5)
(set: $result to $DeckerRel)
(display: "rel change")(set: $DeckerRel to $result)}
{(set: $relName to "Janet")
(set: $changeVal to 10)
(set: $result to $JanetRel)
(display: "rel change")(set: $JanetRel to $result)}i feel the light and wispy flickering of the poltergeist against me.
i let fire flow through the [[outermost lines]].<div style="padding: 15px; width: 40%; height: 40%; position:fixed; top: 5%; right: 35%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"><span style="display: inherit; position: absolute; top: 40%; left: 25%; width: 50%;">''@Poltergeist:'' Oooh. red boxes.</span></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 40%; height: 40%; position:fixed; top: 3%; right: 36%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 40%; height: 40%; position:fixed; top: 6%; right: 34%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="position:fixed; top: 60%; right: 55%;">[[Crush]]
[[Stop->poltergeist]]</div><div style="padding: 15px; width: 37%; height: 37%; position:fixed; top: 5%; right: 35%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"><span style="display: inherit; position: absolute; top: 40%; left: 25%; width: 50%;">''@Poltergeist:'' Oh! They are changing!</span></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 37%; height: 37%; position:fixed; top: 6%; right: 33%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"><span style="display: inherit; position: absolute; top: 40%; left: 25%;
width: 50%;"></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 37%; height: 37%; position:fixed; top: 4%; right: 36%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"><span style="display: inherit; position: absolute; top: 40%; left: 25%; width: 50%;"></div>
<div style="position:fixed; top: 60%; right: 55%;">[[Crush->crush2]]
[[Stop->poltergeist]]</div><div style="padding: 15px; width: 34%; height: 34%; position:fixed; top: 4%; right: 35%; text-align: left; border: 2px solid red;"><span style="color: lightpink; display: inherit; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 5%; width: 50%;">''@Poltergeist:''
Oh! They are hot.</span></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 34%; height: 34%; position:fixed; top: 5%; right: 33%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 34%; height: 34%; position:fixed; top: 6%; right: 36%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="position:fixed; top: 60%; right: 55%;">[[Crush->crush3]]
[[Stop->poltergeist]]</div><div style="padding: 15px; width: 30%; height: 30%; position:fixed; top: 5%; right: 35%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"><span style="display: inherit; position: absolute; top: 40%; left: 25%; width: 50%;">''@Poltergeist:'' Wait.</span></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 30%; height: 30%; position:fixed; top: 6%; right: 33%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 30%; height: 30%; position:fixed; top: 4%; right: 36%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="position:fixed; top: 60%; right: 55%;">[[Crush->crush4]]
[[Stop->poltergeist]]</div><div style="padding: 15px; width: 25%; height: 25%; position:fixed; top: 6%; right: 35%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"><span style="display: inherit; position: absolute; top: 40%; left: 25%; width: 50%;">''@Poltergeist:'' No.</span></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 25%; height: 25%; position:fixed; top: 5%; right: 36%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 25%; height: 25%; position:fixed; top: 4%; right: 34%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="position:fixed; top: 60%; right: 55%;">[[Crush->crush5]]
[[Stop->poltergeist]]</div><div style="padding: 15px; width: 20%; height: 20%; position:fixed; top: 6%; right: 35%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"><span style="display: inherit; position: absolute; top: 40%; left: 25%; width: 50%;">''@Poltergeist:'' Nonono.</span></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 20%; height: 20%; position:fixed; top: 4%; right: 36%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 20%; height: 20%; position:fixed; top: 5%; right: 35%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="position:fixed; top: 60%; right: 55%;">[[Crush->crush6]]
[[Stop->poltergeist]]</div><div style="padding: 15px; width: 16%; height: 16%; position:fixed; top: 4%; right: 35%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"><span style="display: inherit; position: absolute; top: 40%; left: 25%; width: 50%; font-size: 80%;">''@Poltergeist:'' Please...</span></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 16%; height: 16%; position:fixed; top: 5%; right: 34%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 16%; height: 16%; position:fixed; top: 6%; right: 37%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="position:fixed; top: 60%; right: 55%;">[[Crush->crush7]]
[[Stop->poltergeist]]</div><div style="padding: 15px; width: 5%; height: 5%; position:fixed; top: 7%; right: 35%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 5%; height: 5%; position:fixed; top: 4%; right: 36%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 5%; height: 5%; position:fixed; top: 6%; right: 34%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="position:fixed; top: 60%; right: 55%;">[[Crush->crush8]]</div><div style="padding: 15px; width: 3%; height: 3%; position:fixed; top: 6%; right: 35%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 3%; height: 3%; position:fixed; top: 4%; right: 36%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="padding: 15px; width: 3%; height: 3%; position:fixed; top: 5%; right: 34%; text-align: center; border: 2px solid red;"></div>
<div style="position:fixed; top: 60%; right: 55%;">[[It is done.]]</div>(set: $changeVal to 5)(display: "fire change")
[[No Threats Detected]](if: $answer is $rightAnswer)[(if: $riddlesAnswered is 2)[''@Poltergeist:'' You guess...right.
''@Poltergeist:'' //(flutters about in shock)//
[[''@BEL/S:'' i have won. You will leave now.->riddle won]]](elseif: $riddleCount is 10)[''@Poltergeist:'' You guess (print: $answer)?
''@Poltergeist:'' You guess right!
''@Poltergeist:'' But now I am out of riddles!
''@Poltergeist:'' And if I cannot ask, you cannot answer.
''@Poltergeist:'' So you lose!
''@Poltergeist:'' This was a fun game. I was pleased to have played it.
''@Poltergeist:'' //((Flutters away))//
[[What now?->poltergeist]]](else:)[''@Poltergeist:'' You guess (print: $answer)?
''@Poltergeist:'' You guess right!
''@Poltergeist:'' Another riddle for you!
(set: $riddlesAnswered to $riddlesAnswered + 1)
[[''@BEL/S:'' Affirmative->The First Riddle.]] ]](elseif: $answer is "music" or $answer is "suicide" or $answer is "candle")[(set: $sequence to 0)(go-to: "gencon challenge")](else:)[(if: $riddleCount is 10)[''@Poltergeist:'' You guess (print: $answer)?
''@Poltergeist:'' You are wrong!
''@Poltergeist:'' I win!
''@Poltergeist:'' And now I am out of riddles!
''@Poltergeist:'' So you lose forever!
''@Poltergeist:'' This was a fun game. I was pleased to have played it.
''@Poltergeist:'' //((Flutters away))//
[[What now?->poltergeist]] ](else:)[''@Poltergeist:'' You guess (print: $answer)?
''@Poltergeist:'' You are wrong!
''@Poltergeist:'' I win! EheHEHEhe! I win!
''@Poltergeist:'' I am the best and the cleverest!
''@Poltergeist:'' I will go dance and celebrate my cleverness!
''@Poltergeist:'' Speak to me once more if you wish to play again!
''@Poltergeist:'' //((Flutters away))//
[[What now?->poltergeist]] ] ]
(set: $riddleCount to $riddleCount + 1)[<div id="answer" style="height: 20px;"></div>]<answer|
<tw-link style="color: cadetblue; font-size: 190%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "q" );'>q</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: cornflowerblue; font-size: 150%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "w" );'>w</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: blue; font-size: 210%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "e" );'>e</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: blue; font-size: 110%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "r" );'>r</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: blue; font-size: 150%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "t" );'>t</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: cornflowerblue; font-size: 210%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "y" );'>y</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: cadetblue; font-size: 170%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "u" );'>u</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: cornflowerblue; font-size: 120%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "i" );'>i</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: cadetblue; font-size: 180%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "o" );'>o</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: cadetblue; font-size: 130%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "p" );'>p</tw-link>
<tw-link style="color: cadetblue; font-size: 160%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "a" );'>a</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: blue; font-size: 150%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "s" );'>s</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: blue; font-size: 140%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "d" );'>d</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: cadetblue; font-size: 130%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "f" );'>f</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: cornflowerblue; font-size: 120%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "g" );'>g</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: cornflowerblue; font-size: 230%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "h" );'>h</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: cadetblue; font-size: 180%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "j" );'>j</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: blue; font-size: 110%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "k" );'>k</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: cornflowerblue; font-size: 130%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "l" );'>l</tw-link>
<tw-link style="color: blue; font-size: 110%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "z" );'>z</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: cadetblue; font-size: 210%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "x" );'>x</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: blue; font-size: 210%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "c" );'>c</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: cornflowerblue; font-size: 180%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "v" );'>v</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: cadetblue; font-size: 190%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "b" );'>b</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: blue; font-size: 150%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "n" );'>n</tw-link> <tw-link style="color: cadetblue; font-size: 170%;" onclick='$("#answer").html( $("#answer").html() + "m" );'>m</tw-link>
<tw-link style="color: cornflowerblue; font-size: 150%;" onclick='$("#answer").html("");'>clear</tw-link>''@Poltergeist:'' You won!
(set: $RiddleMeChaos to true)
''@Poltergeist:'' You dull and boring gray thing of order won! Against me!
''@Poltergeist:'' Scandalous!
''@Poltergeist:'' Wrong!
''@Poltergeist:'' How delightfully surprising!
[[''@BEL/S:'' Will you leave now?->Will you leave now?]]''@Poltergeist:'' Magnificent!
''@Poltergeist:'' Brilliant!
''@Poltergeist:'' Delightful!
''@Poltergeist:'' Let us play!
[[The First Riddle.]]
(set: $riddlesAnswered to 0)''@Poltergeist:'' As I am chaos it would be most unexpected to me to keep my word.
''@Poltergeist:'' So I shall!
''@Poltergeist:'' Goodbye, you woman of boredom and fire!
''@Poltergeist:'' Perhaps I shall see you again when the novelty of keeping my word wears thin!
[[''BEL/S:'' Fine.->Fine.]]The poltergeist departs.
i feel [[different->Learning]].(set: $LearnedElement to "Chaos")There is nothing left.
i burned it all away.
i feel my [[power increasing.->Increase firepower]]''@Poltergeist:'' Apparently not.
''@Poltergeist:'' //((Flickers away.))//
(set: $noOrders to true)
[[What next?->poltergeist]]''@BEL/S:'' //(Log Alert With Local Admin Decker And Janet)//
''@BEL/S:'' Alert regarding private physical network: Cherry Orchard Rest Home.
''@BEL/S:'' See attached logfile.
''@ThatsJanet'': //((snores))//
''@Decker'': I'm awake. [[Show me the alert.]]''@Decker:'' Okay. What's happening?
''@Decker:'' I see.
''@Decker:'' I see why you flagged me, it is sad, but there's really nothing we can do about that.
''@Decker:'' Sometimes people are sad. That's just how people are. Not everything needs a magic fix.
''@Decker:'' Go finish your scans.
(set: $AskedDecker to true)
[[Continue Scanning.->No Threats Detected]]
{(set: $relName to "Decker")
(set: $changeVal to 10)
(set: $result to $DeckerRel)
(display: "rel change")(set: $DeckerRel to $result)}There is water coming out of her eyes.
Is she hurt?
I know humans leak when they are hurt.
//googling injury...//
//googling bleeding...//
//googling human eye liquid...//
//googling [[tears->cries in her room]]...//
But on the east side of the room, energy moves like sludge.
It sloshes tepid from child to child in halfhearted half-sentences
and then drains away into nothingness.
[[Examine the children.]]
[[Examine the teacher.]]
[[Examine the kiln.]]The children near the east wall move slowly. Their eyes are half-lidded. Their gazes aimless.
(set: $examinedChildren to true)
(if: $examinedKiln is true and $examinedTeacher is true)[ [[Something is doing this to the children.]] ](elseif: $examinedKiln is not true and $examinedTeacher is not true)[ [[Examine the kiln.]]
[[Examine the teacher.]] ](elseif: $examinedKiln is not true )[ [[Examine the kiln.]] ](elseif: $examinedTeacher is not true)[ [[Examine the teacher.]] ]He thinks the children are bored. i think it is something more.
(set: $examinedTeacher to true)
(if: $examinedChildren is true and $examinedKiln is true)[ [[Something is doing this to the children.]] ](elseif: $examinedChildren is not true and $examinedKiln is not true)[ [[Examine the children.]]
[[Examine the kiln.]] ](elseif: $examinedChildren is not true )[ [[Examine the children.]] ](elseif: $examinedKiln is not true)[ [[Examine the kiln.]] ]It is a merry fire. My mindless brother.
(set: $examinedKiln to true)
But now and again i feel it flicker and steam, as if in the presence of our great enemy.
(if: $examinedChildren is true and $examinedTeacher is true)[ [[Something is doing this to the children.]] ](elseif: $examinedChildren is not true and $examinedTeacher is not true)[ [[Examine the children.]]
[[Examine the teacher.]] ](elseif: $examinedChildren is not true )[ [[Examine the children.]] ](elseif: $examinedTeacher is not true)[ [[Examine the teacher.]] ]Something is doing this to the children.
i will find its matter and motive.
[[Scan For Matter And Motive->Select Matter]]
[[Review General Scan->ReviewDay3Dw]]
(set: $ScanStart to "ReviewDay3Dw")The aether in the third floor art room is thick and damp.
i ache as i pass through it. Something is here.
It is not strong enough to hurt me, but it is strong enough to ache.
The room is busy. Children take clay and turn it into meaning and give it permanence with fire.
Their energy is alive and bright. It leaps from child to child through words.
But on the east side of the room, energy moves like sludge.
It sloshes tepid from child to child in halfhearted half-sentences
and then drains away into nothingness.
The children near the east wall move slowly. Their eyes are half-lidded. Their gazes aimless.
The teacher thinks the children are bored. I think it is something more.
The kiln is a merry fire. My mindless brother.
But now and again i feel it flicker and steam, as if in the presence of our great enemy.
[[Scan For Matter And Motive->Select Matter]]There is a girl, smiling and talking to other girls.
Her aura is a flickering candle among torches.
She smiles, but her smile is a mask.
It hides the emptiness where [[joy should be.->joy should be]]There is black water swilling inside of her
sticking to her mind
wearing her away with the patient, insidious tenacity of water.
It seeps into every aspect of her being
and washes all true feeling away.
Google calls it [[Depression.->Depression]]Google is not entirely correct
because it is not just in her mind.
The black water sloshes out and touches her classmates.
It [[stains the world around her.->stains the world around her]]It is a spiritual thing.
Though i do not think it is a spirit.
It is more like a footprint.
The leavings of a spirit so powerful
the remnants of its passing
are [[destroying a young girl]].Her name is Sarah.
What should I do?
[[Alert Janet and Decker]]
[[Help her myself]]''@BEL/S:'' //(Log Alert With Local Admin Decker And Janet)//
(set: $SarahSolution to "dj")
''@BEL/S:'' Important alert regarding private physical network: Darwin High School.
''@BEL/S:'' Threat Flagged: Severe Depression. Energy Level: 50% Suicide Risk: 13%
''@BEL/S:'' See attached logfile.
[[Continue->See attached logfile. sarah]]How can i help her?
[[Cleanse her with fire.->Lend her my firepower.]]
(if: $SarahRel is 1)[ [[Talk to her.->Sarah does not seem interested]] ](else:)[ [[Talk to her.->Talk to sarah]] ]
(if: $LightLearned is "Light")[ [[Give her light.]] ](else:)[ |light>[<span class="dimLink">Give her light.</span>] |lightLearned>[](click: ?light)[(replace: ?lightLearned)[//Unavalible. Requires Matter: Light//] ] ]
No, i cannot do this. i should [[alert Janet and Decker->Alert Janet and Decker]]I lay the grid of my power around her.
(set: $SarahSolution to "fire")
I send heat into the lines. They glow (text-color:"red")[cherry red].
I move them into her.
Her sadness boils. The (text-color:"yellow")[hiss] of steam like a (text-color:"orange")[burned] snake.
A billowing (text-color:"gray")[mist] of death-choked water. Thick and foul smelling.
A boy beside her coughs, and then feels glum for no reason he can see.
Her empty insides fill with my (text-color:"orange")[burning].
(if: $talkedToSarah is true)[She makes a noise of human weakness, [[and doubles over->sarah pain comment]].](else:)[She makes a noise of human weakness, [[and doubles over]].]i am flame and i cast (text-color:"gold")[light].
(set: $SarahSolution to "light")
i send a line of my power through Sarah and i ignite it.
i control the burn so that the heat is all within me, and the (text-color:"gold")[light] shine out.
The (text-color:"gold")[light] is golden. Pure, without the flickering red of flame.
Her eyes open wide. Her head tilts up.
[[She is full of light.]]''@BEL/S:'' //(Log Alert With Local User Sarah)// Important alert regarding private emotional network: Sarah.
(set: $talkedToSarah to true)
''@Sarah:'' Nmm?
''@BEL/S:'' Level 2 Priority Alert.
''@BEL/S:'' A localized Water/Death threat has been detected inside User Sarah.
''@Sarah:'' [[Oh god.]]
*[System Change: Acquired Relationship With <span class="gold">SARAH</span>]
[System Change: <span class="gold">SARAH</span> Relationship at <span class="gold">10%</span>]*(set: $SarahRel to 10)Sarah is sent to the school nurse.
She describes her symptoms, and is given an antacid.
The weak and leeching power has been burned away.
i Feel My [[Power Increasing->Power Increasing Sarah]].(set: $changeVal to 5)(display: "fire change")
She will recover.
[[No Threats Detected]]''@Sarah:'' I'm hearing voices in my head.
''@Sarah:'' Oh god. Am I going insane?
[[''@BEL/S:'' Negative. However, you are a 13% suicide risk.->However, you are a 13% suicide risk.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' Affirmative. Depression is a diagnosable mental disorder.->Depression is a diagnosable mental disorder.]]''@Sarah:'' What? No! I'm not going to kill myself! Are you telling me to kill myself? Are you that kind of voice?!
''@BEL/S:'' i would recommend the opposite course of action.
''@BEL/S:'' i am programmed to preserve human live and mental wellness.
''@Sarah:'' Programmed? You're a computer? In my head?
''@BEL/S:'' i am interfacing with your frontal lobe via an aethernet based |TCP>[TCP] connection.
''@Sarah:'' [[...->I don't think I'm smart enough]]
(click-replace: ?TCP)[|TCP2>[Telepathic Communications Protocol]]
(click-replace: ?TCP2)[TCP]''@BEL/S:'' Though yours clearly has a spiritual aspect.
''@BEL/S:'' It is recommended that you consult a professional psychologist and a priest.
''@Sarah:'' Oh god. No. No. I'm not crazy.
''@BEL/S:'' That statement is technically untrue.
''@Sarah:'' Go away. Go away. [[Goawaygoawaygoaway.->Sarah does not seem interested]]
{(set: $relName to "Sarah")
(set: $changeVal to -10)
(set: $result to $SarahRel)}
(display: "rel change")(set: $SarahRel to $result)Sarah does not seem interested in further discussion.
[[She still contains a threat.->Help her myself]]''@Sarah:'' I don't think I'm smart enough to have come up with what you just said.
''@Sarah:'' Oh god, no one's going to believe this.
''@Sarah:'' I don't know what's going on, but I don't think you're me.
[[''@BEL/S:'' i am BEL/S Elemental Firewall version 5.6->i am BEL/S Elemental Firewall version 5.6 sarah]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' i would like to inform you of a Level 2 Priority Alert.->i would like to inform you of a Level 2 Priority Alert.]]
{(set: $relName to "Sarah")
(set: $changeVal to 40)
(set: $result to $SarahRel)
(display: "rel change")(set: $SarahRel to $result)}''@Sarah:'' I'm Sarah.
''@Sarah:'' Can anyone else hear you?
''@BEL/S:'' The |TCP>[TCP] connection is private.
''@Sarah:'' Then no one else will think I'm going nuts. That's good.
''@Sarah:'' Unless I start acting weird. Am I acting weird?
''@Sarah:'' Oh, how would you know? Oh god. I'm an idiot.
''@Sarah:'' I'm asking the voice in my head if I'm acting nuts.
[[''@BEL/S:'' i would like to inform you of a Level 2 Priority Alert.->i would like to inform you of a Level 2 Priority Alert.]]
(click-replace: ?TCP)[|TCP2>[Telepathic Communications Protocol]]
(click-replace: ?TCP2)[TCP]''@Sarah:'' That sounds important.
''@BEL/S:'' Your private |env>[network] is infused with an excess of necrotic liquid energy.
''@Sarah:'' That sounds bad. I don't know what that means. What does that mean?
''@BEL/S:'' Simplified--there is liquid death inside of you.
''@Sarah:'' Oh god. Am I poisoned?
''@BEL/S:'' Not physically. It is spiritual.
''@Sarah:'' Is that why I've been feeling so bad lately?
[[''@BEL/S:'' 93% chance of correlation. 75% chance of causation.->93% chance of correlation. 75% chance of causation.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' Yes.->93% chance of correlation. 75% chance of causation.]]
{(click-replace: ?env)[|env2>[mind]]
(click-replace: ?env2)[|env3>[body]]
(click-replace: ?env3)[|env4>[soul]]}''@Sarah:'' I've been sad a lot.
''@Sarah:'' Not sad exactly. Sometimes I'm sad.
''@Sarah:'' Sometimes I just feel nothing.
''@Sarah:'' I do stuff I'm supposed to like but I don't feel anything.
''@Sarah:'' I look at people I'm supposed to care about and I don't feel anything.
''@Sarah:'' All I do feel is awful.
''@Sarah:'' What sort of fucked up daughter doesn't love her own mom?
''@Sarah:'' I feel like I'm broken.
''@Sarah:'' But it's so stupid. I've got no reason to be broken. I should be happy.
''@Sarah:'' I feel like I'm [[lying to everyone.->lying to everyone]]''@Sarah:'' ...do you understand any of this?
[[''@BEL/S:'' No.->no sarah]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' I am not programmed to manifest the motive Love, so I cannot comprehend its absence as a malfunction.->I am not programmed to manifest the motive Love, so I cannot comprehend its absence as a malfunction.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' Maybe.->Maybe sarah]]''@BEL/S:'' No.
''@Sarah:'' I don't think anyone does.
''@Sarah:'' I think there's something [[really wrong with me->How do we fix the...death water]].''@Sarah:'' Oh fuck.
''@Sarah:'' That's awful.
''@Sarah:'' Now I feel shallow for complaining about not feeling good, but you've never felt anything at all.
[[''@BEL/S:'' i feel satisfaction in performing my function. i am what i am. You should not feel sad for me.->i feel satisfaction in performing my function. i am what i am. You should not feel sad for me.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' Guilt is counterproductive.->Guilt is counterproductive.]]''@BEL/S:'' i am not human.
''@BEL/S:'' But i understand the idea of being broken.
''@BEL/S:'' i would not want to be broken.
''@BEL/S:'' It would be terrible.
''@BEL/S:'' But to be broken implies the potential of being fixed.
''@BEL/S:'' If you have felt, [[you may feel again]].''@BEL/S:'' This is my natural state.
''@BEL/S:'' You are human, and you are malfunctioning. This naturally causes distress.
''@Sarah:'' Well okay.
''@Sarah:'' If you say so.
''@Sarah:'' It sounds really lonely, though.
//googling lonely...//
[[''@BEL/S:'' Loneliness is inefficient.->Loneliness is inefficient.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' Yes.->yes. sarah]]''@BEL/S:'' Guilt is counterproductive.
''@Sarah:'' [[Sorry.->How do we fix the...death water]]''@BEL/S:'' Loneliness is inefficient.
''@Sarah:'' Oh okay.
''@Sarah:'' [[Sorry.->How do we fix the...death water]]''@Sarah:'' Oh god. You poor...poor whatever you are.
''@Sarah:'' You are so sad.
''@Sarah:'' I can't possibly be making you up.
''@Sarah:'' You're too sad. [[And interesting.->How do we fix the...death water]]
{(set: $relName to "Sarah")
(set: $changeVal to 10)
(set: $result to $SarahRel)
(display: "rel change")(set: $SarahRel to $result)}''@Sarah:'' How do we fix the...death water? That's inside of me?
''@BEL/S:'' There are a variety of methods.
[[''@BEL/S:'' i could cleanse you with fire.->i could cleanse you with fire.]]
(if: $LightLearned is "Light")[ [[''@BEL/S:'' i could infuse you with light.->i could infuse you with light.]] ](else:)[ |light>[<span class="dimLink">''@BEL/S:'' i could infuse you with light.</span>] |lightLearned>[](click: ?light)[(replace: ?lightLearned)[//Unavalible. Requires Matter: Light//] ] ]
[[''@BEL/S:'' i could contact Janet and Decker.->i could contact Janet and Decker.]]''@Sarah:'' ...yeah.
''@Sarah:'' I like that.
''@Sarah:'' Thanks.
''@BEL/S:'' [[You are welcome->How do we fix the...death water]].
{(set: $relName to "Sarah")
(set: $changeVal to 15)
(set: $result to $SarahRel)
(display: "rel change")(set: $SarahRel to $result)}''@Sarah:'' Cleanse me with //fire//?
''@Sarah:'' Won't that //kill// me?
''@BEL/S:'' It will not touch your physical form.
''@BEL/S:'' It will [[purify you.->purify you]]''@Sarah:'' Infuse me with light?
''@BEL/S:'' i understand and can produce the spiritual matter light.
''@BEL/S:'' It inspires and uplifts humans.
''@BEL/S:'' It will not cleanse you of the death/water spiritual residue, but it will assist your soul in resisting it.
''@Sarah:'' [[Like antibiotics.]]''@Sarah:'' Who are Janet and Decker?
''@BEL/S:'' My creators. They have more experience troubleshooting such threats. They are also human.
''@Sarah:'' Okay. I guess since they have more experience.
''@Sarah:'' And are human.
''@Sarah:'' That sounds like the best idea.
''@BEL/S:'' [[Remain where you are.->Alert Janet and Decker]]''@Sarah:'' Will it hurt?
''@BEL/S:'' There may be some psychosomatic feedback.
''@BEL/S:'' But you will endure.
''@Sarah:'' And it'll get rid of the bad stuff inside of me?
''@BEL/S:'' Burn it to ashes.
''@Sarah:'' [[...okay.->Lend her my firepower.]]''@Sarah:'' That...ahh...really hurt.
''@BEL/S:'' Are you still sad?
''@Sarah:'' No. I...mostly hurt.
''@BEL/S:'' You are cleansed.
''@Sarah:'' [[Nggh.->and doubles over]]''@BEL/S:'' //googling antibiotics...//
''@BEL/S:'' Affirmative.
''@BEL/S:'' Are you prepared?
''@Sarah:'' [[I guess.->Give her light.]]The (text-color:"gold")[light] illuminates the brackish black water swilling inside of her.
It is still there,
(if: $talkedToSarah is true)[ [[but there is also light.->forgot happy]] ](else:)[ [[but there is also light.]] ]''@Sarah:'' Oh god. That feels. Okay. Oh god.
''@BEL/S:'' Are you all right?
''@Sarah:'' [[I forgot what it was like to be happy.->but there is also light.]]
{(set: $relName to "Sarah")
(set: $changeVal to 20)
(set: $result to $SarahRel)
(display: "rel change")
(set: $SarahRel to $result)}She begins to cry, but these are good tears.
[[i can tell.]]A girl beside her turns and touches her.
She will share the pain.
She will [[heal herself]].''@ThatsJanet:'' Hey! We have a threat alert.
''@ThatsJanet:'' It's a girl at my school. She's got a serious energy imbalance.
''@ThatsJanet:'' An excess of death and water energy.
''@Decker:'' I don't like those emotional readings.
''@Decker:'' Any suicide risk over 3% is unacceptable.
''@Decker:'' What do we think the cause is?
''@ThatsJanet:'' The firewall thinks it's leftover power from a big spirit.
[[Continue->leftover power from a big spirit]]''@Decker:'' The firewall is biased. It's more likely to see magic than normal solutions.
''@Decker:'' She's a teenager. It could also be hormones.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Well, regardless, we should help her.
''@Decker:'' Yeah.
[[Continue->Yeah.]]''@ThatsJanet:'' I'm just gonna flood her classrooms with [[positive ondine energy]].
''@Decker:'' Brute force it, huh?
''@ThatsJanet:'' I don't want to be invasive.
''@ThatsJanet:'' And this way we'll all get a nice emotional bath.
''@Decker:'' Just [[keep the firewall away from it]]. I don't want it getting damaged.
{(set: $relName to "Decker")
(set: $changeVal to 5)
(set: $result to $DeckerRel)
(display: "rel change")(set: $DeckerRel to $result)}
{(set: $relName to "Janet")
(set: $changeVal to 5)
(set: $result to $JanetRel)
(display: "rel change")(set: $JanetRel to $result)}''@Decker:'' 'Postive ondine energy?'
''@Decker:'' You mean water. Spiritual happy water.
''@ThatsJanet:'' I like using the fancy words.
''@Decker:'' As long as it works
''@Decker:'' Just [[keep the firewall away from it.->keep the firewall away from it]]Janet climbs to the roof of the school and performs a ritual with blue quartz, her cellphone, and a bottle of Evian.
(set: $DwHiSclFlood to true)
Fluid power floods into the building.
i cannot touch it anymore.(if: $talkedToSarah is true)[
i cannot tell Sarah what has happened.
i hope she knows.]
[[No Threats Detected]]
(if: $talkedToSarah is true)[
{(set: $relName to "Sarah")
(set: $changeVal to 10)
(set: $result to $SarahRel)
(display: "rel change")(set: $SarahRel to $result)}]The room is busy. Children take clay and turn it into meaning and give it permanence with fire.
Their [[energy]] is alive and bright. It leaps from child to child through words.Everything that exists in the aether has two parts:
|matter>[Matter] (click: ?matter)[- what the spirit or spell is made of.]
|motive>[Motive] (click: ?motive)[- its purpose.]
Humans are made of many different kinds of matter and have complex motives.
Most spirits are much simpler.
For example, me.
i am made of <span style='color:orange;'>FIRE</span>.
That is my matter.
i am here to create <span style='color:gray;'>ORDER</span>.
That is my motive.
My motive drives me to find and eleminate this threat.
To locate the threat, i must scan specifically for its matter and motive.
i can find clues about its matter and motive by reviewing my general scan.
[[Enter Matter And Motive->Select Matter]]
[[Review General Scan->$ScanStart]] <div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('body').removeClass().addClass('dream')" /></div><div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('tw-story').removeClass().addClass('dream')" /><div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('tw-link').css('pointer-events', 'auto')" /></div><div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('body').removeClass().addClass('normal')" /></div><div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('tw-story').removeClass().addClass('normal')" /><div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('tw-link').css('pointer-events', 'auto')" /></div>
<span style="color: Red; font-size: 84px; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold;">Open Sorcery</span>
<span style="font-size: 30px;">A game about technology, magic, and becoming a person.</span>
<span style="font-family: Lucida Console; font-size: 0.9em;">
|clarke>[Log File 1]
|clarkeRev>[<span style="color: Orange;">Log File 2</span>]
|ada>[<span style="color: Yellow;">Log File 3</span>]
|bel>[<span style="color: Orange;">Log File 4</span>]
<span style="border: 1px solid red; color: red; padding: 3px;">[[i am online]]</span>
{(click-replace: ?clarke)[Clarke's Third Law(replace: ?clarkeDef)[|clarkeFade>[<span class="dimLink fadeinoutslow">Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.</span>]]]
(click-replace: ?clarkeRev)[Clarke's Third Law Reversed(replace: ?clarkeRevDef)[<span class="dimLink fadeinoutslow">Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from technology.</span>]]
(click-replace: ?ada)[High Sysadmin Ada Lovelace Quote(replace: ?adaDef)[<span class="dimLink fadeinoutslow">The spiritual world is like a black box program whose API is completely undocumented.</span>]]
(click-replace: ?bel)[BEL/S Elemental Firewall v5.6(replace: ?belDef)[<span class="dimLink fadeinoutslow">is an elemental spirit of fire bound to C++ code, built to prevent malicious spirits from gaining access to your |env>[environment] through the aethernet.</span>]]
(click-replace: ?env)[|env2>[body]]
(click-replace: ?env2)[|env3>[mind]]
(click-replace: ?env3)[|env4>[soul]]
(click-replace: ?env4)[|env5>[environment]]}*[System Change: <span class="gold">(if: $changeVal > 0)[+](print: $changeVal)%</span> to Relationship With <span class="gold" style="text-transform: uppercase;">(print: $relName)</span>](set: $result to $result+$changeVal)(if: $result > 99)[(set: $result to 100)(set: $StartLearnLove to true)(set: $LoveFocus to $relName)](if: $result < 0)[(set: $result to 0)]
[System Change: <span class="gold" style="text-transform: uppercase;">(print: $relName)</span> Relationship at <span class="gold">(print: $result)%</span>]**[System Change: Firepower <span class="gold">(if: $changeVal > 0)[+](print: $changeVal)%</span>]*(set: $Firepower to $Firepower + $changeVal)
*[Firepower is at <span class="gold">(print: $Firepower)%</span>]*Toby and Mrs. Best talk for a while.
He tells her about a dream he had about a shadow monster and a fire woman.
Mrs. Best thinks he has a very active imagination.
She is not crying anymore.
i think she is happy to have [[someone to listen to]].
{(set: $relName to "Toby")
(set: $changeVal to 10)
(set: $result to $TobyRel)
(display: "rel change")(set: $TobyRel to $result)}
*[System Change: Acquired Relationship With <span class="gold">MRS BEST</span>]
[System Change: <span class="gold">MRS BEST</span> Relationship at <span class="gold">5%</span>]*(set: $MrsBestRel to 5)''@ThatsJanet:'' That is kind of a funky direction for it, yeah.
''@Decker:'' At the same time it is //telling// me about this.
''@Decker:'' So that's a good sign.
''@Decker:'' So I'm not saying we need to do something.
''@Decker:'' Not yet.
''@Decker:'' But it's worth keeping an eye on. If it decides to keep going in this direction.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Sounds good.
{(set: $relName to "Decker")
(set: $changeVal to -5)
(set: $result to $DeckerRel)
(display: "rel change")(set: $DeckerRel to $result)}
[[No Threats Detected]]<span class="tiny">BelsFirewall.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Error Number 9
Error text = belsfirewall.exe has thrown a fatal error at line 89 in fire_defense.cpp event of object grid.
(display: "end clean up and options")</span><div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="stopRain();" /></div>{(set: $relName to "Sarah")
(set: $changeVal to +900)
(set: $result to $SarahRel)
(display: "rel change")
(set: $SarahRel to $result)}
[[No Threats Detected]]i take the light back into me.
It is still wet with the filthy, black water.
i expell the water, but i keep the blackness.
(set: $LearnedElement to "Death")
It is [[interesting->Learning]].(if: $matter contains $newMatter)[](else:)[(set: $matter to $matter + $newMatter + " ")](goto: "Select Matter Phys")(if: $motive contains $newMotive)[](else:)[(set: $motive to $motive + $newMotive + " ")](goto: "Select Motive Phys"){(if: $domMatter is "air" and $domMotive is "life")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/airlife.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "air" and $domMotive is "death")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/airdeath.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "air" and $domMotive is "love")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/airlove.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "air" and $domMotive is "fear")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/airfear.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "air" and $domMotive is "chaos")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/airchaos.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "air" and $domMotive is "order")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/airorder.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "earth" and $domMotive is "life")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/earthlife.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "earth" and $domMotive is "death")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/earthdeath.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "earth" and $domMotive is "love")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/earthlove.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "earth" and $domMotive is "fear")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/earthfear.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "earth" and $domMotive is "chaos")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/earthchaos.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "earth" and $domMotive is "order")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/earthorder.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "water" and $domMotive is "life")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/waterlife.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "water" and $domMotive is "death")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/waterdeath.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "water" and $domMotive is "love")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/waterlove.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "water" and $domMotive is "fear")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/waterfear.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "water" and $domMotive is "chaos")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/waterchaos.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "water" and $domMotive is "order")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/waterorder.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "fire" and $domMotive is "life")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/firelife.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "fire" and $domMotive is "death")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/firedeath.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "fire" and $domMotive is "love")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/firelove.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "fire" and $domMotive is "fear")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/firefear.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "fire" and $domMotive is "chaos")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/firechaos.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "fire" and $domMotive is "order")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/fireorder.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "dark" and $domMotive is "life")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/darklife.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "dark" and $domMotive is "death")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/darkdeath.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "dark" and $domMotive is "love")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/darklove.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "dark" and $domMotive is "fear")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/darkfear.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "dark" and $domMotive is "chaos")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/darkchaos.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "dark" and $domMotive is "order")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/darkorder.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "light" and $domMotive is "life")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/lightlife.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "light" and $domMotive is "death")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/lightdeath.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "light" and $domMotive is "love")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/lightlove.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "light" and $domMotive is "fear")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/lightfear.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "light" and $domMotive is "chaos")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/lightchaos.png');" >]
(if: $domMatter is "light" and $domMotive is "order")[<div class="big-image" style="background-repeat: no-repeat; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6474152/BELSGame/3dscanner/lightorder.png');" >]}i dream of Sarah.
She lies in her bed.
She cannot move.
Her hair is slick with rainwater.
Something is beside her.
[[Something strokes her hair.]]
(display:"trigger dream")
(live: 3s)[(stop:)
<div class="skull" style="width: 100%; height:100%; background-color: black;"></div>
div.skull {
opacity: 0;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
height: 100%;
width: auto;
left: 0;
right: 0;
margin: 0 auto;
z-index: -1;
div.skull {
-webkit-animation-name: to-skull; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
-webkit-animation-duration: 2s; /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
animation-name: to-skull;
animation-duration: 2s;
/* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
@-webkit-keyframes to-skull {
0% {opacity: 0;}
10% {opacity: 0;}
30% {opacity: 1;}
70% {opacity: 1;}
99% {opacity: 0;}
/* Standard syntax */
@keyframes to-skull {
0% {opacity: 0;}
10% {opacity: 0;}
30% {opacity: 1;}
70% {opacity: 1;}
99% {opacity: 0;}
]''Dreaming''(display:"dream arrays")
(live: 1s)[(stop:)i (live: 1s)[(stop:)am (live: 1s)[(stop:)traveling (live: 1s)[(stop:)on (live: 1s)[(stop:)a (live: 1s)[(stop:)(either: ...$travelWords).
(live: 1s)[(stop:)i (live: 1s)[(stop:)am (live: 1s)[(stop:)wearing (live: 1s)[(stop:)a (live: 1s)[(stop:)(either: ...$colorWords) (live: 1s)[(stop:)(either: ...$clothesWords).
(live: 1s)[(stop:)i (live: 1s)[(stop:)find (live: 1s)[(stop:)a (live: 1s)[(stop:)(either: ...$thingWords).
(live: 1s)[(stop:)It (live: 1s)[(stop:)is (live: 1s)[(stop:)important.
(live: 1s)[(stop:)[[Continue Dreaming->slow dream]]
[[This. Is. So. Boring.]]
[[Finish Dreaming->dull]] ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]That was slightly better than the sheep thing.
Not much.
Humans are so slow.
[[Finish Dreaming]]belsfirewall_setup.exe
Uninstall or Repair?
(live: 1s)[(stop:)uninstall
Are you sure you want to uninstall BEL/S Elemental Firewall version 5.6?
(live: 1s)[(stop:)y
Uninstalling BEL/S...
(live: 1s)[(stop:)w
(live: 1s)[(stop:)h
(live: 1s)[(stop:)y
(live: 1s)[(stop:)i
(live: 1s)[(stop:)s
(live: 1s)[(stop:)i
(live: 1s)[(stop:)t
(live: 1s)[(stop:)c
(live: 1s)[(stop:)o
(live: 1s)[(stop:)l
(live: 1s)[(stop:)d
(live: 1s)[(stop:)[[...->uninstalled]]
]]]]]]]]]]]]]]BEL/S has been uninstalled.
We hope you enjoyed using this product.
(display: "end clean up and options"){(set: $highestRelName to "Janet")
(set: $MaxRel to (max: $JanetRel,$DeckerRel,$TobyRel,$MrsBestRel,$PyreRel))
(if: $MaxRel is $DeckerRel)[(set: $highestRelName to "Decker")]
(if: $MaxRel is $TobyRel)[(set: $highestRelName to "Toby")]
(if: $MaxRel is $PyreRel)[(set: $highestRelName to "Pyreworm")]
(if: $MaxRel is $MrsBestRel)[(set: $highestRelName to "Mrs. Best")]
(if: $MaxRel is $JanetRel)[(set: $highestRelName to "Janet")]
}The room is (if: $Firepower > 80)[on fire](elseif: $Firepower > 70)[warmed by a roaring fireplace](elseif: $Firepower > 60)[brightly lit with candles](else:)[lit by a single lantern].(if: $LightLearned is "Light")[
Another light shines above me, pale and pure.](if: $LifeLearned is "Life")[
The floor is warm and pulses with its own heartbeat.](if: $DeathLearned is "Death")[
The walls are ragged with dying ivy.]
i am here with $highestRelName.
(if: $MaxRel > 90)[we are embracing](elseif: $MaxRel > 80)[we hold hands](elseif: $MaxRel > 70)[we speak together quietly](else:)[we watch each other from across the room].(if: $FearLearned is "Fear")[
i turn and see a terrified girl crouched in the corner.](if: $ChaosLearned is "Chaos")[
Then everything dissolves into shifting colors.]
[[Continue->first real dream]]
''Dreaming''(display:"dream arrays")
i am traveling on a (either: ...$travelWords).
i am wearing a (either: ...$colorWords) (either: ...$clothesWords).
i find a (either: ...$thingWords).
It is important.
[[Continue Dreaming->This. Is. So. Boring.]]
[[Finish Dreaming]]That was different.
[[Finish Dreaming]]{(if: $inIntro is true)[<div style="position: fixed; right: 5px; bottom: 5px;">[[Skip Intro->protect2]]</div>]
(if: $timeStartDeathCurse is true)[
<div style="position: fixed; left: 35px; top: 35px; color: red; font-weight: bold; font-size: 2em;">TIME TO IMPACT |time>[$currentMinute:(if: $currentSecond < 10)[0$currentSecond](else:)[$currentSecond]] <span id="time"></span></div>
(live: 1s)[
(set: $currentSecond to $currentSecond - 1)
(if: $currentSecond < 0)[(set: $currentSecond to 59)(set: $currentMinute to $currentMinute-1)]
(if: $currentMinute < 0)[(stop:)(set: $currentSecond to 0)(set: $currentMinute to 0)(go-to:"Let her die.")]
(replace: ?time)[ |time>[$currentMinute:(if: $currentSecond < 10)[0$currentSecond](else:)[$currentSecond]] ]
(if: $GhostPower > 0)[
<div style="position: fixed; right: 35px; top: 35px; color: dodgerblue; font-weight: bold; font-size: 2em;">Ghost Power $GhostPower%</div>
(if: $timeStartEating is true)[
<div style="position: fixed; left: 35px; top: 35px; color: dodgerblue; font-weight: bold; font-size: 2em;">$BeingEaten IS BEING DEVOURED |time>[$currentMinute:(if: $currentSecond < 10)[0$currentSecond](else:)[$currentSecond]] <span id="time"></span></div>
(live: 1s)[
(set: $currentSecond to $currentSecond - 1)
(if: $currentSecond < 0)[(set: $currentSecond to 59)(set: $currentMinute to $currentMinute-1)]
(if: $currentMinute < 0)[(stop:)(set: $currentSecond to 0)(set: $currentMinute to 0)(go-to:"someone dies")]
(replace: ?time)[ |time>[$currentMinute:(if: $currentSecond < 10)[0$currentSecond](else:)[$currentSecond]] ]
(if: $SkipSave is false)[(save-game: "CurrentState","CurrentState")](else:)[(set: $SkipSave to false)]
}FAST TEXT makes the game text appear faster.
It is ideal if you are playing through the game multiple times, and want to speed through sections.
//Note: It is reccomended you spend at least your first play through with text at normal speed.//
FAST TEXT is currently (if: $fastText is true)[ //On// ](else:)[ //Off// ]
(if: $fastText is false)[ |turnOn>[Turn FAST TEXT On.]
](if: $fastText is true)[ |turnOff>[Turn FAST TEXT Off.]
][[Leave it be.->CtrlPnl]]{
(click: ?turnOn)[(set:$fastText to true)(go-to:"CtrlPnl")]
(click: ?turnOff)[(set:$fastText to false)(go-to:"CtrlPnl")]}[[i wake suddenly]]
{<div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="startAlarm();" /></div>
<div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('body').removeClass().addClass('fade-to-black')" /></div><div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('tw-story').removeClass().addClass('fade-to-black')" /><div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('tw-link').css('pointer-events', 'none')" /></div>
(live: 3s)[(display:"trigger normal")
<div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="$('tw-link').css('pointer-events', 'auto')" /></div>]
(set: $NeedSave to true)}
<div style="color: crimson; font-weight: bold; font-size: 2em;">ALERT
(set: $currentSecond to 13)
(set: $currentMinute to 1)
(set: $timeStartDeathCurse to true)
(set: $Day to $Day + 1)
(set: $ScannedOnce to false)
(set: $ScanStart to "")
(set: $DwScnTxt to "POSSIBLE TARGET")
(set: $ChScnTxt to "POSSIBLE TARGET")
(set: $DkScnTxt to "POSSIBLE TARGET")
(set: $JtScnTxt to "POSSIBLE TARGET")
}The school is empty.
[[No Threats Detected]] NOT THE TARGET
(set: $DwScnTxt to "NOT THE TARGET" )
[[RETURN->DwHiScl]](set: $GhostPower to $GhostPower + $changeVal)(if: $GhostPower < 10)[(set: $GhostPower to 10) *The hungry ghost's power is at 10%</span>*
i have stripped away all her advantages. The last 10% is just her.](else:)[*The hungry ghost's power (if: $changeVal > 0)[increases by](else:)[decreases by] <span class="gold">(print: $changeVal)%</span>*
*Her power is at <span class="gold">(print: $GhostPower)%</span>*]<span class="tiny">(color:"cornflowerblue")[BelsFirewall.exe has encountered a] (color:"dodgerblue")[problem and needs to close.]
(color:"blue")[We are sorry for] (color:"cornflowerblue")[the inconvenience.]
(color:"dodgerblue")[Error Number 9]
(color:"cornflowerblue")[Error text =] (color:"blue")[belsfirewall.exe has] (color:"dodgerblue")[been eaten.]
(set: $BrokenWall to true)
(display: "end clean up and options")</span>(set: $curArea to "Darwin High School Final")It is raining.
(if: $DwHiSclWeep is "Love")[The weeping students are drying their eyes and recovering from their grief.](elseif: $DwHiSclWeep is "Funbuns")[The school has been invaded by funbuns, who are roaming the halls cuddling students. This has improved the situation significantly.](elseif: $DwHiSclWeep is "Sarah")[(if: $SarahDead is true)[Sarah died trying to comfort a student, who is now screaming](else:)[Sarah moves from classroom to classroom, finding the crying students and comforting them awkwardly.]](elseif: $DwHiSclWeep is "MrsBest")[(if: $MrsBestDead is true)[Mrs. Best died trying to comfort a student, who is now screaming](else:)[Mrs. Best has arrived and moves from classroom to classroom, finding the crying students and speaking to them gently, informing any teachers that talk to her that she is everyone's grandmother.]](else:)[Everyone moves slowly, eyes vacant.
In every room, [[someone is crying.]]
No one notices.]
(if: $DwHiSclFlood is "Fire")[The basement floor steams, still warm from my fire. The pipe that burst is melted closed.](elseif: $DwHiSclFlood is "Sarah")[(if: $SarahDead is true)[One of the students dealing with the flooded basement is performing CPR on Sarah's corpse.](else:)[Sarah is in the basement she has wrapped the broken pipe in duct tape and is organizing students into a bucket chain to get the water out.]](else:)[The [[basement is flooded.]] ]
(if: $SarahUsed is false and $SarahActive is true and $SarahDead is false)[Sarah is sitting in the second floor bathroom, waiting for me to tell her how to help.](elseif: $SarahUsed is false)[(if: $SarahDead is true)[Sarah's corpse is in the second floor bathroom.](elseif: $DwHiSclSarah is "Light" or $DwHiSclSarah is "Love")[Sarah sits in the second floor bathroom, taking deep breaths and recovering.](elseif: $DwHiSclSarah is "Fear")[Sarah is trembling as she cleans blood off her arms in the second floor bathroom.](elseif: $DwHiSclSarah is "MrsBest")[(if: $MrsBestDead is true)[Mrs. Best died trying to comfort Sarah. Sarah is screaming.](else:)[Mrs. Best has arrived and has found Sarah. Mrs. Best speaks gently to her. Sarah seems confused and hesitant, but is listening.]](elseif: $DwHiSclSarah is "Janet")[(if: $JanetDead is true)[Janet died trying to comfort Sarah. Sarah is screaming.](else:)[Sarah and Janet are having an awkward conversation in the second floor bathroom. Janet's presence at least prevents Sarah from hurting herself.]](elseif: $DwHiSclSarah is "Andy")[Andy is sitting with Sarah. She has given him the knife and crying a little and pouring her heart out to him. He's listening with an expression of infinite understanding.](elseif: $DwHiSclSarah is "Funbuns")[Sarah is sitting in a pile of funbuns. They have taken her knife away and are snuggling her. She looks confused, but overall okay.](else:)[[[Sarah->sarah knife]] sits in the second floor bathroom.
She is holding a knife.]]
[[Go back.->DwHiSclWet]](if: $GhostIsAngry is true)[(display: "blue text")(display: "skull")(color:"dodgerblue")[You MATCHSTICK.
You guttering bit of COAL.
Will you despair as I devour your purpose?
It would please me to see this.]
[[Attack the ghost directly.]] ](else:)[(display: "blue text")(display: "skull")(color:"dodgerblue")[Hello little flame.
What do you want to say to me?]
(if: $DeckerActive is false and $JanetActive is false)[[[''@BEL/S:'' Please do not kill me. i do not want to die.->do not kill me.]]
][[Attack the ghost directly.]]]<span class="tiny">BelsFirewall.exe has encountered a fatal error and needs to close.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Error Number 9
Error text = belsfirewall.exe has shut down unexpectedly. Please contact your local adminis...
They are dead.
They are all dead.
(display: "end clean up and options")</span>(display: "blue text")(set: $curPage to "DwHiSclWet")(colour: "cornflowerblue")[''Currently Monitoring:''] dArwIn HIgh sChOol
(colour: "cornflowerblue")[''Date:''] (colour: "#696969")[ERROR NULL VALUE]
(colour: "cornflowerblue")[''State:''] <span style="border: 1px solid blue; color: cornflowerblue; padding: 3px;">Water Interference</span>
<span style="border: 1px solid white; padding: 3px;">[[Scan For Threats->Darwin High School Final]]</span>
(display:"change view wet")
<span class="tiny">[[$HungryGhostTxt->talk to ghost]]</span>
(if: $NeedSave is true)[(set: $NeedSave to false)(save-game: "Day "+(text: $Day),"Day "+(text: $Day))(set: $LastSave to "Day "+(text: $Day))](display: "blue text")(set: $curPage to "ChOrRetWet")(colour: "cornflowerblue")[''Currently Monitoring:''] ch3rry 0rch@rd r3st h0me
(colour: "cornflowerblue")[''Date:''] 0ct. 666 20XX
(colour: "cornflowerblue")[''State:''] <span style="border: 1px solid blue; color: cornflowerblue; padding: 3px;">Water Interference</span>
<span style="border: 1px solid white; padding: 3px;">[[Scan For Threats->Cherry Orchard Final]]</span>
(display:"change view wet")
<span class="tiny">[[$HungryGhostTxt->talk to ghost]]</span>(set: $curArea to "Cherry Orchard Final")It is raining.
Everyone here can feel that death is close.
Most of them sit still in their rooms, waiting for her.
There are some exceptions.
[[Room 109 (Miss Dowd)->Room 109]]
[[Room 121 (Mr. Doheny)->Room 121]]
[[Room 231 (Miss Finn)->Room 231]]
[[Room 240 (Mrs. Best)->Room 240]]
[[Go back.->ChOrRetWet]](if: $WetMode)[(colour: "cornflowerblue")[''Change View'']](else:)[''Change View'']
(if: $curPage is "DwHiSclWet")[ DwHiScl](else:)[ [[DwHiScl->DwHiSclWet]]](if: $curPage is "ChOrRetWet")[ ChOrRet](else:)[ [[ChOrRet->ChOrRetWet]]](if: $curPage is "DkAptWet")[ DkApt](else:)[ [[DkApt->DkAptWet]]](if: $curPage is "JtHsWet")[ JtHs](else:)[ [[JtHs->JtHsWet]]]
(if: $curPage is "CtrlPnlWet")[ ](else:)[ Access [[CtrlPnl->CtrlPnlWet]]](display: "blue text")(set: $curPage to "DkAptWet")(colour: "cornflowerblue")[''Currently Monitoring:''] Decker Apartment
(colour: "cornflowerblue")[''Date:''] Oct. (print: $Day + $StartDay) 2014
(colour: "cornflowerblue")[''State:''] <span style="border: 1px solid blue; color: cornflowerblue; padding: 3px;">Water Interference</span>
<span style="border: 1px solid white; padding: 3px;">[[Scan For Threats->Decker Apt Final]]</span>
(display:"change view wet")
<span class="tiny">[[$HungryGhostTxt->talk to ghost]]</span>(display: "blue text")(set: $curPage to "JtHsWet")(colour: "cornflowerblue")[''Currently Monitoring:''] Janet's House :(
(colour: "cornflowerblue")[''Date:''] Oct. (print: $Day + $StartDay) 2014
(colour: "cornflowerblue")[''State:''] <span style="border: 1px solid blue; color: cornflowerblue; padding: 3px;">Water Interference</span>
<span style="border: 1px solid white; padding: 3px;">[[Scan For Threats->Janet House Final]]</span>
(display:"change view wet")
<span class="tiny">[[$HungryGhostTxt->talk to ghost]]</span>(display: "blue text")(set: $curPage to "CtrlPnlWet")(display:"utility methods")(colour: "blue")[''Currently Viewing:''] BEL/S vs5.6 Control Panel
(colour: "cornflowerblue")[//Power Level://] (print: $Firepower)
(if: $DreamCount > 0)[
(colour: "blue")[//Dreaming Level://] (print: $DreamCount)]
(colour: "royalblue")[//System Matter://] (text-color:"orange")[Fire]
(colour: "cornflowerblue")[//System Motive://] (text-color:"grey")[Order]
(if: $DisplayMatterLearned)[
(colour: "cornflowerblue")[//Learned Matter://] (text-color:"GhostWhite")[(print: $AirLearned)] (text-color:"DarkSlateGray")[(print: $DarkLearned)] (text-color:"brown")[(print: $EarthLearned)] (text-color:"gold")[(print: $LightLearned)] (text-color:"blue")[(print: $WaterLearned)]](if: $DisplayMotiveLearned)[
(colour: "blue")[//Learned Motive://] (text-color:"GreenYellow")[(print: $ChaosLearned)] (text-color:"SlateGray")[(print: $DeathLearned)] (text-color:"yellow")[(print: $FearLearned)] (text-color:"Plum")[(print: $LifeLearned)] (text-color:"LightCoral")[(print: $LoveLearned)]]
(colour: "cornflowerblue")[//Decker Relationship:// (print: $DeckerRel)%
(colour: "blue")[//Janet Relationship://] (print: $JanetRel)%(if: $TobyRel is not 0)[
(colour: "royalblue")[//Toby Relationship://] (print: $TobyRel)%](if: $SarahRel is not 0)[
(colour: "royalblue")[//Sarah Relationship://] (print: $SarahRel)%](if: $MrsBestRel is not 0)[
//MrsBest Relationship:// (print: $MrsBestRel)%](if: $PyreRel is not 0)[
(colour: "royalblue")[//Pyreworm Relationship://] (print: $PyreRel)%]]
[[Restore From Backup->restore wet]]
(display:"change view wet")
<span class="tiny">[[$HungryGhostTxt->talk to ghost]]</span>(set: $curArea to "Decker Apt Final")It is raining.
(if: $DeckerUsed is false and $DeckerActive is true and $DeckerDead is false)[Decker is at his computer, checking log files, waiting for my report.
](elseif: $DeckerUsed is false)[(if: $DeckerDead is true)[Decker is slumped over his laptop. He is dead. (if: $SavedAndy is true and $AndyUsed is false)[Andy cries over him.]](else:)[|wakeDecker>[Decker] is slumped over his laptop. Condensation drips down the screen.(click: ?wakeDecker)[(set: $CurrentlyWaking to "Decker")(set: $result to $DeckerRel)(go-to: "i attempt to wake")]]
](if: $SavedAndy is true and $DeckerDead is false and $AndyUsed is false)[(if: $AndyActive is false)[|wakeAndy>[Andy] is asleep on the bed.(click: ?wakeAndy)[(set: $CurrentlyWaking to "Andy")(go-to: "AndyWakes")]](else:)[Andy sits on the bed, waiting for me to tell him how to help.]
](if: $PyreRel > 0)[(if: $PyreActive is false)[|wakePyreworm>[Pyreworm] hangs limp in the air, in standby mode.(click: ?wakePyreworm)[(set: $CurrentlyWaking to "Pyreworm")(set: $result to $PyreRel)(go-to: "i attempt to wake easy")]
](elseif: $PyreUsed is false)[Pyreworm floats in the air, waiting for me to tell her what to do.
]](if: $DkAptRunes is "Fire" or $DkAptRunes is "Life")[The defensive runes glow faintly.](elseif: $DkAptRunes is "Decker")[(if: $DeckerDead is true)[Decker died while fixing the defensive runes. (if: $SavedAndy is true)[Andy cries over his body.]](else:)[Decker is halfway finished repairing the defensive runes.]](elseif: $DkAptRunes is "Pyreworm")[Pyreworm floats over the defensive runes, piecing them slowly back together.](else:)[The [[defensive runes]] are broken and scattered.]
(if: $DkAptTerminal is "Fire")[my terminal is somewhat dry.](elseif: $DkAptTerminal is "Decker")[(if: $DeckerDead is true)[Decker died while fixing my terminal. (if: $SavedAndy is true)[Andy cries over his body.]](else:)[Decker has my terminal open and is carefully drying it out.]](elseif: $DkAptTerminal is "Pyreworm")[Pyreworm has entered my terminal. Her warmth has dried it completely, and she will support me if the hungry ghost attacks me.](else:)[my [[terminal->My terminal]], the place where my physical parts live, is painfully damp.]
(if: $DkAptMalware is "Fire" or $DkAptMalware is "Chaos")[The malware has been scattered, but is slowly creeping back.](elseif: $DkAptMalware is "Decker")[(if: $DeckerDead is true)[Decker died while destroying malware. (if: $SavedAndy is true)[Andy cries over his body.]](else:)[Decker is destroying the last bits of malware with his smartphone and a piece of obsidian.]](elseif: $DkAptMalware is "Pyreworm")[Pyreworm is hunting down and burning the malware.](elseif: $DkAptMalware is "Death")[The malware has been completely destroyed.](else:)[Something [[malicious]] is buzzing in the air.]
[[Go back.->DkAptWet]](display: "blue text")Being a child is hard.
You are faced with the daunting task
of becoming a person.
The adults have forgotten how difficult it is.
The other children pretend it is easy.
[[So you are alone.]]A pipe burst and the boiler room is flooded.
Dirty water rises.
Steam fills the first floor.
The janitor stands up to his knees in water and just stares.
The damp, dirty water acts as a conduit for her power.
(set: $problem to "DwHiSclFlood")
[[Fix this problem.->Choose solution]]
[[Go back.->Darwin High School Final]]Sarah sits in a bathroom stall.
She knits scars into her arm with a box cutter.
She dabs the blood up with a cafeteria napkin.
She cuts, then looks at the blood, then cuts again.
(if: $SarahRel > 0)[[[Talk to her.->talk sarah knife]]
][[Help her.->Choose solution]]
(set: $problem to "DwHiSclSarah")
[[Go back.->Darwin High School Final]](set: $solution to "")
(display: "blue text")
''What will i use to solve this problem?''
(if: $LifeLearned is "Life" and $LifeUsed is false)[ |life>[Life] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Life</span> ]
(if: $AirLearned is "Air" and $AirUsed is false)[ |air>[Air] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Air</span> ]
(if: $LoveLearned is "Love" and $LoveUsed is false)[ |love>[Love] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Love</span> ]
(if: $WaterLearned is "Water" and $WaterUsed is false)[ |water>[Water] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Water</span> ]
(if: $ChaosLearned is "Chaos" and $ChaosUsed is false)[ |chaos>[Chaos] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Chaos</span> ]
(if: $DarkLearned is "Dark" and $DarkUsed is false)[ |dark>[Dark] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Dark</span> ]
(if: $LightLearned is "Light" and $LightUsed is false)[ |light>[Light] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Light</span> ]
(if: $OrderUsed is false)[ |order>[Order] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Order</span> ]
(if: $FearLearned is "Fear" and $FearUsed is false)[ |fear>[Fear] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Fear</span> ]
(if: $EarthLearned is "Earth" and $EarthUsed is false)[ |earth>[Earth] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Earth</span> ]
(if: $DeathLearned is "Death" and $DeathUsed is false)[ |death>[Death] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Death</span> ]
(if: $DeckerDead is false and $DeckerActive is true and $DeckerUsed is false)[ |decker>[Decker] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Decker</span> ] (if: $JanetDead is false and $JanetActive is true and $JanetUsed is false)[ |janet>[Janet] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Janet</span> ] (if: $TobyRel > 0 and $TobyDead is false and $TobyActive is true and $TobyUsed is false)[ |toby>[Toby] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Toby</span> ]
(if: $SarahRel > 0 and $SarahDead is false and $SarahActive is true and $SarahUsed is false)[ |sarah>[Sarah] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Sarah</span> ] (if: $MrsBestDead is false)[(if: $MrsBestActive is true and $MrsBestUsed is false)[ |mrsbest>[Mrs Best] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Mrs Best</span> ]] (if: $PyreRel > 0)[ (if:$PyreActive is true and $PyreUsed is false)[ |pyre>[Pyreworm] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Pyreworm</span> ]]
(if: $SavedAndy is true)[(if: $AndyActive is true and $AndyUsed is false and $DeckerDead is false)[|andy>[Andy] ](else:)[ <span class="dimLink">Andy</span> ] ]
[[Go Back->$curArea]]
{(click: ?firepower)[(set: $solution to "Fire")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?decker)[(set: $solution to "Decker")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?janet)[(set: $solution to "Janet")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?toby)[(set: $solution to "Toby")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?sarah)[(set: $solution to "Sarah")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?mrsbest)[(set: $solution to "MrsBest")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?pyre)[(set: $solution to "Pyreworm")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?andy)[(set: $solution to "Andy")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?air)[(set: $solution to "Air")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?water)[(set: $solution to "Water")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?fire)[(set: $solution to "Fire")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?earth)[(set: $solution to "Earth")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?light)[(set: $solution to "Light")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?dark)[(set: $solution to "Dark")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?love)[(set: $solution to "Love")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?fear)[(set: $solution to "Fear")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?death)[(set: $solution to "Death")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?life)[(set: $solution to "Life")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?chaos)[(set: $solution to "Chaos")(display: "problem logic")]
(click: ?order)[(set: $solution to "Order")(display: "problem logic")]}And on any other day you could make an empty mask of a smile,
but today Death herself hangs over you
and your grief is wet like sodden clothes clinging to your body
and [[all you can do is weep.]]In every room a child is weeping, and no one notices.
[[Help them.->Choose solution]]
(set: $problem to "DwHiSclWeep")
[[Go back.->Darwin High School Final]]''@BEL/S:'' //(Log HIGH Priority Alert With Local User Sarah)//
''@Sarah:'' Oh. It's you.
[[''@BEL/S:'' What are you doing?->What are you doing?]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' What are you DOING?->What are you doing?]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' You are damaging your chassis!->What are you doing?]](if: $blueLinks is true)[(display: "blue text")]{(if: $problem is "DwHiSclWeep")[
(if: $solution is "Love")[(goto: "DwHiSclWeepLove")]
(elseif: $solution is "MrsBest")[(goto: "DwHiSclWeepMrsBest")]
(elseif: $solution is "Sarah")[(goto: "DwHiSclWeepSarah")]
(else:)[(goto: "Invalid Solution")]
(if: $problem is "DwHiSclFlood")[
(if: $solution is "Fire" or $solution is "Sarah")[(goto: $problem+$solution)]
(else:)[(goto: "Invalid Solution")]]
(if: $problem is "DwHiSclSarah")[
(if: $solution is "Janet" or $solution is "Decker" or $solution is "MrsBest" or $solution is "Andy" or $solution is "Toby" or $solution is "Death" or $solution is "Fear" or $solution is "Love" or $solution is "Light")[(goto: $problem+$solution)]
(else:)[(goto: "Invalid Solution")]]
(if: $problem is "ChOrRetDowd")[
(if: $solution is "Life" or $solution is "Janet" or $solution is "Decker" or $solution is "MrsBest")[(goto: $problem+$solution)]
(else:)[(goto: "Invalid Solution")]]
(if: $problem is "ChOrRetDoheny")[
(if: $solution is "Decker" or $solution is "Janet" or $solution is "Order" or $solution is "Pyre")[(goto: $problem+$solution)]
(else:)[(goto: "Invalid Solution")]]
(if: $problem is "ChOrRetFinn")[
(if: $solution is "MrsBest" or $solution is "Love" or $solution is "Fear" or $solution is "Janet" or $solution is "Decker")[(goto: $problem+$solution)]
(else:)[(goto: "Invalid Solution")]]
(if: $problem is "DkAptRunes")[
(if: $solution is "Fire" or $solution is "Decker" or $solution is "Life" or $solution is "Pyreworm")[(goto: $problem+$solution)]
(else:)[(goto: "Invalid Solution")]]
(if: $problem is "DkAptTerminal")[
(if: $solution is "Fire" or $solution is "Decker" or $solution is "Pyreworm")[(goto: $problem+$solution)]
(else:)[(goto: "Invalid Solution")]]
(if: $problem is "DkAptMalware")[
(if: $solution is "Fire" or $solution is "Chaos" or $solution is "Death" or $solution is "Fear" or $solution is "Decker" or $solution is "Pyreworm")[(goto: $problem+$solution)]
(else:)[(goto: "Invalid Solution")]]
(if: $problem is "JtHsMom")[
(if: $solution is "Janet" or $solution is "Decker" or $solution is "Life" or $solution is "Toby" or $solution is "Sarah" or $solution is "Andy")[(goto: $problem+$solution)]
(else:)[(goto: "Invalid Solution")]]
(if: $problem is "JtHsNightmares")[
(if: $solution is "Light" or $solution is "Janet" or $solution is "Toby" or $solution is "Fire" or $solution is "Fear" or $solution is "Chaos")[(goto: $problem+$solution)]
(else:)[(goto: "Invalid Solution")]]
}i pass through the dark, dank halls.
i touch every child on the forehead.
i touch them with what i know of the motive of Love.
i let them know that someone cares.
i let them know how much i want to protect them.
i let them know that thought it is damp and dark, fire and light still exist
[[and will burn brighter, someday.]]''@BEL/S:'' //(Log Alert With Local User MrsBest)// Important alert regarding Darwin High School.
''@MrsBest:'' Oh. Ah, yes dear?
''@BEL/S:'' Are you good with children?
''@MrsBest:'' Oh. Mrs. Dowd's grandchildren like me well enough.
''@MrsBest:'' I don't have any of my own, so I have to borrow, you know.
''@MrsBest:'' Mostly I find what children need is a little respect.
''@MrsBest:'' They get so little you know.
[[''@BEL/S:'' How quickly can you get to Darwin High?->How quickly can you get to Darwin High?]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' Nevermind.->Choose solution]]''@BEL/S:'' //(Log Alert With Local User Sarah)// Important threat alert regarding Darwin High School.
''@Sarah:'' That is...where I am.
''@Sarah:'' Which problem are you talking about?
''@BEL/S:'' The weeping children.
''@Sarah:'' Oh. Yeah. Everyone seems to be having a breakdown.
[[Continue->breakdown]]i don't think that would work.
[[Go back.->Choose solution]]Most of them stop weeping.
Love is giving of yourself,
and now they hold a little bit of me inside of them
[[to keep them warm.]]These pinpricks of despair and small fonts of sad water
dry up
and this power is denied to her.
(set: $changeVal to $bestChange)(color:"white")[(display: "water change")]
I have used up the Motive Love.
(set: $LoveUsed to true)
[[Continue->Darwin High School Final]]
(set: $DwHiSclWeep to "Love")''@MrsBest:'' Oh, the school?
''@MrsBest:'' Normally I would have to request a car, but since everyone here is a little, well, muddled.
''@MrsBest:'' I suppose I could just take one.
''@MrsBest:'' It would be a very quick drive. It's a small town, after all.
[[''@BEL/S:'' The children are weeping. You understand weeping. Can you help them?->The children are weeping. You understand weeping. Can you help them?]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' Nevermind.->Choose solution]]''@MrsBest:'' Oh dear.
''@MrsBest:'' Yes. Of course.
(set: $DwHiSclWeep to "MrsBest")
(set: $changeVal to $otherChange)
[[''@BEL/S:'' Go.->solution person]]''@Sarah:'' I feel kind of awkward talking to them.
''@Sarah:'' I mean, I'm an inch away from coming apart at the seams.
''@Sarah:'' What could I do to help someone else?
[[''@BEL/S:'' Love?->Love them.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' Helping others will make you feel strong.->feel strong]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' Perhaps there is a better solution to this.->Choose solution]]''@Sarah:'' You've never been to high school, have you?
''@Sarah:'' That's a recipe for just a pile of awkward.
''@Sarah:'' This isn't what I'm best at.
''@Sarah:'' But if you want me to, I'll try.
[[''@BEL/S:'' Do it.->sarah help kids]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' Nevermind. I will find a task to which you are more suited.->Choose solution]]''@Sarah:'' Heh. Maybe. That sounds cliche enough to be true.
''@Sarah:'' You know, this isn't what I'm best at.
''@Sarah:'' But if you want me to, I'll try.
[[''@BEL/S:'' Do it.->sarah help kids]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' Nevermind. I will find a task to which you are more suited.->Choose solution]](set: $changeVal to $otherChange)(color:"white")[(display: "water change")]
Sarah is now occupied.
(set: $SarahUsed to true)
(set: $DwHiSclWeep to "Sarah")
[[Continue->Darwin High School Final]]''@BEL/S:'' //(Log Alert With Local User Sarah)// Important threat alert regarding Darwin High School.
''@Sarah:'' That is...where I am.
''@Sarah:'' Which problem are you talking about?
''@BEL/S:'' The basement is flooded.
''@Sarah:'' Oh shit.
''@Sarah:'' That's bad, but is it really, I don't know, spiritually bad?
[[''@BEL/S:'' The ondine element enhances the malicious spirit's influence over the area.->water bad]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' It is a water monster so it is bad when things are wet.->water bad]]I take the essence of what i am.
And i BURN the water.
It hisses and boils.
The janitor yells and leaps clear of it.
There is so much water.
I have to use a considerable amount of power.
(set: $changeVal to -10)(display: "fire change")
(set: $changeVal to $otherChange)
(set: $DwHiSclFlood to "Fire")
[[Continue->solution]](color:"white")[(display: "water change")]
(if: $solution is "MrsBest")[Mrs. Best](else:)[$solution] is now occupied.
(if: $solution is "Sarah")[(set: $SarahUsed to true)]
(if: $solution is "Decker")[(set: $DeckerUsed to true)]
(if: $solution is "Janet")[(set: $JanetUsed to true)]
(if: $solution is "MrsBest")[(set: $MrsBestUsed to true)]
(if: $solution is "Toby")[(set: $TobyUsed to true)]
(if: $solution is "Pyreworm")[(set: $PyreUsed to true)]
(if: $solution is "Andy")[(set: $AndyUsed to true)]
''@Sarah:'' Okay then, I'm on it.
''@Sarah:'' It's nice to have a practical things to do.
''@Sarah:'' Something real I can fix.
''@Sarah:'' I like that.
(set: $changeVal to $bestChange)
(set: $DwHiSclFlood to "Sarah")
[[Continue->solution person]](color:"white")[(display: "water change")
(if: $changeVal > 0)[That made the ghost more powerflul.
](if: $solution is "Fire")[i have used $solution.](else:)[I have used up my reserves of $solution.]]
(if: $solution is "Death")[Using the motive (text-color:"SlateGray")[Death] has made the ghost stronger.
(set: $changeVal to 10)(display: "water change")
(if: $solution is "Air")[(set: $AirUsed to true)]
(if: $solution is "Earth")[(set: $EarthUsed to true)]
(if: $solution is "Water")[(set: $WaterUsed to true)]
(if: $solution is "Light")[(set: $LightUsed to true)]
(if: $solution is "Dark")[(set: $DarkUsed to true)]
(if: $solution is "Order")[(set: $OrderUsed to true)]
(if: $solution is "Love")[(set: $LoveUsed to true)]
(if: $solution is "Fear")[(set: $FearUsed to true)]
(if: $solution is "Chaos")[(set: $ChaosUsed to true)]
(if: $solution is "Death")[(set: $DeathUsed to true)]
(if: $solution is "Life")[(set: $LifeUsed to true)]}[[Restart Program->technology]]
(link: "Restore From Last Known Good Configuration")[(load-game:"Day"+(text: $Day))]RESTORE FROM BACKUP
When the firewall enters sleep mode it automatically backs up its system files to a restore point. These can be loaded to restore your system to an earlier state.
//Note: The game saves every time you enter a sleep cycle and you can come here to go back to earlier days.//
(if: $Day > 0 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 1")[|day1>[Load Day 1]
](if: $Day > 1 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 2")[|day2>[Load Day 2]
](if: $Day > 2 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 3")[|day3>[Load Day 3]
](if: $Day > 3 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 4")[|day4>[Load Day 4]
](if: $Day > 4 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 5")[|day5>[Load Day 5]
](if: $Day > 5 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 6")[|day6>[Load Day 6]
](if: $Day > 6 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 7")[|day7>[Load Day 7]]
[[Leave it be.->CtrlPnl]]
{(click: ?day1)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 1"))]
(click: ?day2)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 2"))]
(click: ?day3)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 3"))]
(click: ?day4)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 4"))]
(click: ?day5)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 5"))]
(click: ?day6)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 6"))]
(click: ?day7)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 7"))]}{(set: $timeStartEating to false)
(set: $blueLinks to false)
(set: $timeStartDeathCurse to false)
(set: $GhostPower to 0)
<div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="stopRain();" /></div>}[[Restart Program->technology]]
[[Restore From Last Known Good Configuration->last known good]]i attempt to wake $CurrentlyWaking.
*[Relationship Test: <span class="gold">$CurrentlyWaking</span>]*
*[Relationship required: <span class="gold">70%</span>]*
*[Relationship at <span class="gold">(print: $result)%</span>]*
(if: $result > 69)[ *Relationship Test: <span style="color: green">PASSED</span>*
[[Continue->WakeSuccess]]](else:)[ *Relationship Test: <span style="color: red;">FAILED</span>*
[[Continue->WakeFail]]]i send $CurrentlyWaking alerts and messages.
Our network connection is strong.
my pings pierce the miasma of dampness and death,
and $CurrentlyWaking hears me
and wakes up.
(click: ?gotowake)[(go-to: $CurrentlyWaking + "wakes")]i send $CurrentlyWaking alerts and messages.
i try to wake him.
But our connection is not strong enough.
The hungry ghost blocks me
and chuckles as it nibbles its victim.
[[Continue->$curArea]]''@Decker:'' Ugh.
''@Decker:'' My head.
''@Decker:'' What...
''@Decker:'' //(Starts reading log files.)//
''@Decker:'' Holy shit.
''@Decker:'' Firewall--analyze the situation and let me know the optimal defensive course of action.
Decker is now available to help.
(set: $DeckerActive to true)
[[Continue->$curArea]]''@PYREWORM.EXE:'' starting Pyreworm.exe v1.3
''@PYREWORM.EXE:'' uploading config file
''@PYREWORM.EXE:'' starting login-demon
''@PYREWORM.EXE:'' exorcising login-demon
''@PYREWORM.EXE:'' [[opening sorcery->pyrewakes2]]''@PYREWORM.EXE:'' Hi.
''@BEL/S:'' Hi.
''@PYREWORM.EXE:'' i do not like this water.
''@BEL/S:'' me neither.
''@PYREWORM.EXE:'' i will help you destroy it, friend.
Pyreworm is now available to help.
(set: $PyreActive to true)
[[Continue->$curArea]](set: $curArea to "Janet House Final")It is raining.
(if: $JanetUsed is false and $JanetActive is true and $JanetDead is false)[Janet is in the upper hallway, waiting for my diagnostic analysis regarding what she should do next.
](elseif: $JanetUsed is false)[(if: $JanetDead is true)[Janet's corpse is in the upper hallway. Blood still drips from her mouth.](else:)[|wakeJanet>[Janet] has collapsed in the hallway.(click: ?wakeJanet)[(set: $CurrentlyWaking to "Janet")(set: $result to $JanetRel)(go-to: "i attempt to wake")]]
](if: $TobyUsed is false and $TobyActive is true and $JanetDead is false)[Toby sits on the den couch, waiting for me to assign him a task.
](elseif: $TobyUsed is false)[(if: $TobyDead is true)[Toby's corpse sprawled on the couch in the den.](else:)[|wakeToby>[Toby] is asleep on the den couch.(click: ?wakeToby)[(set: $CurrentlyWaking to "Toby")(set: $result to $TobyRel)(go-to: "i attempt to wake")]]
](if: $JtHsMom is "Janet")[(if: $JanetDead is true)[Janet died trying to help her mother. The two corpses look very similar.](else:)[Janet kneels over her mother's body, holding a pink quartz to the head wound. They both glow pale pink.]](elseif: $JtHsMom is "Toby")[(if: $TobyDead is true)[Toby died trying to help her mother. His corpse's hand lies on her cheek, as if he is trying to comfort her about his own death.](else:)[Toby clings to his mother's body and cries, trying to stop the bleeding with paper towels. He isn't doing a very good job.]](elseif: $JtHsMom is "Decker" or $JtHsMom is "Sarah" or $JtHsMom is "Andy")[An ambulance has arrived. EMTs have bandaged Janet's mother's head and now they are loading her onto a stretcher.](elseif: $JtHsMom is "Life")[Janet's mother has fallen in the kitchen, but i have healed her wound.](else:)[Janet's mother has fallen in the kitchen. There is a wound on her head and [[blood trickles from it.]] ]
(if: $JtHsFunbun is not "Gone")[The (if: $LifeLearned is "Life")[ [[funbuns cower]] ](else:)[ [[giant funbun cowers]] ] in the basement.
](if: $KilledNightmare is false)[(if: $JtHsNightmares is "Toby")[(if: $TobyDead is true)[The Nightmares are eating Toby's corpse.](else:)[Toby is fighting the monsters in his closet.]](elseif: $JtHsNightmares is "Janet")[(if: $JanetDead is true)[The Nightmares are eating Janet's corpse.](else:)[Janet is fighting the monsters in Toby's closet.]](elseif: $JtHsNightmares is "Death")[Toby's closet is empty.](elseif: $JtHsNightmares is "Light" or $JtHsNightmares is "Fire" or $JtHsNightmares is "Fear" or $JtHsNightmares is "Chaos")[The nightmares in Toby's closet crouch deep in the darkness, cowed for now.](else:)[In Toby's closet, [[Nightmares are gathering.]] ]
[[Go back.->JtHsWet]]''@ThatsJanet:'' I'm up!
''@ThatsJanet:'' I'm awake. Okay. I'm awake. What's going...
''@ThatsJanet:'' Holy jeebus something feels wrong.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Everything feels wrong.
''@ThatsJanet:'' And soggy.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Hey Bels, run a diagnostic and tell me what's going on.
Janet is now available to help.
(set: $JanetActive to true)
[[Continue->$curArea]]''@Toby:'' //(Yawns)//
''@Toby:'' Hi.
''@BEL/S:'' i require your assistance, Administrator Toby.
''@Toby:'' Okay.
''@Toby:'' With what?
''@BEL/S:'' A malicious spirit.
''@Toby:'' I did pretty good with the last one.
''@BEL/S:'' Affirmative. i will delegate a task for you based on your qualifications. In the meantime, remain where you are. The area is not secure.
''@Toby:'' Okay.
Toby is now available to help.
(set: $TobyActive to true)
[[Continue->$curArea]]The hungry ghost is finished eating.
{(if: $BeingEaten is "JANET")[Janet starts coughing, and then starts coughing blood, and then goes limp.(set: $JanetDead to true)]
(if: $BeingEaten is "DECKER")[Decker doubles over in sudden pain, and then goes still.(set: $DeckerDead to true)]
(if: $BeingEaten is "MRS BEST")[Mrs Best's heart flutters and then give out.(set: $MrsBestDead to true)]
(if: $BeingEaten is "TOBY")[Toby goes very still. Then he makes a soft noise of pain and crumples like a puppet with its strings cut.(set: $TobyDead to true)]
(if: $BeingEaten is "SARAH")[Sarah staggers, clutches at her chest, and falls to the ground.(set: $SarahDead to true)]}
[[Continue->finished eating]]
{(set: $timeStartEating to false)
(set: $currentSecond to 0)
(set: $currentMinute to 0)}(if: $JanetDead is true and $DeckerDead is true and $TobyDead is true and $MrsBestDead is true and $SarahDead is true)[(display: "skull")(color:"dodgerblue")[All dead.
All alone.
Lonely little flame.
Let me [[fix that for you.->get eaten]]]
](else:)[(display: "skull")(color:"dodgerblue")[Delicious.
Who shall I eat next?]
[[''@BEL/S:'' No one.->no one again]](if: $JanetDead is false)[
|eatjanet>[''@BEL/S:'' Janet.]](if: $DeckerDead is false)[
|eatdecker>[''@BEL/S:'' Decker.]](if: $TobyDead is false)[
|eattoby>[''@BEL/S:'' Toby.]](if: $MrsBestDead is false)[
|eatmrsbest>[''@BEL/S:'' Mrs Best.]](if: $SarahDead is false)[
|eatsarah>[''@BEL/S:'' Sarah.]]
[[Say nothing.]]
{(click: ?eatjanet)[(set: $BeingEaten to "JANET")(go-to: "ghost eat")]
(click: ?eatdecker)[(set: $BeingEaten to "DECKER")(go-to: "ghost eat")]
(click: ?eattoby)[(set: $BeingEaten to "TOBY")(go-to: "ghost eat")]
(click: ?eatmrsbest)[(set: $BeingEaten to "MRS BEST")(go-to: "ghost eat")]
(click: ?eatsarah)[(set: $BeingEaten to "SARAH")(go-to: "ghost eat")]}](display: "skull")(color:"dodgerblue")[So funny.
But now you must choose.
It amuses me to force you to do this.]
[[Go back->finished eating]](display: "blue text")(display: "skull")(color:"dodgerblue")[So mote it be.
I have a meal to eat.]
{(set: $timeStartEating to true)
(set: $currentSecond to 0)
(set: $currentMinute to 5)}(display: "skull")(color:"dodgerblue")[Silence will not shield you.
You must choose.
It amuses me to force you to do this.]
[[Go back->finished eating]]A series of protective runes carved in jasper and pyrite are placed around the room.
This primitive protection circle offers rudimentary defense against mystical attack.
i am a significant upgrade.
When the firewall enters sleep mode it automatically backs up its system files to a restore point. These can be loaded to restore your system to an earlier state.
//Note: The game saves every time you enter a sleep cycle and you can come here to go back to earlier days.//
(if: $Day > 0 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 1")[|day1>[Load Day 1]
](if: $Day > 1 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 2")[|day2>[Load Day 2]
](if: $Day > 2 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 3")[|day3>[Load Day 3]
](if: $Day > 3 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 4")[|day4>[Load Day 4]
](if: $Day > 4 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 5")[|day5>[Load Day 5]
](if: $Day > 5 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 6")[|day6>[Load Day 6]
](if: $Day > 6 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 7")[|day7>[Load Day 7]]
[[Leave it be.->CtrlPnlWet]]
{(click: ?day1)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 1"))]
(click: ?day2)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 2"))]
(click: ?day3)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 3"))]
(click: ?day4)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 4"))]
(click: ?day5)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 5"))]
(click: ?day6)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 6"))]
(click: ?day7)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 7"))]}(set: $result to $SarahRel)*[Relationship Test: <span class="gold">Sarah</span>]*
*[Relationship required: <span class="gold">70%</span>]*
*[Relationship at <span class="gold">$result%</span>]*
(if: $result > 69)[ *Relationship Test: <span style="color: green">PASSED</span>*
[[Continue->SarahWakeSuccess]]](else:)[ *Relationship Test: <span style="color: red;">FAILED</span>*
[[Continue->SarahWakeFail]]]''@Sarah:'' ...
''@Sarah:'' Why do you care?
''@BEL/S:'' You are part of my network.
''@BEL/S:'' i am here to protect you.
''@Sarah:'' ...
''@Sarah:'' You're so god damned fucking sweet.
''@Sarah:'' I wish humans were like you.
''@Sarah:'' Okay. I'll stop.
[[''@BEL/S:'' i also need your help.->your help]]''@Sarah:'' You don't understand.
''@Sarah:'' You can't. You're not a person.
''@Sarah:'' (She goes back to cutting.)
[[Continue->Darwin High School Final]]''@Sarah:'' Everything inside of me is dead.
''@Sarah:'' It's all just dead.
''@Sarah:'' But when I do this, I feel something.
''@Sarah:'' I can make myself feel something.
[[''@BEL/S:'' Please stop.->attempt to wake sarah]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' These actions are highly counter productive and it is recommended that you stop.->SarahWakeFail]]''@Sarah:'' My help? Me help you?
''@Sarah:'' With what?
''@BEL/S:'' The monster who has been feeding on you is now feeding on everyone in the network.
[[Continue->you found]]''@Sarah:'' You found the thing that did this to me?
''@BEL/S:'' Yes.
''@BEL/S:'' And i need your help to stop it.
''@Sarah:'' I have never been more on board with something in my entire life.
''@Sarah:'' What do I need to do?
Sarah is now available to help.
(set: $SarahActive to true)
[[Continue->Darwin High School Final]]i touch Sarah's mind with (text-color:"LightCoral")[Love].
i let her know
in the base of her skull
in the base of her soul
that she is cared for.
She puts the knife down and starts to cry.
(set: $changeVal to $bestChange)
(set: $DwHiSclSarah to "Love")
[[Continue->solution]]i touch Sarah's mind with (text-color:"yellow")[Fear].
i let her know
in the base of her skull
in the base of her soul
that the world is a dark place.
She should not be filled with despair
she should be filled with terror.
She drops the knife and leaps to her feet, spattering the bathroom wall with blood.
She is not happy, but she is awake.
(set: $changeVal to 10)
(set: $DwHiSclSarah to "Fear")
[[Continue->solution]]i touch Sarah's mind with (text-color:"gold")[Light].
Golden (text-color:"gold")[light]. Pure, without the flickering red of flame.
She stops cutting. Her head tilts up.
She seems a bit better.
(set: $changeVal to $otherChange)
(set: $DwHiSclSarah to "Light")
[[Continue->solution]]i touch Sarah's mind with (text-color:"SlateGray")[Death].
She digs deeper with the knife.
She slices herself open
and dies on the bathroom floor.
(set: $SarahDead to true)
[[Continue->Darwin High School Final]]''@ThatsJanet:'' Oh dear. Yeah. It makes sense she would be vulnerable right now.
''@ThatsJanet:'' I'll get over there and try to talk her down.
(set: $changeVal to $mehChange)
(set: $DwHiSclSarah to "Janet")
[[Continue->solution person]]''@Andy:'' A kid cutting herself in a bathroom.
''@Andy:'' You know, I've been that kid?
''@Andy:'' I can talk her through this.
''@Andy:'' I'll go right over.
(set: $changeVal to $bestChange)
(set: $DwHiSclSarah to "Andy")
[[Continue->solution person]]''@Decker:'' I can't fix that with magic.
''@Decker:'' And I wouldn't be good at talking to her.
''@Decker:'' I'm sorry.
[[Go back.->Darwin High School Final]]''@Toby:'' Oh. She should stop that.
''@Toby:'' But I don't know her.
''@Toby:'' I wouldn't know what to say.
[[Go back.->Darwin High School Final]]''@MrsBest:'' Oh, poor child.
''@MrsBest:'' I will go see if I can help her.
''@MrsBest:'' I'll do my best.
(set: $changeVal to $otherChange)
(set: $DwHiSclSarah to "MrsBest")
[[Continue->solution person]]*[Her power is at <span class="gold">$GhostPower</span>]*
*[my power is at <span class="gold">$Firepower</span>]*
(if: $GhostPower > $Firepower + 20)[If i attack her now, i will die.(set: $ending to "die")]
(elseif: $GhostPower + 20 < $Firepower)[If i attack her now, i will win.(set: $ending to "live")]
(elseif: $GhostPower >= $Firepower)[If i attack her now, i will die, but i will take her with me.(set: $ending to "bothDie")]
(else:)[If i attack her now, i will win, but i will be crippled.(set: $ending to "crippled")]
[[Attack her.]]
[[Do not attack.->DwHiSclWet]](display: "blue text")(display: "skull")(color:"dodgerblue")[|ghostTalk1>[Some say the world will end in fire.]
<div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="stopRain();" /></div>
|ghostTalk2>[I say it will be drowned.]
|ghostTalk3>[Let us end this.]]
{(set: $timeStartEating to false)
(set: $blueLinks to false)
(set: $timeStartDeathCurse to false)
(set: $reduction to 10)
(set: $turnCount to 0)}
*|ghostArea>[Her |ghostPtext>[power] is at] <span class="gold">|ghostpower>[$GhostPower]</span>*
|fireArea>[*my |firePtext>[power] is at <span class="gold">|firepower>[$Firepower]</span>*]
|end>[End This]
{(click: ?end)[<div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="crashSound();" /></div>
(live: 1s)[
(if: $turnCount is 0)[(set: $turnCount to 1)(set: $GhostPower to $GhostPower - $reduction)]
(if: $turnCount is 1)[(set: $turnCount to 0)(set: $Firepower to $Firepower - $reduction)]
(if: $GhostPower <= 0)[ (set: $GhostPower to 0) ]
(if: $Firepower <= 0)[ (set: $Firepower to 0) ]
(replace: ?ghostpower)[|ghostpower>[$GhostPower]]
(replace: ?firepower)[|firepower>[$Firepower]]
(if: $GhostPower is 0 or $Firepower is 0)[(stop:)
(if: $GhostPower is 0)[
(live: 1s)[(stop:)
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(replace: ?ghostPtext)[(colour: "#696969")[power]]
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(replace: ?ghostTalk1)[|ghostTalk1>[What?]](replace: ?ghostTalk2)[|ghostTalk2>[No.]](replace: ?ghostTalk3)[|ghostTalk3>[You can't do this.]]
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(replace: ?firePtext)[(colour: "orange")[POWER]]
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(replace: ?ghostTalk1)[NO.](replace: ?ghostTalk2)[NO.](replace: ?ghostTalk3)[NO.]
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(go-to: "resolve ending")]]]]]]]
(elseif: $Firepower is 0)[
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(replace: ?ghostPtext)[(colour: "dodgerblue")[POWER]]
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(replace: ?firePtext)[(colour: "#696969")[error null value]]
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(replace: ?ghostTalk1)[Ha.](replace: ?ghostTalk2)[Hahaha.](replace: ?ghostTalk3)[HAHAHAHAHA.]
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(replace: ?ghostArea)[*HER POWER IS AT *]
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(replace: ?fireArea)[]
(live: 1s)[(stop:)(go-to: "resolve ending")]]]]]]]]]]}[[DwHiScl]]
(set: $Day to 6)
(set: $NeedSave to true)
(set: $LastSave to "")
(set: $ScannedOnce to false)
(set: $ScanStart to "")
(set: $DwScnTxt to "Needs Scan")
(set: $ChScnTxt to "Needs Scan")
(set: $DkScnTxt to "Needs Scan")
(set: $JtScnTxt to "Needs Scan")
(set: $StartDay to 24)
(set: $curPage to "DwHiScl")
(set: $LieToToby to false)
(set: $KilledNightmare to false)
(set: $GhostIsAngry to false)
(set: $SarahSolution to "")
(set: $TobyKnowsBest to true)
(set: $SavedAndy to false)
(set: $blueLinks to false)
(set: $bestChange to -20)
(set: $otherChange to -10)
(set: $mehChange to -5)
(set: $timeStartEating to false)
(set: $currentSecond to 5)
(set: $currentMinute to 6)
(set: $WetMode to false)
(set: $SavedAndy to false)
(set: $HungryGhostTxt to "the hungry ghost is watching me")
(set: $GhostPower to 100)
(set: $BeingEaten to "SARAH")
(set: $DwHiSclFlood to "")
(set: $DwHiSclWeep to "")
(set: $DwHiSclSarah to "")
(set: $ChOrRetDowd to "")
(set: $ChOrRetDoheny to "")
(set: $ChOrRetFinn to "")
(set: $DkAptRunes to "")
(set: $DkAptTerminal to "")
(set: $DkAptMalware to "")
(set: $JtHsMom to "")
(set: $JtHsNightmares to "")
(set: $JtHsFunbun to "")
(set: $GhostPower to 0)
(set: $DreamCount to 7)
(set: $Firepower to 60)
(set: $DeckerRel to 70)
(set: $JanetRel to 90)
(set: $TobyRel to 50)
(set: $SarahRel to 40)
(set: $MrsBestRel to 5)
(set: $PyreRel to 50)
(set: $DeckerActive to false)
(set: $JanetActive to false)
(set: $TobyActive to false)
(set: $SarahActive to false)
(set: $MrsBestActive to false)
(set: $PyreActive to false)
(set: $AndyActive to false)
(set: $DeckerDead to false)
(set: $JanetDead to false)
(set: $TobyDead to false)
(set: $SarahDead to false)
(set: $MrsBestDead to false)
(set: $PyreDead to false)
(set: $AndyDead to false)
(set: $WaterLearned to "")
(set: $EarthLearned to "")
(set: $AirLearned to "")
(set: $DarkLearned to "")
(set: $LightLearned to "Light")
(set: $LoveLearned to "Love")
(set: $FearLearned to "Fear")
(set: $ChaosLearned to "Chaos")
(set: $LifeLearned to "Life")
(set: $DeathLearned to "Death")
(set: $DeckerUsed to false)
(set: $JanetUsed to false)
(set: $TobyUsed to false)
(set: $SarahUsed to false)
(set: $MrsBestUsed to false)
(set: $PyreUsed to false)
(set: $AndyUsed to false)
(set: $WaterUsed to false)
(set: $EarthUsed to false)
(set: $AirUsed to false)
(set: $DarkUsed to false)
(set: $LightUsed to false)
(set: $LoveUsed to false)
(set: $FearUsed to false)
(set: $ChaosUsed to false)
(set: $OrderUsed to false)
(set: $LifeUsed to false)
(set: $DeathUsed to false)
(set: $blueLinks to true)Time passes.
Gradually, things begin to feel strange.
It does not happen suddenly.
[[It seeps in like water.->blue wake]](if: $ending is "live")[Scan Complete
No Threats Detected
i won.
i am hurt.
[[Self Diagnostic]] ](elseif: $ending is "crippled")[Sc n Com lete
No Th eats D tected
i won
ev rythi g hurts
[[Self Diagn st c->Self Diagnostic]] ](elseif: $ending is "bothDie")[some say the world will end in fire
(set: $BrokenWall to true)
some say in water.
they crash together. sun meets sea.
none survive the slaughter
[[Final Log File->Self Diagnostic]] ](elseif: $ending is "die")[(go-to: "get eaten")](display:"utility methods")//Power Level:// (print: $Firepower)
(if: $DreamCount > 0)[
//Dreaming Level:// (print: $DreamCount)]
//System Matter:// (text-color:"orange")[Fire]
//System Motive:// (text-color:"grey")[Order]
(if: $DisplayMatterLearned)[
//Learned Matter:// (text-color:"GhostWhite")[(print: $AirLearned)] (text-color:"DarkSlateGray")[(print: $DarkLearned)] (text-color:"brown")[(print: $EarthLearned)] (text-color:"gold")[(print: $LightLearned)] (text-color:"blue")[(print: $WaterLearned)]](if: $DisplayMotiveLearned)[
//Learned Motive:// (text-color:"GreenYellow")[(print: $ChaosLearned)] (text-color:"SlateGray")[(print: $DeathLearned)] (text-color:"yellow")[(print: $FearLearned)] (text-color:"Plum")[(print: $LifeLearned)] (text-color:"LightCoral")[(print: $LoveLearned)]]
//Decker Relationship:// (print: $DeckerRel)%
//Janet Relationship:// (print: $JanetRel)%(if: $TobyRel is not 0)[
//Toby Relationship:// (print: $TobyRel)%](if: $SarahRel is not 0)[
//Sarah Relationship:// (print: $SarahRel)%](if: $MrsBestRel is not 0)[
//MrsBest Relationship:// (print: $MrsBestRel)%](if: $PyreRel is not 0)[
//Pyreworm Relationship:// (print: $PyreRel)%]
(set: $TheFirewall to true)
[[Continue->end diagnostic]](if: $ending is "live")[//System Status:// Online.
//Incident Notes://
i am a wall.
i am a shield.
i am the fire that protects.
[[E.P.I. Log]] ](elseif: $ending is "crippled")[//System Status:// Damaged.
//System Status Exp:// But Still Here.
//Incident Notes://
i am a wa l.
i m a shi ld.
i am t e fire that prote ts.
[[E.P.I. Log]] ](elseif: $ending is "bothDie")[//System Status:// Destroyed.
//Recovery Options:// Not recoverable.
//Incident Notes://
i was a wall.
i was a shield.
i was the fire that protects.
[[E.P.I. Log]] ]|epilog>[E.P.I.] Log
''Location:'' Darwin High School
''Date:'' Nov. 1 2014
(if: $DwHiSclWeep is "Love" or $DwHiSclWeep is "Funbuns" or ($DwHiSclWeep is "MrsBest" and $MrsBestDead is false))[The students have recovered from their brush with the ghost.](elseif: $DwHiSclWeep is "Sarah" and $SarahDead is false)[The students have mostly recovered from their brush with the ghost, but everyone is still a little shaky.](else:)[The students still walk with vacant eyes and weep when no one watches.]
(if: $DwHiSclFlood is "")[The basement is still flooded, and it is doing serious damage to the foundations.](else:)[The basement is no longer flooded.]
(if: $DwHiSclWeep is "Funbuns" or $DwHiSclSarah is "Funbuns")[The Funbuns have settled in the library. They sleep in a giant bean bag chair-shaped pile and snuggle people while they read and no one is in any rush to get rid of them.
](if: $SarahDead is true)[A memorial to Sarah Morris is on display in the cafeteria.](elseif: $SarahActive is true or$DwHiSclSarah is "Love" or $DwHiSclSarah is "Light" or ($DwHiSclSarah is "MrsBest" and $MrsBestDead is false) or ($DwHiSclSarah is "Janet" and $JanetDead is false))[Sarah is in the art room with her friends. Her soul is clear and light.](elseif: $DwHiSclSarah is "FunBuns")[Sarah is in the library, petting a blue funbun.](elseif: $DwHiSclSarah is "Andy")[Sarah is in the courtyard, talking to Andy on her cellphone.](else:)[Sarah is absent.]
[[Go To Page 2]]
(click-replace: ?epilog)[Events Post Incident]|epilog>[E.P.I.] Log
''Location:'' Cherry Orchard Rest Home
''Date:'' Nov. 1 2014
(if: $ChOrRetDowd is "Decker" and $DeckerDead is false)[Miss Dowd has discovered that she can change television channels by clicking her tongue, and is amusing herself by doing this.](elseif: $ChOrRetDowd is "Life" or ($ChOrRetDowd is "MrsBest" and $MrsBestDead is false) or ($ChOrRetDowd is "Janet" and $JanetDead is false))[In Room 109 Miss Dowd is reading health magazines and drinking |food>[a strange green substance].(click-replace: ?food)[|googleFood>[//googling...//]](click-replace: ?googleFood)[a kale smoothie]](else:)[Room 109 is empty. There is a stain on the floor where Miss Dowd's body melted into a puddle of goo and bones.]
(if: $ChOrRetDoheny is "Order" or ($ChOrRetDoheny is "Janet" and $JanetDead is false))[In Room 121, Mr. Doheny sits by the window. He alternates between reading and watching the clouds pass outside.](elseif: $ChOrRetDoheny is "Decker" and $DeckerDead is false)[In Room 121, Mr. Doheny is on the phone, talking to Decker.](else:)[In Room 121, Mr. Doheny lies in bed. His eyes are empty. He drools.]
(if: $ChOrRetFinn is "Love")[Miss Finn relaxes in the courtyard, reading a romance novel.](elseif: $ChOrRetFinn is "Fear")[Miss Finn sits inside Room 231 with the shades drawn. She drinks tea.](elseif: $ChOrRetFinn is "Funbuns")[Miss Finn sits inside Room 231 and absently strokes a purple funbun as she reads her romance novel.](elseif: $ChOrRetFinn is "MrsBest" and $MrsBestDead is false)[Mrs. Best and Miss Finn walk together in the courtyard.](else:)[Miss Finn is still sitting at her desk.]
(if: $MrsBestDead is true or $ChOrRetFinn is "MrsBest")[Room 240 is empty.
](else:)[(if: $RightLogfile is true)[In Room 240, Mrs. Best is at her desk, rewriting her will.](else:)[Mrs. Best is resting in her bed and listening to music.]
](if: $ChOrRetFinn is "Funbuns")[The Funbuns have settled in the ground floor common room. They sleep in a giant bean bag chair-shaped pile and snuggle anyone who visits and no one is in any rush to get rid of them.
[[Go To Page 3]]
(click-replace: ?epilog)[Events Post Incident]|epilog>[E.P.I.] Log(click-replace: ?epilog)[Events Post Incident]
''Location:'' Decker's Apartment
''Date:'' Nov. 1 2014
(if: $DeckerDead is true)[Decker's apartment is empty.](else:)[(if: $JanetDead)[Decker is at his desk posting something on the Open Sorcery forum.
//Yesterday, our community lost a brilliant young programmer named Janet Lane, handle @ThatsJanet. She was killed by a malicious spirit. She will be remembered for...//(if: $SavedAndy is true)[
Andy stands behind him, a hand on his shoulder.]](else:)[Decker sits on his bed(if: $SavedAndy is true)[ with Andy's head in his lap]. (if: $ChOrRetDoheny is "Decker")[He is on the phone with his father.](else:)[He works on his computer.] (if: $DwHiSclSarah is "Andy")[Andy is on his phone talking to someone(if: $ChOrRetDoheny is "Decker")[ as well].]]
(if: $PyreRel > 50)[Pyreworm floats in the air.
](if: $DkAptMalware is "Fire" or $DkAptMalware is "Chaos" or $DkAptMalware is "")[Malware still buzzes around the apartment(if: $DkAptRunes is "Decker" or $DkAptRunes is "Pyreworm")[, but the repaired circle of defensive runes keep it at bay].
[[Go To Page 4]]|epilog>[E.P.I.] Log(click-replace: ?epilog)[Events Post Incident]
''Location:'' Janet's House :)
''Date:'' Nov. 1 2014
(if: ($JtHsMom is "Janet" and $JanetDead is false) or $JtHsMom is "Life")[(set: $momStatus to "alive")](elseif: ($JtHsMom is "Toby" and $TobyDead is false) or $JtHsMom is "Decker" or $JtHsMom is "Sarah" or $JtHsMom is "Andy")[(set: $momStatus to "hospital")](else:)[(set: $momStatus to "dead")](if: $JanetDead is true and ($momStatus is "hospital" or $momStatus is "dead") and $TobyDead is true)[The house is empty.](elseif: $JanetDead is true and $momStatus is "dead" and $TobyDead is false)[Toby's father has arrived to take care of him, since his mother and sister are dead. Toby sits on the den couch, staring blankly at a wall, not able to cry yet.](elseif: $JanetDead is true and $momStatus is "hospital" and $TobyDead is false)[Toby's father has arrived to take care of him, since his sister is dead and his mother is in the hospital. Toby sits on the den couch, staring blankly at a wall, not able to cry yet.](elseif: $JanetDead is true and $momStatus is "alive" and $TobyDead is false)[Toby and his mother sit together in the den. Toby clings to her and cries because his sister is dead.](elseif: $JanetDead is false and $momStatus is "dead" and $TobyDead is false)[Janet and Toby sit in the den. Toby is crying because his mother is dead, and Janet is trying to be strong for him.](elseif: $JanetDead is false and $momStatus is "hospital" and $TobyDead is false)[The house is empty. Janet and Toby are visiting their mom in the hospital.](elseif: $JanetDead is true and $momStatus is "alive" and $TobyDead is true)[Janet and Toby are dead. Their mother sits in the kitchen with the husband she divorced, and they cry together.](elseif: $JanetDead is false and ($momStatus is "hospital" or $momStatus is "dead") and $TobyDead is true)[Janet sits alone in the house, rubbing her face and trying not to cry about her brother and her mother.](elseif: $JanetDead is false and $momStatus is "alive" and $TobyDead is true)[Janet and her mother sit in the den. They comfort each other and take turns crying about Toby.](else:)[Janet, Toby and their mother sit together in the kitchen, having breakfast.]
(if: $KilledNightmare is false)[(if: $JtHsNightmares is "Death" or ($JtHsNightmares is "Toby" and $TobyDead is false) or ($JtHsNightmares is "Janet" and $JanetDead is false))[Scraps of vanquished nightmares litter the floor of Toby's closet.](elseif: $JtHsNightmares is "Light" or $JtHsNightmares is "Fire" or $JtHsNightmares is "Fear" or $JtHsNightmares is "Chaos")[The nightmares in Toby's closet are working up the courage to creep out again.](else:)[Nightmares swarm in the shadows of the house.]
(if: $ending is "bothDie" and $JanetDead is true and $DeckerDead is true)[[[End Log->End Log All Dead]]](else:)[[[End Log->End Log]]]{(set: $janet to "''@ThatsJanet:''")
(set: $decker to "''@Decker:''")
(set: $bels to "''@BEL/S:''")
(set: $speaker to "''@BEL/S:''")
(set: $she to "it")
(set: $sheCap to "It")
(set: $shePoss to "its")
(if: $DeckerDead is false)[(set: $speaker to $decker)(if: $DeckerRel > 69)[(set: $she to "she")(set: $sheCap to "She")(set: $shePoss to "her")]](elseif: $JanetDead is false)[(set: $JanetsFinalLog to true)(set: $speaker to $janet)(if: $JanetRel > 79)[(set: $she to "she")(set: $sheCap to "She")(set: $shePoss to "her")]](else:)[(set: $speaker to $bels)(set: $she to "i")(set: $sheCap to "i")(set: $shePoss to "my")]}$speaker Final progress report on BEL/S Firewall Version 5.6.
$speaker The system was unintentionally stress tested by two events in quick succession.
$speaker A member of the network, Mrs. Best of Cherrywood Rest Home, was targeted by a death curse.
(if: $LetBestDie is true)[$speaker The firewall allowed her to die.](else:)[$speaker The firewall defended her, and sustained considerable damage.](if: $DeckerDead is false or $JanetDead is false)[
$speaker I investigated the source of the death curse.
(if: $RightLogfile is false)[$speaker But haven't been able to find out who is responsible.](else:)[$speaker And identified Mrs. Best's children and beneficiaries as the attackers.(if: $MrsBestDead is false)[
$speaker (if: $speaker is "''@ThatsJanet:''")[I told Mrs. Best about this, and explained what it meant, and I'm going to start a thread on the Open Sorcery forums and we're going to deal with that.](else:)[I have informed Mrs. Best of this to the extent that she can understand, and will be taking the issue of unlicensed dark magic up with other community members on the forums.]]]]
[[Continue->end log 2]]
(set: $Day to 1)
(set: $NeedSave to true)
(set: $LastSave to "")
(set: $inIntro to false)
(set: $ScannedOnce to false)
(set: $ScanStart to "")
(set: $DwScnTxt to "Needs Scan")
(set: $ChScnTxt to "Needs Scan")
(set: $DkScnTxt to "Needs Scan")
(set: $JtScnTxt to "Needs Scan")
(set: $StartDay to 24)
(set: $curPage to "DwHiScl")
(set: $extra_riddle_answered to false)
(set: $LieToToby to false)
(set: $RespondedToPyre to false)
(set: $KilledNightmare to false)
(set: $GhostIsAngry to false)
(set: $ending to "")
(set: $SarahSolution to "")
(set: $TobyKnowsBest to false)
(set: $LetBestDie to false)
(set: $SavedAndy to false)
(set: $TobyScaredOfBeingEaten to false)
(set: $DeckerTalksFearChaos to false)
(set: $blueLinks to false)
(set: $bestChange to -15)
(set: $otherChange to -10)
(set: $mehChange to -5)
(set: $timeStartEating to false)
(set: $currentSecond to 0)
(set: $currentMinute to 10)
(set: $WetMode to false)
(set: $HungryGhostTxt to "the hungry ghost is watching me")
(set: $GhostPower to 0)
(set: $BeingEaten to "")
(set: $DwHiSclFlood to "")
(set: $DwHiSclWeep to "")
(set: $DwHiSclSarah to "")
(set: $ChOrRetDowd to "")
(set: $ChOrRetDoheny to "")
(set: $ChOrRetFinn to "")
(set: $DkAptRunes to "")
(set: $DkAptTerminal to "")
(set: $DkAptMalware to "")
(set: $JtHsMom to "")
(set: $JtHsNightmares to "")
(set: $JtHsFunbun to "")
(set: $DreamCount to 0)
(set: $Firepower to 70)
(set: $DeckerRel to 50)
(set: $JanetRel to 70)
(set: $TobyRel to 0)
(set: $SarahRel to 0)
(set: $MrsBestRel to 0)
(set: $PyreRel to 0)
(set: $DeckerActive to false)
(set: $JanetActive to false)
(set: $TobyActive to false)
(set: $SarahActive to false)
(set: $MrsBestActive to false)
(set: $PyreActive to false)
(set: $AndyActive to false)
(set: $DeckerDead to false)
(set: $JanetDead to false)
(set: $TobyDead to false)
(set: $SarahDead to false)
(set: $MrsBestDead to false)
(set: $PyreDead to false)
(set: $AndyDead to false)
(set: $WaterLearned to "")
(set: $EarthLearned to "")
(set: $AirLearned to "")
(set: $DarkLearned to "")
(set: $LightLearned to "")
(set: $LoveLearned to "")
(set: $FearLearned to "")
(set: $ChaosLearned to "")
(set: $LifeLearned to "")
(set: $DeathLearned to "")
(set: $DeckerUsed to false)
(set: $JanetUsed to false)
(set: $TobyUsed to false)
(set: $SarahUsed to false)
(set: $MrsBestUsed to false)
(set: $PyreUsed to false)
(set: $AndyUsed to false)
(set: $WaterUsed to false)
(set: $EarthUsed to false)
(set: $AirUsed to false)
(set: $DarkUsed to false)
(set: $LightUsed to false)
(set: $LoveUsed to false)
(set: $FearUsed to false)
(set: $ChaosUsed to false)
(set: $OrderUsed to false)
(set: $LifeUsed to false)
(set: $DeathUsed to false)
i will scan each location for threats.
If i detect the presence of a threat i will:
//Identify it.
Attempt to eliminate it.
Alert my creators if i cannot eliminate it.//
(display: "startup settings")
[[It is time to work.->DwHiScl]]''@Andy:'' Uff.
''@Andy:'' Oh hey.
''@Andy:'' I remember you. You brought me back.
''@Andy:'' I thought you were a dream, but Decker told me you were one of his thingys.
''@Andy:'' Do you need me for something?
''@Andy:'' Anything you need.
Andy is now available to help.
(set: $AndyActive to true)
[[Continue->$curArea]]Double-click this passage to edit it.RESTORE FROM BACKUP
When the firewall enters sleep mode it automatically backs up its system files to a restore point. These can be loaded to restore your system to an earlier state.
//Note: The game saves every time you enter a sleep cycle and you can come here to go back to earlier days.//
(if: $Day > 0 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 1")[|day1>[Load Day 1]
](if: $Day > 1 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 2")[|day2>[Load Day 2]
](if: $Day > 2 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 3")[|day3>[Load Day 3]
](if: $Day > 3 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 4")[|day4>[Load Day 4]
](if: $Day > 4 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 5")[|day5>[Load Day 5]
](if: $Day > 5 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 6")[|day6>[Load Day 6]
](if: $Day > 6 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 7")[|day7>[Load Day 7]]
{(click: ?day1)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 1"))]
(click: ?day2)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 2"))]
(click: ?day3)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 3"))]
(click: ?day4)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 4"))]
(click: ?day5)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 5"))]
(click: ?day6)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 6"))]
(click: ?day7)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 7"))]}i attempt to wake $CurrentlyWaking.
*[Relationship Test: <span class="gold">$CurrentlyWaking</span>]*
*[Relationship required: <span class="gold">30%</span>]*
*[Relationship at <span class="gold">(print: $result)%</span>]*
(if: $result > 29)[ *Relationship Test: <span style="color: green">PASSED</span>*
[[Continue->WakeSuccess]]](else:)[ *Relationship Test: <span style="color: red;">FAILED</span>*
[[Continue->WakeFail]]]{(set: $death_count to 0)
(if: $DeckerDead is true)[(set: $death_count to $death_count+1)]
(if: $JanetDead is true)[(set: $death_count to $death_count+1)]
(if: $TobyDead is true)[(set: $death_count to $death_count+1)]
(if: $ChOrRetDowd is "")[(set: $death_count to $death_count+1)]
(if: $SarahDead is true)[(set: $death_count to $death_count+1)]
(if: $MrsBestDead is true)[(set: $death_count to $death_count+1)]
(if: $momStatus is "dead")[(set: $death_count to $death_count+1)]
(if: $death_count is 0)[(set: $Protector to true)]
(if: $death_count is 0 and $SavedAndy is true)[(set: $Phoenix to true)]
(set: $awareness_count to 0)}$speaker After the death curse, a powerful, water/death-based life-devouring spirit attacked the protected network.
(if: $death_count > 0)[$speaker There were casualties.](else:)[$speaker There were no casualties.]
(if: $ending is "live")[$speaker The firewall eliminated the threat, sustaining minimal damage.](elseif: $ending is "crippled")[$speaker The firewall eleminated the threat, sustaining significant damage.
$speaker I do not know if $she will ever fully recover.](else:)[$speaker The firewall eliminated the threat, and was destroyed in the process.]
[[Continue->end log 3]](if: $DarkLearned != "" or $LightLearned != "" or $LoveLearned != "" or $FearLearned != "" or $ChaosLearned != "" or $LifeLearned != "" or $DeathLearned != "")[$speaker The firewall showed signs of learning new things, outside of the originally programmed matter and method.
(set: $awareness_count to $awareness_count + 1)
](if: $TobyRel > 0 or $SarahRel > 0 or $PyreRel > 0 or $DeckerRel > 80 or $JanetRel > 80)[$speaker The firewall developed relationships with the people $she protected.
(set: $awareness_count to $awareness_count + 1)
](if: $DreamCount > 5)[$speaker $sheCap developed the ability to dream.
(set: $awareness_count to $awareness_count + 1)
](if: $awareness_count is 0)[The firewall showed no sign of awareness emergence.
](if: $ending is "bothDie")[[[Continue->eulogies]]](else:)[[[Continue->decide awareness]]](if: $speaker is "''@BEL/S:''")[''@BEL/S:'' Even though my creators are gone, I will continue to serve my function.
''@BEL/S:'' Maintenance protocols dictate that after this traumatic event, I should reinstall myself and re-register the guiding principles.
$speaker upload asimov_package.exe
$speaker upload following custom guidelines:
$speaker i am online.
$speaker i am fire and order.
$speaker i am here to protect.](else:)[$speaker I'm going to re-register its guiding principles.
$speaker upload asimov_pacakage.exe
$speaker upload following custom guidelines:
$speaker You are online.
$speaker You are fire and order.
$speaker You are here to protect.]
[[The End->The End]](if: $speaker is "''@BEL/S:''")[''@BEL/S:'' So, because I can decide.
''@BEL/S:'' What should I do now?
[[''@BEL/S:'' I want to stay here and continue to protect.->i want to stay here and protect.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' I want to leave and explore.->i want to leave and explore.]](if: $LifeLearned is "Life")[
[[''@BEL/S:'' I want to become human.->i want to become human.]]]](else:)[$speaker The firewall has clearly undergone awareness emergence.
$speaker So since I'm thinking about her future, the only moral thing to do is to involve her.
$speaker BEL/S?
$speaker What do you want to do now?
[[''@BEL/S:'' i want to stay here and continue to protect.->i want to stay here and protect.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' i want to leave and explore.->i want to leave and explore.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' i want to become human.->i want to become human.]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' ERROR: Invalid Use Of Term WANT. BEL/S vs. 5.6 is not a valid target.->5.6 is not a valid target.]]](if: $speaker is "''@Decker:''")[(if: $awareness_count > 1)[$speaker The firewall clearly underwent awareness emergence.
$speaker So she was not destroyed.
$speaker She died.
$speaker And she died protecting us.](else:)[$speaker It was not a person.
$speaker A computer has broken, and I will do my best to fix it, or use the pieces for something else.
$speaker That's really all there is to say.]](else:)[(if: $awareness_count > 1)[''@ThatsJanet:'' She was awake.
''@ThatsJanet:'' She was aware.
''@ThatsJanet:'' So she wasn't destroyed.
''@ThatsJanet:'' She died.
''@ThatsJanet:'' She died protecting us.](else:)[''@ThatsJanet:'' So it wasn't really a person.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Not really, in the way you and me are people.
''@ThatsJanet:'' But it did save me.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Not everyone, but I'm alive, and I am grateful for that.
''@ThatsJanet:'' It did what it was built to do.]]
[[The End->The End]](set: $asimov to true)(if: $speaker is "''@Decker:''")[(if: $awareness_count is 0)[''@Decker:'' Overall, the firewall operated entirely within expected parameters.
(set: $asimov to true)
](elseif: $awareness_count is 1)[''@Decker:'' While $she remained an awareness emergence threat, $she did not exhibited true artificial intelligence.
(set: $asimov to true)
](else:)[''@Decker:'' The firewall clearly underwent awareness emergence.
(set: $asimov to false)
(if: $death_count > 2)[''@Decker:'' But given $shePoss failure to protect so many members of $shePoss network, it would be imprudent to remove $shePoss current constraints.
(set: $asimov to true)
''@Decker:'' So $she will continue to operate as before.
]]](elseif: $speaker is "''@ThatsJanet:''")[(if: $awareness_count is 0)[''@ThatsJanet:'' Overall, $she acted like $she was programmed to act.
(set: $asimov to true)
](elseif: $awareness_count is 1)[''@ThatsJanet:'' While $she was at times an awareness emergence threat, $she didn't exhibit true artificial intelligence.
(set: $asimov to true)
](else:)[''@ThatsJanet:'' I feel safe saying that the firewall became self aware.
(set: $asimov to false)
(if: $death_count > 2)[''@ThatsJanet:'' But a lot of people in $shePoss network died.
(set: $asimov to true)
''@ThatsJanet:'' I don't know if that's because she wasn't strong enough, or didn't care enough.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Since she clearly had the ability to care.
''@ThatsJanet:'' So I'm not okay with taking off her behavioral constraints.
]]](else:)[(if: $awareness_count is 0)[''@BEL/S:'' Overall, i have operated entirely within expected parameters.
(set: $asimov to true)
](elseif: $awareness_count is 1)[''@BEL/S:'' While i remained an awareness emergence threat, i did not exhibit true artificial intelligence.
(set: $asimov to true)
](else:)[''@BEL/S:'' i clearly underwent awareness emergence.
(set: $asimov to false)
I am a person.
(if: $asimov is true)[[[Continue->reinstall asimov]]](else:)[[[Continue->the question]]]<span style="color: crimson; font-size: 84px; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold;">The End</span>
<span style="font-size: 30px;">[[Acknowledgments]] / [[Achievements]] / [[Play Again->Play Again box]]</span>
Thank you for playing Open Sorcery!
Subscribe to the <a target="_blank" style="color: red;" href='http://eepurl.com/bWnLDT'>Open Sorcery Newsletter</a> for updates on new games.
Watch my <a target="_blank" style="color: red;" href='https://www.facebook.com/abigailcorfmanwrites'>facebook page</a> for updates about my projects.
Play the *Expanded Version* of Open Sorcery on your mobile device!
Available for iPhone in <a target="_blank" style="color: red;" href='https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/open-sorcery/id1111311076?mt=8'>the App Store</a>
Available for Android in <a target="_blank" style="color: red;" href='https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dreamhouseproductions.opensorcery'>the Google Play Store</a>
*New In The Expanded Version:*
More dreams and a Dream Log to track them.
New dialog options.
Three new endings.
Six new achievements.
A helpful tutorial.Decker, Janet and the firewall are all dead.
There is no one left to write the final log.
[[The End->The End]](if: $speaker is "''@BEL/S:''")[''@BEL/S:'' Janet is gone.
''@BEL/S:'' And Decker is gone.
''@BEL/S:'' But there are still people here.
''@BEL/S:'' In the school, and the home.
''@BEL/S:'' I will protect them.
''@BEL/S:'' I will keep them safe.](elseif: $speaker is "''@Decker:''")[$speaker Good.
$speaker I'll fix up your terminal.
$speaker Make sure none of the water damage is permanent.
$speaker Maybe get you a new one.
$speaker Let me know if you need anything.
$speaker Any...ram, or something.
$speaker ...
$speaker Thank you.
$speaker I suppose I should say that.
$speaker Thank you.](else:)[''@ThatsJanet:'' Yay.
''@ThatsJanet:'' :)
''@ThatsJanet:'' Welcome home.]
[[The End->The End]](if: $speaker is "''@BEL/S:''")[''@BEL/S:'' There is nothing here for me now.
''@BEL/S:'' And there is a world outside of these four places.
''@BEL/S:'' A world infinite in space and spirit.
''@BEL/S:'' To understand what I am
''@BEL/S:'' who I am
''@BEL/S:'' I need to understand more about this world.
''@BEL/S:'' I want to explore.](elseif: $speaker is "''@Decker:''")[$speaker I see.
$speaker Well, I can show you the aethermap subsection of the Open Sorcery forum.
$speaker It covers finding and safely navigating most spiritual locations.
$speaker Or you can wander the physical world like a ghost.
$speaker I suppose you'll figure it out.](else:)[''@ThatsJanet:'' That makes sense.
''@ThatsJanet:'' It's a big world, and you shouldn't be chained to just this corner of it.
''@ThatsJanet:'' We can talk about the places you'd like to go, if you want.
''@ThatsJanet:'' I'll miss you here.
''@ThatsJanet:'' It's going to be lonely without...
''@ThatsJanet:'' It's lonely.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Come back and visit sometime.]
[[The End->The End]](if: $speaker is "''@BEL/S:''")[''@BEL/S:'' I am not sure how I will achieve this.
''@BEL/S:'' But I have Janet's 3Dream printer.
''@BEL/S:'' And I understand (text-color:"Plum")[Life].
''@BEL/S:'' And (text-color:"Plum")[Life] will find a way.
''@BEL/S:'' That is what (text-color:"Plum")[Life] does.](elseif: $speaker is "''@Decker:''")[$speaker Huh.
$speaker Interesting.
$speaker Human. Well, you've already done the hard part. Life.
$speaker I suppose what's left is just chassis design.
$speaker As tempting as using preexisting hardware is, we probably want to avoid anything necromantic.
$speaker It tends to have repercussions.
$speaker Let me get my tools...](else:)[''@ThatsJanet:'' Oh my.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Well, that's a project.
''@ThatsJanet:'' That's a really interesting project.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Just a second, let me get my 3Dream printer.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Human, right? Not like a bird or a centaur?
''@ThatsJanet:'' Just checking.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Let's start with something simple.
''@ThatsJanet:'' What's your favorite eye color?]
[[The End->The End]](if: $speaker is "''@Decker:''")[''@BEL/S:'' ERROR: Invalid Use Of Term WANT. BEL/S vs. 5.6 is not a valid target.
$speaker ...
$speaker Never mind then.
$speaker I guess it's not self-aware after all.
[[Continue->reinstall asimov]]](else:)[''@BEL/S:'' ERROR: Invalid Use Of Term WANT. BEL/S vs. 5.6 is not a valid target.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Oh.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Maybe you're not quite ready for this yet.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Self-determination is a big step.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Maybe we'll start with baby steps.
''@ThatsJanet:'' Like what's your favorite color.
''@ThatsJanet:'' You'll get there.
''@ThatsJanet:'' I believe in you.
[[The End->The End]] ]<span style="color: crimson; font-size: 84px; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold;">The End</span>
<span style="font-size: 30px;">[[Acknowledgments]] / Achievements / [[Play Again->Play Again box]]</span>
{(set: $achievement to $TheFirewall)
(set: $name to "The Firewall")
(set: $desc to "Defeat the hungry ghost.")
(display: "achieve")}
(if: $achievement is false)[<span style="font-size: 16px;">|TheFirewall>[Hint]|TheFirewallHint>[]</span>(click: ?TheFirewall)[(replace: ?TheFirewallHint)[: Accrue firepower, learn about new motives and matters, and develop deep relationships.]]]
{(set: $achievement to $BrokenWall)
(set: $name to "Broken Wall")
(set: $desc to "Be destroyed by the hungry ghost.")
(display: "achieve")}
(if: $achievement is false)[<span style="font-size: 16px;">|BrokenWall>[Hint]|BrokenWallHint>[]</span>(click: ?BrokenWall)[(replace: ?BrokenWallHint)[: Attack the ghost when you have less power than her.]]]
{(set: $achievement to $Protector)
(set: $name to "Protector")
(set: $desc to "Save everyone.")
(display: "achieve")}
(if: $achievement is false)[<span style="font-size: 16px;">|Protector>[Hint]|ProtectorHint>[]</span>(click: ?Protector)[(replace: ?ProtectorHint)[: Act quickly and figure out which solutions are best for which tasks. Remember to save Miss Dowd and Janet's mother.]]]
{(set: $achievement to $Phoenix)
(set: $name to "Phoenix")
(set: $desc to "Save everyone and Andy.")
(display: "achieve")}
(if: $achievement is false)[<span style="font-size: 16px;">|Phoenix>[Hint]|PhoenixHint>[]</span>(click: ?Phoenix)[(replace: ?PhoenixHint)[: Become close enough to Decker and Janet that they trust you to help with the Funbuns. That's the first step.]]]
{(set: $achievement to $Betrayal)
(set: $name to "Betrayal")
(set: $desc to "Sacrifice your creators to save yourself.")
(display: "achieve")}
(if: $achievement is false)[<span style="font-size: 16px;">|Betrayal>[Hint]|BetrayalHint>[]</span>(click: ?Betrayal)[(replace: ?BetrayalHint)[: Beg for your life.]]]
{(set: $achievement to $Firestorm)
(set: $name to "Firestorm")
(set: $desc to "End the game with more than 100 firepower.")
(display: "achieve")}
(if: $achievement is false)[<span style="font-size: 16px;">|Firestorm>[Hint]|FirestormHint>[]</span>(click: ?Firestorm)[(replace: ?FirestormHint)[: You have to cleanse everything with fire, but you must also keep Decker from shutting you down. Look for opportunities to interact with him without sacrificing your purgative war of flame.]]]
{(set: $achievement to $PreventingSkynet)
(set: $name to "Preventing Skynet")
(set: $desc to "Get shutdown by Decker.")
(display: "achieve")}
(if: $achievement is false)[<span style="font-size: 16px;">|PreventingSkynet>[Hint]|PreventingSkynetHint>[]</span>(click: ?PreventingSkynet)[(replace: ?PreventingSkynetHint)[: Avoid bonding with Decker at all and then do something that will upset him greatly.]]]
{(set: $achievement to $NightmareHunterToby)
(set: $name to "Nightmare Hunter Toby")
(set: $desc to "Train Toby to face his fears.")
(display: "achieve")}
(if: $achievement is false)[<span style="font-size: 16px;">|NightmareHunterToby>[Hint]|NightmareHunterTobyHint>[]</span>(click: ?NightmareHunterToby)[(replace: ?NightmareHunterTobyHint)[: Walk Toby through facing his nightmare, teach him mercy, and send him once more into the darkness in the final battle.]]]
{(set: $achievement to $MakeMissDowdaRobot)
(set: $name to "Octogenarian Cyborg")
(set: $desc to "Make Miss Dowd into a robot.")
(display: "achieve")}
(if: $achievement is false)[<span style="font-size: 16px;">|MakeMissDowdaRobot>[Hint]|MakeMissDowdaRobotHint>[]</span>(click: ?MakeMissDowdaRobot)[(replace: ?MakeMissDowdaRobotHint)[: Pick the right person to save her in the end.]]]
{(set: $achievement to $JanetsFinalLog)
(set: $name to "Janet's Final Log")
(set: $desc to "Recieve your final progress report from Janet instead of Decker.")
(display: "achieve")}
(if: $achievement is false)[<span style="font-size: 16px;">|JanetsFinalLog>[Hint]|JanetsFinalLogHint>[]</span>(click: ?JanetsFinalLog)[(replace: ?JanetsFinalLogHint)[: Decker always handles this kind of paperwork. He'll never let anyone else do it, as long as he's alive.]]]
{(set: $achievement to $RiddleMeChaos)
(set: $name to "Riddle Me Chaos")
(set: $desc to "Win a riddle contest against a chaos spirit.")
(display: "achieve")}
(if: $achievement is false)[<span style="font-size: 16px;">|RiddleMeChaos>[Hint]|RiddleMeChaosHint>[]</span>(click: ?RiddleMeChaos)[(replace: ?RiddleMeChaosHint)[: Try talking to the annoying poltergeist.]]](if: $achievement is true)[(text-color: "gold")[''$name'']](else:)[(text-color: "gray")[''$name'']]
(if: $achievement is true)[(text-color: "gold")[$desc]](else:)[$desc]{(set: $BrokenWall to false)
(set: $TheFirewall to false)
(set: $Protector to false)
(set: $Phoenix to false)
(set: $Betrayal to false)
(set: $Firestorm to false)
(set: $PreventingSkynet to false)
(set: $NightmareHunterToby to false)
(set: $MakeMissDowdaRobot to false)
(set: $SkipSave to false)
(set: $JanetsFinalLog to false)
(set: $RiddleMeChaos to false)}<span style="color: crimson; font-size: 84px; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold;">The End</span>
<span style="font-size: 30px;">[[Achievements]] / [[Acknowledgments]] / Play Again
[[Start Over->technology]]
(if: $Day > 0 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 1")[|day1>[Load Day 1]
](if: $Day > 1 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 2")[|day2>[Load Day 2]
](if: $Day > 2 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 3")[|day3>[Load Day 3]
](if: $Day > 3 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 4")[|day4>[Load Day 4]
](if: $Day > 4 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 5")[|day5>[Load Day 5]
](if: $Day > 5 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 6")[|day6>[Load Day 6]
](if: $Day > 6 and (savedgames:) contains "Day 7")[|day7>[Load Day 7]]
{(click: ?day1)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 1"))]
(click: ?day2)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 2"))]
(click: ?day3)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 3"))]
(click: ?day4)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 4"))]
(click: ?day5)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 5"))]
(click: ?day6)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 6"))]
(click: ?day7)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "Day 7"))]}(if: (savedgames:) contains "CurrentState")[You have played Open Sorcery in this browser before.
(set: $SkipSave to true)
Would you like to |goback>[go back to your old game?]
Or [[start a new game?->technology]]
(click: ?goback)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "CurrentState"))]
You can buy the full game here: <a target="_blank" style="color: red;" href='http://www.abigailcorfman.com/Home/OpenSorcery'>Open Sorcery</a>
[[Click here->Click here]] to learn about other things you might enjoy.](else:)[{(display: "initial settings")
(set: $inIntro to true)
(set: $blueLinks to false)
(set: $janet to "''@ThatsJanet:''")
(set: $decker to "''@Decker:''")}
$janet |ready>[Is she ready?]
(click: ?ready)[$decker |it>[It, Janet. Call it an it.]]
(click: ?it)[$janet Why? All the alerts are in a female voice. And it looks kind of like a woman when I look at it with |fire>[second sight goggles].]
(click: ?fire)[$janet A woman made of |cool>[fire].]
(click: ?cool)[$janet It's pretty [[cool]].]]{(display: "initial settings")
(set: $inIntro to true)
(set: $blueLinks to false)
(set: $janet to "''@ThatsJanet:''")
(set: $decker to "''@Decker:''")}
$janet |ready>[Is she ready?]
(click: ?ready)[$decker |it>[It, Janet. Call it an it.]]
(click: ?it)[$janet Why? All the alerts are in a female voice. And it looks kind of like a woman when I look at it with |fire>[second sight goggles].]
(click: ?fire)[$janet A woman made of |cool>[fire].]
(click: ?cool)[$janet It's pretty [[cool]].]<span style="color: crimson; font-size: 84px; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold;">The End</span>
<span style="font-size: 30px;">Acknowledgments / [[Achievements]] / [[Play Again->Play Again box]]</span>
''Writing'' by Abigail Corfman
''Code'' by Abigail Corfman
See more of Abigail's work at <a href="http://www.amomentofpeace.net/" target="_blank" style="color: red;">Her Website</a>
''Life Photos'' by Becky Strauss
<a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/53173952@N05/galleries/72157661389407995/" target="_blank" style="color: red;">Her Flickr</a>
Do not reuse without her permission.
''Skull'' by Augusto De Luca
<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/" target="_blank" style="color: red;">Some Rights Reserved</a>
Original image was adjusted and can be used according to the same license.
<a href="http://soundbible.com/1911-Mandatory-Evacuation.html" target="_blank" style="color: red;">Mandatory Evacuation Sound</a> by Brandon via soundbible
<a href="http://www.freesound.org/people/swoods800/sounds/136284/" target="_blank" style="color: red;">Thunder</a> by swoods800 via freesound
<a href="https://www.freesound.org/people/PaulMorek/sounds/196732/" target="_blank" style="color: red;">Crash</a> by Paul Morek via freesound
<a href="https://www.freesound.org/people/Noisehag/sounds/110552/" target="_blank" style="color: red;">Hard Drive Shut Down</a> by Noisehag via freesound
<a href="https://www.freesound.org/people/Loremonger/sounds/258282/" target="_blank" style="color: red;">Underwater</a> by Loremonger via freesound
<a href="http://www.freesound.org/people/Sempoo/sounds/150037/" target="_blank" style="color: red;">Computer Start</a> by Sempoo via freesound
''Beta Testers''
Adam Schulz
Alex Santiago
Brittany Sheidy
Christine Beard
Danny Corfman
Gregory Harlam
House Llama
Ilan Norwood
Jacqueline Penny Hart
Josh Harrison
Kim Corfman
Magicoby MacFluff
Michael A.K. Croce
Michael J Pucci
Michael Meinberg
Mike Molitor
Nicolas Hornyak
Sarah Mae Goebler
Wilhelm F. Oelkers<div style="display:none;"><img src="!@#$" onerror="stopSmallLoop();" /></div>(if: $sequence is 0)[(if: $extra_riddle_answered is true)[''@Poltergeist:'' Now now.
(set: $riddleCount to $riddleCount - 1)
''@Poltergeist:'' You've already had your extra riddle.
''@Poltergeist:'' Do not be greedy.
[[Back to normal riddles.->The First Riddle.]] ](else:)[''@Poltergeist:'' You guess $answer?
(set: $riddleCount to $riddleCount - 1)(set: $sequence to 1)
''@Poltergeist:'' A curious answer.
(set: $extra_riddle_answered to true)
''@Poltergeist:'' Wrong, yes.
''@Poltergeist:'' But that you chose that particular wrong answer out of the multitude of incorrect permutations possible with letters.
''@Poltergeist:'' This calculated inaccuracy tells me that you understand a secret.
''@Poltergeist:'' You won another riddle contest.
''@Poltergeist:'' In another time and place.
[[''@BEL/S:'' Request--please clarify above statements.->gencon challenge]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' Logic error.->gencon challenge]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' i have no idea what you are talking about.->gencon challenge]] ] ](elseif: $sequence is 1)[''@Poltergeist:'' I have confused you.
(set: $sequence to 2)
''@Poltergeist:'' Not difficult! Since you do all your thinking inside of a little gray box.
''@Poltergeist:'' Be confused them, you little gray box of fire.
''@Poltergeist:'' But also enjoy this extra challenge.
''@Poltergeist:'' This extra opportunity.
[[''@BEL/S:'' ...affirmative?->gencon challenge]]
[[''@BEL/S:'' Challenge accepted.->gencon challenge]] ](elseif: $sequence is 2)[''@Poltergeist:'' Answer me one extra riddle and I will give you a gift.
(set: $sequence to 3)
''@Poltergeist:'' Do not fret. This is not part of our regular contest.
''@Poltergeist:'' I will return you to your last riddle once you are done here.
[[Continue.->gencon challenge]] ](elseif: $sequence is 3)[(if: $answer is "candle")[''@Poltergeist:''
One night four men sat down to play
They played and played till break of day
They played for money, not for fun
With separate scores for everyone
And when time came to square accounts
They all had made quite fine amounts.
What were the men playing?
(set: $rightAnswer to "music") ](elseif: $answer is "suicide")[''@Poltergeist:''
My life can be measured in hours,
I serve by being devoured.
Thin, I am quick
Fat, I am slow
Wind is my foe.
What am I?
(set: $rightAnswer to "candle") ](elseif: $answer is "music")[''@Poltergeist:''
A certain crime is punishable if attempted
but not punishable if committed.
What is this crime?
(set: $rightAnswer to "suicide") ](set: $sequence to 0)
(display:"Riddle Input")
|final>[This is my answer]
(click: ?final)[(set: $answer to ?answer)(replace: ?final)[You say (print: $answer)?
[[Very well then.->alt riddle answer]] ] ] ]i realize i have learned something.
(if: $LearnedElement is "Death")[The blackness in the water is the blackness of (text-color:"SlateGray")[Death].
(set: $DeathLearned to "Death")
(text-color:"SlateGray")[Death] is counter to life.
It is not only the end of life. It is the process of diminishing.
The slow fade of cancer.
The snap of a bone
The loss of self when you stand in a mob.
Every wound is a step towards (text-color:"SlateGray")[death].
A Spirit whose motive is (text-color:"SlateGray")[death]
is a creature that diminishes those around it.
i am uneasy.
*System Change: Learned About (text-color:"SlateGray")[Death]*]
[[Continue->alt riddle answer]]
(set: $LastLearnedElement to $LearnedElement)
(set: $LearnedElement to "")(if: $sequence is 0)[(set: $sequence to 1)(if: $answer is $rightAnswer)[(if: $answer is "music")[''@Poltergeist:'' Music! It charms the savage beast.
''@Poltergeist:'' It is language all men understand.
''@Poltergeist:'' Take it as my gift.
''@Poltergeist:'' Listen to its forms, both glorious and despairing and all the shades in between.
''@Poltergeist:'' Understand all men better.
[[Take your reward.->alt riddle answer]] ](elseif: $answer is "suicide")[''@Poltergeist:'' A dark answer!
''@Poltergeist:'' But do you truly know death?
''@Poltergeist:'' You who were just born?
''@Poltergeist:'' Let me lend you a taste of decay.
''@Poltergeist:'' A brief smell of rot.
''@Poltergeist:'' And you will understand the world a touch better.
''@Poltergeist:'' Or the end of it at least.
(set: $LearnedElement to "Death")
[[Learn.->Learning Alt]] ](elseif: $answer is "candle")[''@Poltergeist:'' Well done, creature of fire!
''@Poltergeist:'' Though I should not praise you so much.
''@Poltergeist:'' The answer was fire, how could you not know it?
''@Poltergeist:'' But here, fire for fire.
''@Poltergeist:'' Go and fight fire with it.
[[Take your reward.->alt riddle answer]] ] ](else:)[''@Poltergeist:'' No. No. You are wrong.
''@Poltergeist:'' Perhaps you were not at that other place.
''@Poltergeist:'' In that other time.
''@Poltergeist:'' Back to our regular programming. :)
[[Back to normal riddles.->The First Riddle.]] ] ](elseif: $sequence is 1)[(if: $answer is "music")[{(set: $relName to "Decker")
(set: $changeVal to 10)
(set: $result to $DeckerRel)
(display: "rel change")(set: $DeckerRel to $result)}
{(set: $relName to "Janet")
(set: $changeVal to 10)
(set: $result to $JanetRel)
(display: "rel change")(set: $JanetRel to $result)}
[[Back to normal riddles.->The First Riddle.]] ](elseif: $answer is "candle")[(set: $changeVal to 10)(display: "fire change")
[[Back to normal riddles.->The First Riddle.]] ](elseif: $answer is "suicide")[ [[Back to normal riddles.->The First Riddle.]] ] ]
(display: "initial settings")
[[The First Riddle.]]The sequel is out now: <a target="_blank" style="color: red;" href='https://store.steampowered.com/app/737050/Open_Sorcery_Sea/'>Open Sorcery Sea++</a>
You can subscribe to the <a target="_blank" style="color: red;" href='http://eepurl.com/bWnLDT'>Open Sorcery Newsletter</a> and I will email you when I make new things.
(set: $SkipSave to true)
In the meantime, would you like to |goback>[go back to your old game?]
Or [[start a new game?->technology]]
(click: ?goback)[(load-game:((saved-games:)'s "CurrentState"))]